Jack★'s Friends
Nicole whovian45810
Allon-sy! Fellow Doctor Who fan AKA Whovian =3 Big fan of Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Metroid, MLP: FiM,anime,Pokemon,Disney, Final Fantasy, Klonoa,Transformers,Vocaloid, Marvel,Snoopy, Persona,South Park, TMNT, Harry Potter,LOTR,Mega Man,SSB,GOT, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Who, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Queen and Kingdom Hearts. Also like Supernatural, Sherlock, and many more geeky stuff. X3
Thomas ColticAurashock
HuniePop miis, heck yeah!
Suminy Suminy
Hello peoplez!! It's me!! Suminy!! About Me:↓ ★ I'm in South Korea right now ★ I'm South Korean ★ I'm 18!! ★ My favorite singer is Imagine dragons ★ I have a 6month old Welsh Corgi!! ★ My dog's name is Lucky!! ★ I only draw on my Wii U pad!!
Anthony Remited
Just a gamer who loves Zelda, Mario, Kirby, Shantae, Pokemon, Spyro and Sonic! And My favorite franchise is Banjo Kazooie. Long live Banjo Kazooie!
Nikolas Rebelno6
Hello everybody! I am the Nikolas, and yes that is how my name is spelled. I love the Wii U and all it's glory. I hope to get to know plenty of you and play online sometime! My favorite game franchises range from……… Actually, I'm not 100% sure, but it's a lot, I'll tell you that.
Korosu Korosou
ecrazylazy flabbyfinn
Big fan of animation. Big fan of Platformers. Just happy to be here to make you guys smile. I also rant a lot, and get off-topic, but I really love sharing opinions. Sorry if I seem to look for attention.
Fightman terminator11
Hello and welcome to Fightman1995's alternate account...
Hey, just a guy who loves the most games offered on Nintendo consoles and handhelds.
The franchi...
Hey, just a guy who loves the most games offered on Nintendo consoles and handhelds.
The franchises I like are...
Sonic The Hedgehog
The Legend of Zelda
Rune Factory
Harvest Moon
Super Mario
and More.
Also I will most likely will not be doing video chat, you could ask but I most likely will say no, sorry.
Thank you and good luck with your work.