Jack★'s Followers
PtatoPizza Darkweegeedude
Hello I guess. Surprisingly, I have opinions, So if I offend you, Don't get your Waifu's in a twist. But I hope you have fun here and enjoy your patrol through the cringe archives. I'm always open for drawing requests, Also If you end up commenting something random because of an arrow or for the fun of it Then i'll probably delete it, I'd rather them be on topic, So just don't.
☆ºLaceyº☆ AgentLacey
Hiya, I'm Lacey and you're in my world. An odd but welcoming place for one and all. I'm known to be an extremely quirky, nice, and gluttonous nerd. People who say the opposite about me.... well, they obviously did something to make me tick. Trust me, I don't get mad THAT easily. Anyway, thankie and enjoy the madness. ^.^ Mood: 85% Tired but all good
Player 6IX Rxcx24
Ω Yo, Welcome Ω Rico ⇒ Assassin X™ The One And Only (Also My Alter Ego...) ☆Verified☆ ∞Artist∞ ★World's Biggest Smash Bros. Fan★ Other Games I Play: Mortal Kombat X,Overwatch ⇒ No Wii U Chat 悟 Dragon Ball Z 悟
Shane LuigiKart2005
super smash bros for nintendo 3ds is awsome nintendo badge arcade is the best free to start game I like Mario Kart I lead The TMM Army so Rules For the TMM Army 1. Must be a Mario Fan 2. Do Not I Repeat Do Not BE MEAN 3. You must own a wii u to join my army 4. Star the super mario Maker community
Rosalina Survivor091588
Rosalin is my girl i really love playing as her so much in Mario Tennis Ultra Smash she one of my favorite character in mario series. But her other name in japan is Rosetta and she like taller then other mario characters.
Nikolas Rebelno6
Hello everybody! I am the Nikolas, and yes that is how my name is spelled. I love the Wii U and all it's glory. I hope to get to know plenty of you and play online sometime! My favorite game franchises range from……… Actually, I'm not 100% sure, but it's a lot, I'll tell you that.
John XY1297
Hello! My Name Is John I Like Fnaf! And Unlike My Goody Two Shoes Father I'm Not A Goody Two Shoes When It Comes To Wii Fit Trainer! So Don't Ask Me To Play Wii Fit! And Don't Ask Me To Go To Hoshido Because Hoshido Is Too Boring I'm Going To Nohr The Path That Rocks!
Mikel 13ssbbfan
Hey Hey Hey! I'm a friendly fellow who loves to make friends and is always looking for a new rival or two! :D I'm a huge fan of Nintendo, Sega, Capcom, and Namco, but I'll explore something new. I love RPGs and Platformers the most! I also write on my free time! So when you need a buddy, look for me! I'm sure we'll be able to have a blast! (Warning: I make corny jokes aLOT.)
Thomas ColticAurashock
HuniePop miis, heck yeah!
AndiVGamer AndiVGamer88
Hallo! Ich liebe Animes,Mangas,Videogames,Crossovers und Fanfictions. Ich möchte gerne Online mit jemanden Spielen egal ob gegeneinander oder miteinander.Bespiele: Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. Pokemon, Splatoon uzw. und natürlich auch viel SPAß [FUN] haben. KEIN [NO] WII U CHAT. FREUNDESANFRAGEN ERLAUBT! Je mehr Freunde [Friends], umzu mehr Spaß [Fun].
K0RR ShadyThug
Send me a friend request and let me know what games you have! Maybe we can play online together! A few of my favorite game titles are: -Zelda -Xenoblade -Smash -Mass Effect -Mario Kart -Monster Hunter -Splatoon -Pokemon -Hearthstone
PKGrounder Shadowfan2005
Heya,I'm Grounder,Grounder the wolf...heres some info : TRUNKS FAN 4 LIFE ( DBZ-DBS ) BFF : PKRec MEMEZ I LIKE TURTLES I ARE SMART MAN It spoopy I like Sonic The Hedgehog,Smash,Music and DBZ What are Grammar In PK clan
GamerGeek GamerGeek2020
Im a just a guy who loves all video games,Mainly Nintendo,and Sega.
Nicole whovian45810
Allon-sy! Fellow Doctor Who fan AKA Whovian =3 Big fan of Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Metroid, MLP: FiM,anime,Pokemon,Disney, Final Fantasy, Klonoa,Transformers,Vocaloid, Marvel,Snoopy, Persona,South Park, TMNT, Harry Potter,LOTR,Mega Man,SSB,GOT, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Who, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Queen and Kingdom Hearts. Also like Supernatural, Sherlock, and many more geeky stuff. X3
Nora Zelda.Link1258
Hello I'm Nora,the queen of the castle R.I.P Sachiko Shinozaki my Dead B.F.F 2005-2016 I♥U :'( B.F.F now PotionsMaster123 Or his nickname PotionsM follow him! I LOVE! Black Butler RWBY Zelda Soul Eater!!! I♡ Grell Sutcliff,Sebastian Michales,and Undertaker from Black Butler Glynda Goodwitch,Ozpin, Nora Valkyrie RWBY Kid from Soul Eater Dr.Stein I ship OzGlyn and IronWitch Both from RWBY!♥ω♥
faith precious-faith
follow me i well accept plzz need friend's:)
Mimi 9elizabeth19
Fightman terminator11
Hello and welcome to Fightman1995's alternate account...
d rabbitDaw1992
Kay kentasiadixon15
I am a cool person very chill, i love animals but not bugs that fly or crawl..... Hope i can find someone really soon to talk to more. i will try anything thats good, i have a humor side to me and i am a smiling person always :)..... just turned 17 jan 29th yay yeah
Electric TheElectricRaich
Streamer going by relatively the same name on other platforms, who likes to entertain people. RIP Miiverse FeelsBadMan
Lisa Essesserdt
I am in tenth grade, I have very long hair, I am an otaku and I LOVE ZELDA. I do not play any sports, but I am crazy about anime. I enjoy watching YouTube. I live in Wisconsin, United States. And I never play rated M or R because I don't have any.
devin devibn
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Cαιιυм Pokedexpert
Hi, I'm Callum and I'm 13! I love Nintendo (I love Bowser even more) I like making people laugh, one smile will make my day! This is my 3DS account, my Wii U account NNID is: GamersOpinion My MK7 VR is: 1000 Amiibo's: Samus Luigi Bowser (My bro) Welp I'll see ya in my posts! (luv you)
SM & ρгίmε optimus117
Scery Lee! Miiiiiiiiiverse2
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Toy Kranky missiongamer3000
Hello, I'm Toy Kranky and here are the the FREAKIN' awesome things I like! -Pokémon -Skylanders Now here are the things that SUCK -School -Computers -School Again -School AGAIN
Fuzzy FuzzyLittleGuy
Im an 20 year old, total nintendo gamer. Sometimes it can blind me a bit. Anyway, my favorite series in Nintendo are Legend of Zelda and Metroid, but Metroid is my favorite, pretty obvious when you my posts. They should really have more of those... If you want to friend me, feel free to, just comment on a couple of my posts alright? I don't like to friend people I've had no interaction with!
callie chrisdijk
Link Link2Shadows
What's up everybody! My name is Link and I play ALOT of pokemon! :) Also, I like cats :3 That is all.
Hey, just a guy who loves the most games offered on Nintendo consoles and handhelds.
The franchi...
Hey, just a guy who loves the most games offered on Nintendo consoles and handhelds.
The franchises I like are...
Sonic The Hedgehog
The Legend of Zelda
Rune Factory
Harvest Moon
Super Mario
and More.
Also I will most likely will not be doing video chat, you could ask but I most likely will say no, sorry.
Thank you and good luck with your work.