Kurt's Followers
walker cakeboss103
Bayita BenedictoGarcia
ChingChong gamertech192
I like fry rice ching chong
Markio101 Markiodude
I'm 14, love Nintendo, SEGA & Capcom, and want to learn electric guitar & piano! My favorite consoles are Nintendo SWITCH & GameCube! Also Wii U, but I often slam it! My favorite handheld is GBA! Luigi is real, He's like Jesus' brother. I'm Christian, and a furry! Lola bunnyXO! I don't fursuit but sometimes I draw anthros! My favorite game franchises/series are Mario & Luigi, Luigi's Mansion, etc.
Phantom Phantom_Akki
Hi my brother gave me this wii u to play I am 10 and this not my mii !! Also do not mess with me! And no wii u chat I like games (any type like sports or video games) I enjoy new or old music and cartoons.
Celestial Tactical_Cat25
A! Mae l'ovannen! Pernix here and loving Tropical Freeze! I've explored Skyloft and flown about Skyword. I've seen the center of the universe. Champion Road is now open; but I'll never forget Luma. Athlete, author, and amateur linguist. You'll see Latin, German, some gratuitously grandiloquent English, and even Tolkien's Grey-Elven tongue. |Occasional art of an O.C.|Ich ube auch Deutsch.
MasterDAIR Billy.Honourable
Hi! I am Billy, a gamer who loves Smash! Recently in smash bros. I have been playing purposely badly with characters I am bad at for videio/entertainmdnt purposes - don't mistake me for a cancerous FG player please. I don't know what else to write here... \(^ω^)/
Benny Blibby11
Hi! I'm Benny. My favorite game is The Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild. I like the Office, Rick and Morty, anything along thise lines. Papa Bless the Vape Naysh
ACP●жyζ Andrew15cP
age:16 driving license: I got it!! gender: welp i wonder, 50% chance unless im mewtwo clans/teams ive joined: Team Fancy Free, жÿζ, and Team Flare height: 6ft 3in weight: WAIT A SEC thats a bit too personal! description: im sometimes funny but usually straight to business. i ABSOLutely love adorable baby dachshunds, and i love cats. im a huge collector and i have every legendary.
Nat NatyFlor
Hola!! Que tal UwU soy Natalia, y pienso que lo mejor de esta vida son los videojuegos de Nintendo :D Sagas favoritas: The Legend of Zelda y Fire Emblem *.* Hi! I'm Nat, and, as you may have noticed, I'm a huge Nintendo fan <3 Smash mains : Zelda, Pit and Robin. RIP Miiverse :'(
Cassie Hivemind201
Hello my favorite game series are Legend of Zelda and Super smash brothers I love Anime Chatting and Cats lol
pretty_YT nickispandaboy
hi. im pretty. giving a shoutout for KBeeSpy. follow me if you like to play splatoon. it seems pretty fun. thank you! look down to see more games that i play and enjoy.
Brady/Fire BH104323
So... I'm leaving. My parents are taking my Wii U away for 2 wks. Special thx to: Octolexi Gavin Lucas Lindsey SDG Ema Alli Cynthia Shockwave DiddyKong Noah TM Barak ATAman 6521ordnut Eddie6L Daisy Ty Mistery G Dappled Sonic Bye everyone... If I get a switch, my name and Mii'll be the same.Always look for either Firestorm or Darkflame. This is Brady, Signing off... BTW, I'm 14 and †Saved†! Kay Bye
Bryce aur01a
Just a Nintendo Switch supporter! I love all things nintendo and the pro scene of smash (Go Void!) Sheik's my main and falcon's my game both 4 life My Miiverse Friends oh so worthy of following Smashbroxd (the Prince of Smash who I occasionally beat) Bandit (The Mk8 king and the person you most likely will be behind ) Follow Me Now!!! 4Family4Bros4life
Jacob jpwilson03
im jacob, here are somethings i like minecraft, luigi,pizza, i like hearing opinons of favorite characters in video games. go check out MikuFreaks! profile
Pro Flamer Auston1982
pro nintendo player friend me we can play games together follow me for more stuff tell me what you want me to do next I am an amiibo collecter trying to get all let try for 150 followers best Friends Kurt Jacob G Joshua Jorge Jose Villa Tatyana Ramsey Lucas Proplanty
Ðerek dml2013
E'llo Mr's and Mistress's of the night DLshadows here! you'll find plenty of smashing, dueling, air guitaring, joking and more here MV siblings you guys know who you are :3 Best friends all of them! Member of Pixel Club You want an encore do you want more? Im a Markiplite fo lyfe For music way too much favs are 5FDP, A7X, Eminem, 3DD, BB and more Well that's all i got so stay smashing mates, ciao!
♪ Roxy ♪ RockyRules4321
Under Construction
Teddy dnm2812
Hi! my name is Teddy the games I have are: super mario 3d world lego star wars the legend of zelda and super mario maker! note: I will be your wii u friend just ask! and I know some of your wiiu users name arn't your real name but mine is! I OH! one more thing: I have wiiu and wii!! not to brag though.
Miku Chan number3d
Damn Yalll JustinM7903
This profile isn't active anymore due to admin problems and other stuff on miiverse if you are looking for someone else to follow, follow my friends, followers, or whoever I'm following, this message is to tell you that this profile is no longer active and to follow somebody else's profile that is familiar with mine if you're looking for any of that.
ale99 barr99
Adios para siempre Miiverse , ¡hola! si estas leyendo esto, queria agradecer por aca a todos ustedes, he conocido a miles de artistas y personas bacanes y asombrosas , gracias por todo, la he pasado muy bien,nunca habia compartido tanto arte ,gracias por todos los aprecios estoy muy agradecida , algun dia acabaria esto.. no todo dura para siempre asi que gracias y gracias si leiste todo.Adios :')
MaMaw MaMaw67
TOONLINK22 Ayers316
oh, why hello, i didn't see you there! welcome to my small corner of the world! I'm ten years old, I love pokemon, mario, scribblenauts and most of all, the legend of zelda. Please follow EXTRA INFO AGE:11 FAVORITE FOOD: Cheeseburgers BIRTHDAY: 1-13 why are you still here? *fart*
Lindsey lindsey838
Hi! Welcome to my profile!!! I'm 17 years old, i love to draw. I love playing: Super smash bros. 4, Hyrule warriors, Splatoon and Mario kart 8 the most out of all my other wii u games... My top favorite game characters are Cloud Strife, Midna, Daisy and Callie. I don't accept ''BLANK'' friend requests, i also DON'T WII U CHAT!!! But you can message me :) have a great day my loves!!! :3♥♥♥
BizuWolfy BizuWolfy
kaylynn puppylover733
hi names puppy lover733 and i like games like just dance mario cart 8 and disney invinity 3.0 all my life ive REALLY liked pokemon and pokenmon go is my favorite thing on my phone i hope that u can be my friend have a great day
WolfsNick NKHD06
Hi there! I am a Huge fan of the Legend of Zelda series, most of the games I play are a part of it!I also like Splatoon,Minecraft,and Kingdom hearts! My sister also comes on here.Most of what she posts is art.I hope we can be friends!I also own a 3DS XL!I own Pokemon Sun and beat it!Im nice! I LOVE HARRY POTTER!Almost like Zelda!WolfsNick is what i like! ^~^ Nice to know ya!I LOVE the VIOLIN!!!!!
Danny2.0 manny628
Our Final 24 hours of Miiverse. It's been nice knowing you, you are all sweet and kind, thanks for your friendship and I hope i see you again someday. I'll miss you..... ;^;
Kat Shinpi katermh
Hoi everyone! Im Kat Shinpi. If you follow me then please follow my friends: Rebekah(Bexbox360) DarkStar(DarkStarToonlink) OctoSilfie, Koora(koora72) Rinku InkЖ & Silfie(rebander)or even draw us! How much woomy could a woomy,woomy if a woomy could woomy woomy XD ★☆no wii u chat!☆★ ★☆no blank friend requests! I delete those w/o question☆★ Started using memeverse on 1/30/2015
Rinku InkЖ LinkHyrule7218
Oi! I'm Rinku InkЖ an Inkling boy w/ strange abilitys(Read Favorite post)I work w/ Callie, Marie, Pearl & Marina, making music & dance w/ them. My theme atm is Buoyant Boogie! Member of D.I.Y.C Please follow my awesome friends: OctoSilfie, Koora, Kat Shinpi, Rebekah , DarkStar, Angelo, χαηdгα τ., Esme and Tori Rinku Inku Woomy Splatoon! *No Wi-Fi atm!* Been on Memeverse since 12/25/2015
Alvaro surferoalvaro
Hola gente me llamo Álvaro y os dire un par de cosas sobre mi bff odin adrianatMR y :| juego favorito ★ todos los fifas mi otra cuenta es minecraftseteveyo de wiiu acepto wiiuchat si quereis seguirme yo os sigo contad conmigo canal de youtube Pro A 12 adios Xdddddd ;)
AwsomeGuy AwsomeGuy2016
Hey Guys! Welcome to my profile, I hope you like it!... Now lets talk about me, Iam a teen–ager, a professional gamer, a yeah bombe,a cool and awsome guy (just saying!;).My favourites are: Metroid Prime series, Legend of zelda series, Monster Hunter Generarions, Monster Hunter 4, Ironfall Invasion, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart 7, Pokemon Series, Sonic Series and Mario Series and pretty much more.
ZeldaJedi AnnaZeldaElsa
Hey I'm Danse ^^ Zelda and Star Wars is my life!! ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ ƒоιιоω ƒоя ƒοιιοω lets be friends! ▲ ………………... ▲ ▲ Favorite zelda game: Ocarina of Time Favorite star wars movies: Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope R2, ANAKIN, AND PADME ARE THE BEST!!!
happy mrrider2015
Welcome! i am Happy :P yeah that's my name! i enjoy things like Splatoon, Pokemon, Minecraft, And Lot's More! :D
Altkofso Yainskofso_U
Teddy TeamTeddy1.31200
i am good at basketball
最近良いことが有りましたそれは、なんと フォロワーが722人になったことです。 皆さんご協力ありがとうございました 中学生1の一般男子や!コミュ障は、辛いなーー 懲りないなーもうないぞ しつこい よくぞ来たちゃんとフォローしろよー!
Juancho Janpol
quien quiere comunicarse en minecraft
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