Kurt's Friends
average I_suck_dot_org
Comedy Gold
AJ GhostlySik
HugoAnicio HugoAnicioSR
Brazilian Nintendo lover. 21 years old. Student Just bought my Wii U recently so feel free to send a Friends request. ;)
Markio101 Markiodude
I'm 14, love Nintendo, SEGA & Capcom, and want to learn electric guitar & piano! My favorite consoles are Nintendo SWITCH & GameCube! Also Wii U, but I often slam it! My favorite handheld is GBA! Luigi is real, He's like Jesus' brother. I'm Christian, and a furry! Lola bunnyXO! I don't fursuit but sometimes I draw anthros! My favorite game franchises/series are Mario & Luigi, Luigi's Mansion, etc.
YZ247CUTE YackyZachie247C
Hey! I love Kirby, Super Smash Bros., ect.. I've been making a video game called YouTuber's Quest! If you friend me and have a YouTube channel, I can put you into the game ( as an unlockable character )
ChingChong gamertech192
I like fry rice ching chong
Awsome-012 awsome-012
Awsome-012 here, fill free to send me a Friend request. JeromeASF, Ssundee, Bajancanadian, and Unspeakablegaming are the best Youtubers. My favorite Pokémon is Ho-Oh.
Teddy dnm2812
Hi! my name is Teddy the games I have are: super mario 3d world lego star wars the legend of zelda and super mario maker! note: I will be your wii u friend just ask! and I know some of your wiiu users name arn't your real name but mine is! I OH! one more thing: I have wiiu and wii!! not to brag though.
Seby :D sebyminecraft
Hi, I'm NLMTrueSeby! I play games such as Super Mario Make, Minecraft, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8 and more! Super Mario Maker: If you make awsome levels, you can get a shoutout! Minecraft: Give me a friend request so we can play minigames together! Splatoon: We can do a private battle together! Just send a friend request! Mario Kart 8: Regional battles together are so fun!
я¢м jöЛďαη jordansayian
hey you guys welcome to my profile ^.^ my names jordan you can call me blueberry because im a blue person £ετς ςεε: my loving miiverse family: coco-san, my adorable little sister nyny, my other beautiful sister maddie and shes a big sister to me Joanna my awesome friends: lexxie sunset serenity jenna matt ben leann tita star iqua and many more ♥♥my £δνε is: BAILEY♥♥ thats all bye ^.^♪♪
GhostSquid NatalieInkling
♥Hey there!Call me Ghost! ♥I draw, animate and play games. ♥My trash⇒Kirby,Splatoon,Legend of Zelda, Smash Bros.,Pokemon and much more. My Oc's:Nowi(GhostSquid),Connor,Roy, Octavia,Nicky,Jayson,Scarlet and Juno.(And many more to come.) ♥My little sister: ♥Sunflower2846♥ Find me places♥:Ghostie-Squid♥ghostsquidnm♡ Miiverse Fam: Lance Okaavri ACPThunder Konononor Laseraxis7 76m Ari
McButter64 McButters64
Mediocre Smash player.
Blackno2 Blackno2Jr
I'm from Cold Canada, I'm the spaghetti king, I Take Drawing requests, I respond to comments, Favorite Anime: Assassination Classroom, Mob Psycho 100, One Punch Man, Naruto/Shippuden, Fairy Tail, Dragon Ball Z/Super, Bleach, SAO, No Game No Life, Re:Zero, Ace Attorney, Angel Beats, School Rumble, Toradora, My Hero Academia. Favorite Game: Fire Emblem Fates
AbaoAlan Alanfeng6
I'm a big fan of Mario Games!
BluFire BlueFire2066
SEBAS sebasskywalker
I play Super Mario Maker, SSB4, and many more. I like yeahs on other peoples posts. Rules: Do not unfriend me or else once per month, I report or block your account!!!!! Unless I follow you. No Wii U chat!! No more hateful comments or else I will report your comment!! No useless friends allowed in my friends list Make shore everyone follow these rules. STOP REPORTING ME YOU HATERS! So have fun!
sinwook woki7688
저는 남자이지만, 십대라서 닌텐도 계좌를 만들 때 엄마 거로 만들었습니다. 저는 슈퍼 마리오 메이커만 거의 해서 피치 메달을 벌써 얻었습니다! I'm male, but I'm teenager. So I had made my nintendo account with mom's. I almost play Super Mario Maker. So I had got peach medal!
Swevester Swevester
I was supposed to write something, but I was too distracted by that chicken with a sword. How is he holding that thing? Great scientific mysteries...
Nat NatyFlor
Hola!! Que tal UwU soy Natalia, y pienso que lo mejor de esta vida son los videojuegos de Nintendo :D Sagas favoritas: The Legend of Zelda y Fire Emblem *.* Hi! I'm Nat, and, as you may have noticed, I'm a huge Nintendo fan <3 Smash mains : Zelda, Pit and Robin. RIP Miiverse :'(
Andrew btboy5787
Eden ErnestoB8
Kuno Kunley
My name is Kuno I enjoy mario games a lot. Nintendo is awesome. I also enjoy computer games. if you want to find me on diablo3 or starcraft2 let me know.
Sussuca Sussuca
"I will..never be a memory!" ~~Miiverse coming to a end~~ I will miss... Apparently it seems~I will no longer accept random friend requests. It's overwhelming. Nevertheless~ Enjoy ^^ No Wii U Chat~! Never ask my age! No Exceptions~!
Diego gam3changer
☆Hello guys my name is Diego. My favorite games are mostly all Nintendo games. Hope you guys think I am kind. Idk why but i love Lego games(They are my Childhood games). Hope to play with most of you guys in the Future •ω•. (Ask me about the Switch) List of top games I enjoy- 1.Splatoon 2.SSB4 3.MK8 4.Pokkén 5.MarioMaker Also any Lego game. :) Thank You everyone for the support (^˛^)/★
Bro_Gamer murtagh2013
Guys ive moved on an got the Nintendo switch this miiverse account will not be in use to me anymore I may post once a month or so but i've moved to the Nintendo switch thanks for understanding! Baiii!
TJ YearofLuigi4ever
I love Nintendo & have never owned a competing console but have played games on PC (I grew up with a Gamecube & a GBA) & I love my Wii U! FYI I don't do Wii U chat.
InkAssassn inferno564
I love steven universe! Sonic is my role model and I love speaking what little Japanese I know. FIGHT ME IN SM4SH NOOBS!
Ðerek dml2013
E'llo Mr's and Mistress's of the night DLshadows here! you'll find plenty of smashing, dueling, air guitaring, joking and more here MV siblings you guys know who you are :3 Best friends all of them! Member of Pixel Club You want an encore do you want more? Im a Markiplite fo lyfe For music way too much favs are 5FDP, A7X, Eminem, 3DD, BB and more Well that's all i got so stay smashing mates, ciao!
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