AdamTF's Friends
ЯвN★Spark~ hamburger426
Hai, this's Taco's 2nd alt, my main and sub have been console banned again. (-_-*)
MemeSenpai MemeSenpaiALT
Yo this is a memesenpie alt It's very real but hardly active on it
AdamTF_2 The_Fish_Is_Back
****(Look at my friends list to find my main profile), **** Yo, sup? The names Adam, and welcome to AdamTF_2 This is a backup account just in case my main account (With over 1700+ followers) gets Admin'd. I'm not very active on this account yet. So go check out my main account AdamTF (find it in my friends list)
Lεηοгε~ LenoreayLovesYou
welcome my name is Lenore, but my friends call me Lenni~ 18 ♀ ♥Straight i love memes still here? want a hug? i art you
Wispurr LordTigerRoar
Profile comment NOT hidden by admin. Let's see, I don't know what to say. Few things you should know: ♥ to draw. Rarley do screenshot posts. Don't do Wii U Chat. I do weekly BRAINTEASERS. Forgot to say thanks to all my followers for the 200+! Not greedy but let's get it to 300, OK? Any good suggestions for anime, make sure to tell me. See ya! MIIVERSE IS ENDING EVERYONE PANIC!
はげないиはむ★∀〆 huraipan751590
ハムえもんの正体 ・21世紀ロボット ・基本的に青色が多い ・二等親で、イケメン ・お腹にいつも、パンツをセロハンテープでくっつけてる ・好きな言葉は、情熱です。 さよなら。 in率は、驚くほど低いけど、消さないフレsに感謝感激していたころの、あの頃の僕は過ぎし頃の、あの頃の僕。 (今も感謝してます。) スイッチフレ募集中
SonicHedgy LetsBeClassy
An ALT. If you want to follow, follow my main first. (Check friend list for Parapy)
***** ** AKnet_1.0
Profile comment hidden by admin.
MemeSenpie WinstonBoZ
MemeSenpai's back up :^>
What's up everybody! It's me, MARIO4EVER! I'm a really nice guy who sucks at drawing and socializing I like Mario, Sonic, and any other game you can think of. u can leave, i'm boring, ugly, and un interesting lol..... I WiiU chat with people I trust/ask
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
WαιτDiςnεγ SegaDisney2.0
Hello fellow Miiverse user and welcome to my wonderful world! Obviously I'm a big Disney fan! You might also know me as ☆ςυρerRιτα I mostly draw Disney related posts and other random stuff on occasion. I hope to reach 700 follows again to avenge my permanently banned account before the end of Miiverse! Otherwise, TTFN, Ta-ta-for-now! "There is nothing funnier than the human animal."
Yin★ Reibcat
Bday yay! (7/12) \ (′˘ ′)/ Don't use lol in all caps and put an exclamation point at the end, kids LOL! Best fries: Star Oyster I don't WiiU chat sorry My old acc was Bababoom (I'm trying to find my old friends :1)
Alyssa XMadQueenAlyssaX
♡Welcome to my Throne Room~! ♡ Status: Check my Fav Post to keep in touch~ Name: Alyssa Title: Mad Queen Age: 20 Likes: Roses, Tea, Loyalty, & Weapons. #TeamMadQueen.
aramis knightwithsteed
i have minecraft mariokart 8 and splatoon! i mostly play minecraft and mariokart 8 because i dont really like splatoon :( i take building requests and do follow for follow. i also need more friends with MC & MK8 so friend me if you have either. also i only play on saturdays and sometimes wenesdays. thank you for looking at my profile plz follow :)
Phantasma PhantasmaForever
Main is purrma'd beclaws of Mack... That mackerel! I'm Phantasma, Queen of the Nya~SL-mew (NSLU)! Team Rocket admin! 2nd leader of Feline ξclipse, nya~ *And yes, I'm a furry and neko, and proud of it!* Nya~♥ Bullies need to learn their place, nya~... Phantasma > Bigley To find me again, look fur the great queen Phantasma on the blue book, ending with a Nya, there's Queen Phantasma! >wo
☆мγα★¥♭♪ Lovestar1779
Hey, I'm ☆мγα★¥♭♪! I like to post and draw things that are cute, funny and sometimes weird. My crushes are: Luigi KAITO Kagamine Len PaRappa My enemy is: MEIKO I'll also Wii U Chat sometimes. Gotta go, bye!
★Triple.D☆ TheLoyalWolf
★My gamepad is broken :(★ If your here then you must be wondering if i posted something Anyways, I ve broken my gamepad from being incredibley stupid, so the chances of me being online now is slim, sorry Im an Anthropomorphic Wolf that just trys to do his best I use to draw artwork of splatoon and myself but im not gonna be for a ισлĠ time until i get another thankyou and have a lively day..
You may call me Aegis. Miiverse Veteran, and this place is finally shutting down... "Love is a great feeling to feel, and you'll miss it once the feeling is gone." "Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much more." - Stats - 17, Class of 2018
Jillian:) seal55920
My name is seal55920 and I like gaming. My favorite pokemon is oshawott(ya i know he sucks but watever). My favorite game of all times is five nights at freddys. I can't live without youtube. Turtles and cats are majestic:D
leshine77 leshine77
hi i'm leshine77. I like videogames, wathing movies , and small or furry animals :› .Sonic, pokemon,anime, mlp,undertale, steven universe, over the garden wall, and tomodachi life is my life. x› I also love to draw and read.I'm also weird and happy.I take reaquest happily. Hope you enjoy! ^.^ im tired.... wow your still here //claps// great bye now!
☆Poyocake★ hatsunemiku2097
★こんにちは, random stranger or friend! Welcome to my Miiverse page! ★ ♪ABOUT • 17 y/o • Been in the Kirby Fandom since 2005 (12 years) • Profreshional SQUID-PARTIER! I dislike SQUIDBAGGERS, and I am open to blocking/reporting very impolite and rude Squidbaggers. • I'm pretty shy (•˛•;) ⇒ KIRBY AMINO: Search “Boyowazowski” ⇒ SPLATOON: ☆Poyocake★ ⇒ SPLATOON AMINO: Search “Poyocake”
(~ºдº)~ explodingcowz123
Follows are greatly appreciated xd Please like my favorite post! Thank you! Formally: ραηδα óωò♭ ♪ I weep with joy beneath the moon ♪ -Ballade to the Moon "The world is a whole lotta black and a whole lotta white, but it's mostly that gray area in between." -Blackish Be Boop (^˙˘˙^)
Dani CancerousMoon
acid kaleptyreke
hello everyone my name is r red and here are the things that i like fnaf4 and mariomaker splatoon mk8 and if anyone likes these games friend request me he will pay è_é nyges
Mimishooty NikTori
↑↑↓↓←→←→BA Start You've unlocked Great Memories and New Friendships! Miiverse has been a safe haven for a lot of people, and it's sad to see it go. But know you've created something great. Have awesome lives and keep doing what you all love. See you all on Switch. Love you guys, stay safe, nerdy, and happy as you possibly can.
Fran ED/S Stormythyx
Shout out to Юrror Pet, We will miss you. *=yes /*\=maybe =no Fem?[*] Male?[/*\] Them?[] It?[] Sadistic[] Angry[*] Stressed Out[*] Irritable[] Happy[] Meh...[/*\] GoT Uke Cover[] :)[] :([] >:([*] <:([] :0[*] :|[] No Wii U Chat, sorry! Will play Splat1 Thanks for 357 before Miiverse died! FIRE NOOOO DON'T KILL MEH #402Followings Bye guys. I love you!
Jaszy jaszyflores
hi im jayda my profile saes jazzy but it is jayda i love mustangs!!
アマイ aggron Amai-FV
♀ ☀ⓐⓜⓐⓘ☀ !:3 ∧ ∧ ( _(,,・∀・) ⊆__つつ 彡 ♀♡♀—♀♡♂—♂♡♂ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
JC Voss04
KitCatBen technonik
Hello and welcome I'm a cat =^±^= my best miiverse friends are... PuttyBaron,Tara,AdamTF,emily,Whispell,kehuagho$t. I am kitty of the Mad Queen #TeamMadQueen aka Alysa deviant art technonik and please follow to join '†he Pack'
Julian TheJu1ian
Hallo bodies. Welcome to my profile and stuff. Don't take me seriously because I don't take me seriously. Award-winning procrastinator and occasional doodler. Time Magazine's person of the year, 2006. I'm not at the beach. This is a bathtub! No Wii U chat or blank friend requests please. Splatfest: 10/16
Owen sonicspindash93
Does anybody even read these anymore? Well, if you actually care to know, I won't accept random friend requests. Only people I know well. Expect drawings of Sonic, Mario, Mega Man, me, friends, Splatoon, and more. Alt Account: TheFirstOwen
Buisness BehindTheBuisnes
I'm just a nobody, don't mind me. Also if you didn't know I'm a guy, same goes for my oc Buisness. .u.)/ My 3DS account is Buisy (NNID: thebuisnesscat)
★☆ςταг☆★ Metaknight0330
Hello there I'm Star! I'm a nethermorph! I love drawing and chatting! So dont be shy! I ♥ making new friends! I LOVE Undertale,Kirby,Mario,TMNT,FNAF,and Creepypasta fandoms! I also luv youtubers (Markimoo!!) ♥I'm Christan. Nethermorphs are creatures I created btw VwV Have fun on my profile. Later~♥
☆ςυρerRιτα OliverandCompany
If you're an O&C fan, you came to the right place! If you decided to follow me, you're truly awesome! If you came to block/unfollow me, then I must of made you pretty salty. But Why should I worry, why should I care? This account is mainly devoted to one of Walt Disney's under appreciated classics Oliver and Company! So expect lots of random O&C FanArt! I mainly play Smash 4 & Pokkén T!
Papa Bun Cloecloe11
Commander☆ here just wanted to say welcome to my page i draw stuff and get salty
я¢м☆Ben miketiny
Hello there fellow Miiverse user, My name is Ben. I'm an 18 year-old Cartoonist, Nintendo player, Yoshi fanboy, Otaku, Brony, Catholic and trivia buff who happens to have autism. Mario Kart is my favorite Nintendo franchise and I'm a proud member of the Mario Kart 8 clan known as я¢м (Red Cross Miracle). So with all that said, stay awesome and I'll see you later. #Yoshiis2kawaii4me ♥
Ace*Star acette123456
I like sitting around watching anime, reading manga, drawing and playing videogames.(Dont 4 get 2 follow and yeah!) Also u can send me drawing requests!!! Plus I love making new friends so don't be afraid 2 send me a friend request! I also like Puell Magi Madoka Magica, Sailor Moon, Black Butler and much more!(^-^)
Gabbster Zelda-Garza
Call me Gabby woop woop Btw follow Y_Are_You_Here, he's really good and he's really cool! >v<
»NachoCat« NachoCat15
I'm gonna miss my friends and followers. óдò Things to know: ⇒I try to post daily now. ⇒I mainly use 3DS not WiiU. ⇒I'm an 18yr old dude. I support: ♀+♀/♂+♂ etc. My characters: Aeroni ♂ "Krow" ♂ Avidima ♂ Kalani ♂ Raffar ♂ Mythril ♀
☆BTS☆ dengunt
Hi...You might wonder who i am...Well i want to keep it secret thats why i stopd with miiverse...i'm sorry i wil be in miiverse some times thats only to talk to friends i'm not gonna post tings ...i'm sorry(i will try to acept friendreqests)By:☆BTS☆ Aka SW☆Pikachu Hope you understand it... Bye miiverse...
Shaved... RamPR16
Beardlina no more. The end of an era. You guys are all amazing. Thank for the wonderful memories I've made here on this site. I wish you all the best in life. ;) P.S.: Find me and my art on the Instant Graham!
Ty-Draws MarioChop
I'm an artist who likes to draw pictures and short comics. I take interest in game design in the future. I do not like to do requests, I guess because I don't like to do favors or something. I'm 16 I'm male I like Halo, Sonic, Parappa, FNAF, Mario, Drawing. Check out: finnjake64 joeyglad12 Fishleadam Clay1018 anaminstrels Kalif123 Moondarkhollow DucknDog1984
Dipsy Adamlefish
This user's profile comment is private.
Hi Thanks for tapping my face I draw a lot And rarely post And rp Wanna see some cringe-worthy stuff? Go back really far into my posts Its a gold mine Current main fandom: None I like never come on here anymore ahahah
Viridi ForcesofNature
Welp Miiverse coming to an end soon. RIP Miiverse 2012-2017. It was fun was while it lasted.
YanCooks Pikagirl321
Profile comment hidden by admin.
TinkyWinky Piperdances
Yo what up? The names Gh0st, Just a bit 'bout me. The creator of AdamTF, An account on Miiverse with over 2000+ followers. (Link to account is in fav post & my friends list) I listen to rap. Fav Artists: Eminem, 2pac, Ice Cube, Biggie Smalls etc. Well, tat'z 'bout it, peace out yo,
Ilia ilianthos
•Hello, my name is Ilia!Also known as Dankyboo. •I'm a half Congolese, half Greek young lady trying to learn more things about art. •I've been a Dancer for 10 years, an Artist for 3 years and I've had 3 years of singing experience. •I want to thank every single one of you separately!You are all like a family to me. Search Dankyboo to find my hiding spots.
★Sage★ bowbender
[*]He/Him♂ []She/Her♀ []They/Them§ []It♪ Homestuck, Anime, BATIM, Undertale, Rick and Morty, Storyfallen ♥[KADE MY BABY] ◆[Michael] c3<[] <3<[Aidan] []Single [*]Taken [*]Afraid of Getting Hurt Again []On [*]Off []Busy [*]Idle [*]Guitar [*]Weird Emo [*]TeEn ANgSt []Roleplaying [*]Depressed [*]Stressing Over Nothing []>:] []:o) [*]:o( []:33< []>:[ []:| [*]:/ [*]:? [30] Clean: 140 Record: 140
◆ИΞØVΞΔŮ◆ EnderEliel
(¸˙˘˙)¸ Fav Qoutes :D • "Any dog under 50 lbs is a cat, and cats are pointless." - Ron Ulysses Swanson #TeamDoge • "Miley what's good?!" >:V - Nicki Minaj • "There's too many people on this earth. We need a new plague." - Dwight Kurt Shrute III • "Well, what is it about cats that make them think they are so much g*d d@mn better than we are?" - Random Caller
Ru ♀ gwen10tennyson
howdy my name is Ru thanks for going to my profile im a strange weird goofy kid who loves to draw. my favorite book is ♡Harry Potter♡ my favorite Tv show is ★Gravity Falls★ my favorite movie is ♥fantastic beast and where to find them♥ where anyone can be anything 'ω' no blank friend request pls sorry !!nruter yam i tath rewop tneicna eth ekovni i nrub ot emoc sah emit ym L-T-O-L-O-X-A
I am LITTLE, and I'm 23. I am a skilled classic gamer, and a major Brony. I love games from Atari 2600-N64 era, MLP, cute things, and muscle cars. I love ALL Ponies, but stay away from my Fluttershy/Princess Cadence! I'm one of Equestria's rulers, and a Son Goku-like hero with inhuman skills. I'll miss you all. Thank you for your support. :'(
Boat RedLuminous
Big Avengers fan, huge. Recently obsessed with squids, too. Smash Bros, Pikman, Splatoon, LoZ, Animal Crossing. Also into My Little Pony and Gravity Falls. Artist and writer.
★ρστατσ☆ Tara1123
So....Miiverse is ending...I can't believe it either I know...but I've been here ever since it first started and now to the end...I've met really amazing people and my goal hasn't been reached like my friends have...but since its ending I'll try and post some of my art before it goes but thank you to everyone who I've met It's been great <3 I love you all and thank you for being here with me ;7;
RoboOrange immabananaa1
Hello, I am Robotic Orange. I have a Wii U, and a 3DS. I know a lot about video games, and I draw. I own an ATARI, a NES, a Genesis, a N64, and a Wii as well. I respect other's opinions. I hope everyone continues to enjoy my random posts I make from time-to-time. Sorry, but I don't Wii U chat. I would if I knew you personally. May all your oranges be of the robotic variety.
Sam samuelitosammy
I see you clicked on my face, welcome to my profile! I'm a 15 year-old cartoonist! I am the friendliest person AND the meanest person you'll meet... probably... I am a meme expert! I inhale and exhale memes! Steal my memes and I'll kill you... I mean it. Glovegirl is bae It hurts when you tap my face, so stop.
The Driz Da-Driz
Just another guy who loves Nintendo and its fans. I have another account I sometimes post on, Lil'Drizzo (id: littledriz), but this is my main account.
Unoriginal AmericanCountry
This user's profile comment is private.
james 9jamie8
hi my names James and this my porfile i make one pokemon comic everday and sonic the hedgehog fan art
King King-X
Miiverse continues at MV Haven! - Christian. - Adult. - London, England. - Musician. - Into Zelda, Final Fantasy, Tales of and similar. - Anime: Studio Ghibli, SAO etc. - Listening: Classical/VG & film soundtracks/80s/upbeat stuff. - Into astrophotography, Photoshop, YouTube, drone aerial photography... - Official backer of Yooka-Laylee. - Joined 2012. Thanks for reading!
Yo sup? The names Adam
Thanks for 4000+
I'm a mutant fish with an ego the size of the moon.
Yo sup? The names Adam
Thanks for 4000+
I'm a mutant fish with an ego the size of the moon.
Few things bout me:
1 I NEVER accept blank friend requests
2 Please don't ask me to follow you (I get it too often. XD)
3 I don't Wii U chat
4 I don't answer questions outside of Ask Adam
Make sure ya check out
This is the fish, signing off