FalconPain's Post
Pokémon Shuffle Community

Why did I use Miiverse? (includes shoutouts)
A few months ago, I told a group of my friends that Miiverse was officially going to be discontinued. The general response seemed to be "I heard about that. That's...
A comedian who lacks a sense of humor.
A singer whose vocal talent atrophied.
An artist who never...
A comedian who lacks a sense of humor.
A singer whose vocal talent atrophied.
An artist who never learned to draw.
A writer who cannot write well.
A competitive gamer who dislikes being competitive.
A Pokémon fan who doesn't play Pokémon games.
A Castlevania fan who hates horror.
A troper who resents dramatic clichés.
A villain-supporter who hates villainy.
A mathematician who doesn't add up.