Users AdamTF Is Following
Milky-chan Bates20
▼ So much succ ▼ Ran out of posts, I love you guy Please remember me as a sad husk of a female
Cheese CheeseCakeU
Profile comment hidden by admin. Farewell, Mr. Iwata...'ll always be my hero.
Sloopoo sloopoo
discord sloopoo#6555 closedverse sloopoo GOODBYE YALL Interested to see what nintendo sends me when i get my post history
Milo supermilobro
Oh man, I can't believe the end of Miiverse is already here. We've had a good run and its been great getting to meet you all. I hope to see you all again soon. Thank you all for the support and may God bless you!:)
Nin10do XD Silverblade02
Hi, I'm Silverblade02 (Nin10do) I love playing videogames, and I enjoy making drawings here and there. If you know me, I sometimes make RANDOM posts on Miiverse... anyways videogames are absolutely AWESOME, and playing them is a BLAST! Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is shaping up to be my favourite game on the console, have fun gaming my friends! :P
アオリフレンズ pokesuke1
ど~も~おしゃべり大好きクソ野郎ことアオリフレンズです~~!!! 名前、言えない 年齢13歳です ミーバース終わんないでよ~~~~うわぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁん 今なぜかくまになりたいです!!! 基本フォローかえすze!!!
Google Google
I'm feeling lucky
and zombiehunter99
join zhangwei9508
Closed ClosedWindow
Sup Just dabben lika boss you should too its AWESOME
verse visual_godz
aka yuripepe
大好きな漫画(アニメ)→家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN!、エルドライブ、ぬら孫、おそ松さん(くん)、銀魂、黒バス、夏目、ヘタリア……他多々…(ありすぎる) 好きなゲーム実況者→レトルトs、最俺、コジマ店長s、猫マグロs…他 大好きな曲→(リボーン夏目関係)ハロ/ハワユ、Calc.、さよならだけが人生だ、空奏列車、メリュー、ハニワ曲ほとんど…、ニコニコラボ(全て)、ウミユリ、アスノヨゾラ、No.Logic……他多々 好きな歌い手→COF、まふまふs、灯油s、りぶs、うらたぬきs、あほの坂田s、鎖那s、柊 優花s、… コメント-------------------- akaです。仲良くしてくれたら嬉しいです。仲良くなれた方や、気が合ったりした方は必ずフォローします!(フォロー返してくれると嬉しいな…) ------------------------ 2016 7月30日更新
the ytheud
new zacharyl09
miiverse vielzuviel2002
Shaved... RamPR16
Beardlina no more. The end of an era. You guys are all amazing. Thank for the wonderful memories I've made here on this site. I wish you all the best in life. ;) P.S.: Find me and my art on the Instant Graham!
Dat Shyguy Wonderturtle
I am a guy who likes games, not much too it. The posts in here are just random things my brain thought were funny, let's just hope they are! ---------------------------------------------------
★ρστατσ☆ Tara1123
So....Miiverse is ending...I can't believe it either I know...but I've been here ever since it first started and now to the end...I've met really amazing people and my goal hasn't been reached like my friends have...but since its ending I'll try and post some of my art before it goes but thank you to everyone who I've met It's been great <3 I love you all and thank you for being here with me ;7;
★Кαиdγ★ Kkandy105
Hoi!! U may call me Kandy. Thingz about me☆: I love anime(my fav is Yuri on Ice) Im a geek I love floof My favorite gamez are Pokémon, Legend of Zelda, and Fire Emblem I love drawing<3 Im left-handed i have dyslexia #ProtectLinkSquad i wouldnt be found after mv ends...I havent joined Mv as soon as i wouldve liked but nothing could explain how greatful i am for all the kindness and support!tysm
UT!Papyrus UndertaleFan21
How am I still getting followers when I barely post? Is it because I'm (technically) Papyrus? Oh, and I'm not following back. Take a guess on why that is. Oh, and thanks for 600+ followers. #TeamUndertaleeventhoughi'mnotsureifit'sstillrelevantbutwhatever
Finn® AWstudios
It seems today that all you see is nothing on Miiverse But where are all of those good old fashioned memes on which we used to rely? Lucky there's Funny Moments Lucky there's a meme who positively can do all the things that make us laugh and cry He's! a! Fun! ny! Moment!
»NachoCat« NachoCat15
I'm gonna miss my friends and followers. óдò Things to know: ⇒I try to post daily now. ⇒I mainly use 3DS not WiiU. ⇒I'm an 18yr old dude. I support: ♀+♀/♂+♂ etc. My characters: Aeroni ♂ "Krow" ♂ Avidima ♂ Kalani ♂ Raffar ♂ Mythril ♀
Josiah wonkeywong
Hi im Josiah. I'm a huge animal crossing fan and i like mario cart i'm british and i love birds . If you like my posts then please yeah or follow, thank you.
Giga Gamby ShrekIsL0ve_Life
Yes, it's the real Giga Gamby. All my other accounts are either banned, or not in use anymore. Don't ask when, or if i'm gonna make my next video Don't ask for shout-outs. Shrek is love, Shrek is life. And most importantly, i'm back... for now. #SaveMiiverse?
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
Ni-san :P Incogneko
I'll probably mostly be posting in the "Smash support" communities. Im not hiding it, theres NO ADMINS there. It was tested and if you're brave enough, you can test it too! Anyway, you can expect odd and random pics here! I probably wont respond much as Im primarily using this account to chat on others posts.XD Bye for now!XD
MemeSenpai TheMemesensei2
Okay, so like. "You're MemeSensei??" Yes. "MemeSenpai has a sister??" Yes. "Can you draw-" No. I cannot draw.
Karen Karen-22222
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Michelle Twilight-Okami
Goodbye I loved being here. Thanks if you ever talked to me, yeahed any of my posts or followed me. Chances are you made my day. You pushed me to improve drawing and it was super fun spending time with you! Thanks for being amazing! Thanks for the memories! *Hugs* ‹3
Dejanae shemom443
.I'm a ♀ 14yr/o. 2170+ Followers... Thank you! I'm going to miss all of you that supported me. Specially here on Miiverse :,o. Spending time in here with everyone is really fun! Info in my favorite post. Memories won't be forgotten. See you next time!
Coksi coks_the_dragon
henlo am CoksTheDragon or Coksi ok that's my name it's very important remember it pls especially when you go birdwatching or do other deviant things I have great wife for life<3
Jennifer TitanSlayer17
~★~ Hello fellow jello! ~★~ Welcome to my profile. This is the place where dreams are broken. ♥ Call me Jennifer, Jenn, Jenny, whatever works best! xD Age: 16 I love anime, video games, and drawing. I am queen of the melons. And the melons shall conquer earth! ~★~ Follow today to be a fellow jello! ~★~ Other: (SweetMelonade17)
Artistic14 Artastic14
☆Artistic★/xxArtistic14xx isn't posting art on Miiverse anymore. Admins h8 meh lol xD Goodbye everyone! Until we meet again! (´;ω;`) This was a great year on Miiverse! <3
Ambrie .w. AmbreT
Bye everyone <3 ...miss you :,3 Bye tout le monde ... vous allez tous me manquez (/;n;)/ <3 !! Message important d'adieu dans les commentaire du dernier dessin :,)
Matt Omega93
Hi, my name is Matt. Started Miiverse in Dec. 25, 2012. I do not draw for popularity. I only draw for fun. *I DON'T TAKE DRAWING REQUESTS* I also don't Wii U Chat. I can only speak and understand English.
D.JR D.JRx17
Thank you thank you all for my time spent here I'll never forget miiverse and am very great full to meet all of you "Thank you so much for playing my game"
Cameron Walt2015
the guy who was once popular but not anymore tbh certified squid boi, official Nintendo seal of approval. PJ Berri is my spirit animal
King King-X
Miiverse continues at MV Haven! - Christian. - Adult. - London, England. - Musician. - Into Zelda, Final Fantasy, Tales of and similar. - Anime: Studio Ghibli, SAO etc. - Listening: Classical/VG & film soundtracks/80s/upbeat stuff. - Into astrophotography, Photoshop, YouTube, drone aerial photography... - Official backer of Yooka-Laylee. - Joined 2012. Thanks for reading!
Alysa ☆★☆ HappyCupcakeGirl
THIS ACCOUNT HAS OFFICIALLY DIED. VERY SAD, I KNOW. REMEMBER MEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Here's a code to decipher: key 23! (Wklqn brx'oo plvv ph? @KdssbFxsfdnhJuo) HAPPYCUPCAKEGRL <--IMPORTANT
Yo sup? The names Adam
Thanks for 4000+
I'm a mutant fish with an ego the size of the moon.
Yo sup? The names Adam
Thanks for 4000+
I'm a mutant fish with an ego the size of the moon.
Few things bout me:
1 I NEVER accept blank friend requests
2 Please don't ask me to follow you (I get it too often. XD)
3 I don't Wii U chat
4 I don't answer questions outside of Ask Adam
Make sure ya check out
This is the fish, signing off