Users Mr.Waft Is Following
Sockboy SockzRcool1
Welcome, to the socktastic world of Sockboy, The one and only sock wearing boy in miiverse! i put a lot of imagination and a lil' humor in this gallery so if you want, yeah a post or two or follow me! and don't feel shy to try and friend me i'm a very trustworthy and entertaining guy, be sure to chat with me a little first. well, enjoy my socktastic art!
Lugnut LugnutOfficial
SPOOK TIME! Is never too early for festive. Since Miiverse is end soon, you can be find me and Melvin in "melvinandlugnut" on tumbly place.
Jammy JammyDW
Nintendo finally found a way to get Jammy to shut-up about Dr. Mario. RIP Miiverse. There are 1155 Jammy s at the Discotheque. Please give your Miiverse name to the bouncer to be let in.
EDhog25 TheAtomicArtist
Hey, I mostly draw One Piece doodles and lot of garbage posts here. First Account: EDhog
Zedd Xeerawth
Pokémon humor is a dying art. I am not Anton Zaslavski. I take suggestions, but i don't do requests.
Alanna jelloandmilk
Hello, I love Law a lot, & I tend to talk about him daily. Oops MV is ending. Friendos check my 4 latest follows *tumbles & falls* preciousheartboi *writes on a watt? A pad!* PotatSINZ *blue bird tweets* SmolLawnna *DAnces* pudding-n-jello Blox oneechanplz
Pixel Alt. sonicfandude
This is my Alt. Account! If I'm beaned, sorry, BANNED, I'll be here, when I'm not here, check out PixelAiden.(That-Pixel-Guy03) See ya later! ;)
Louis OminousSkull80
Hey bois. It's me! ... Who I am? Who are you? ...I guess we'll eventually find out... Triple Garlic Boy and Jet Space Bounty Hunter are my boys. Who are they...? Mr.Saturn means love in my Skullctionary. And The Broble. Gissi likes Skullyburgs. For unknown reasons... Who is she? (I sincerely don't know what I am saying, but it's great) I'm... Louis. Nice to meet you.
Mike™ LemonadePikachu8
Hello, I'm a Guy who likes Mario,and other game characters. I also like draw and play games and mingle. Favorite Video Characters: Mario,Ness,Pikachu,Kirby. and other games. Current Age: 19 I Love Drawing Stuff, i also making My Cartoon Series "The AndrixCrew" and I Do insane crossovers
けんおう 18denver
ミーバースで仲良くしてくれてありがとうございました!!最後までいます!!! スプラシュータープライム!! 第50回スーパーボウル優勝はデンバー・ブロンコス!!! フレンドは相互フォロワーさんでなおかつ、ミーバースで交流のある方やフレンド経由で何度か対戦した人を対象にしております。 ニンテンドーで好きなキャラクターは・・・ 「マリオ&ルイージRPG」のゲラコビッツ 「ゼルダの伝説トワイライトプリンセス」のザント 「新・光神話パルテナの鏡」のタナトス 「スーパーマリオワールド」のルドウィッグ 「ゼノブレイド」の黒いフェイス 「スターフォックス」のレオン 最近ザントやルドウィッグが操作できて嬉しいです。 ゲラコビッツもマリオカートにでてほしい!!! コメントはなるべく返すようにしていますが返信の催促はお断りします。
Aj Amh0ma
Here i am, once again, i'm not torn to pieces....yet hello! Is it me you're looking for? enough references, hi all, how you doin
Louie HandsomeSkully80
Jalzo Jalzo_Doodles
Yo-yo! This is my ALT. or soon-to-be emergency main. I'll mostly use this for when I run out of comments on my main.
Jetza Ezra22
This is just a back up account so...yea...Bleh! Somwhow you're still here. Yes I'm lovely. Tell me more about how lovely I am. Gosh. Still here? <3
fruity egg AlexTheGator
Lil'Drizzo littledriz
Totally the Driz's lttle brother and not his back-up account. OK, actually I am. I never thought I'd have to make an alternate account for when I'm banned, but it finally happened. Main Account: Da-Driz
Froςту² NewFrosty
As of June 2th this account will be inactive because my main account has been unbanned. Main account: SenpaiFrosty
Karl Mr.Dilkington
GeminiTony. Backup account. 2 weeks. Eh, not really anything too interesting about this account. If you want entertainment, wait until my main account is unbanned.
[Gooper] MrGooper
This is the alt. for [Gunner]. Afternoon. If this account is active, it means I've been banned from my main. Anyways, I draw every once in a while. Yeah, I'm a scalie. Nothing special about my 'sona, he's just a lizard.
Saturizzle SkeletonKnight82
Hello there, my name is Louis, also known as Saturizzle. I enjoy drawing, I sometimes do like to show my creations, but I mostly like to entertain you. That's my main goal here. Not much of a profile to be honest, I hope you enjoy my works, that is a way to show support, on which I do seriously appreciate.
Sauce Mr.SauceALT
Hey man! I'm Sauce. I'm a dude who's loved Ninty my whole life. I used to be a very avid Miiverse user, but now I only post here and there sadly, mostly for the friends I have or have yet to meet. I like to draw whenever I can. My posts can be kind of opinionated at times, so fair warning. My mains in Smash are Ganon Samus and Palutena. I still want Ridley in a Smash game. ;> Thanks for reading!
El Trav MegablurDX
Welcome to the Madness!! The Trav? Who's that? Probably just some poser. I'm the real deal! I'm not an alternate account or anything...
★3DSJυηε★ Juneriffic56
It's me, June! This is my Juneriffic 3DS account! Be warned. I draw Cordelia's cute lil tsundere child Severa, from Fire Emblem: Awakening, a lot.
おさないサムス tuyomimi
絵! 現在メッセージ確認あまりできてません。。 wiiuでスマブラ、誰か開催してたら勝手に乱入するかもしれません 気楽に拒否してくれて大丈夫ですb 稀に開催もします その時はご自由にお越しください。 フレンド申請もお気軽にどうぞ 【wiiUでのお話】大変恐縮なのですが、フレンドの方で長期間オンラインになってない方は、登録枠確保の為に登録の解除を行っておりますー ご了承ください。 復帰されたらまたフレンドリクエスト送っていただいて構いませんb スマブラwiiuをよくされてる方を多少優遇する可能性もあります。 【現在はフレンド申請数も落ち着いてきました】
Sheepy sheepyswag
Inactive, but rumor has it I may make a comeback soon. Only time will tell... I'm Sheepalicious McBigbutt, aka Sheepy. I'm just a lady with an afro who likes to draw here. About me: ~Generally nice and respectful ~A bit dirty-minded ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ~Curvy bodies brought me fame ~1600+ followers and counting <3 My apologies if I'm not very talkative with you. Sheepish.
Justïn Gecko321
Heyo, Justin here. I'm just a guy working hard to becoming a great artist at some point in my life. Hope you enjoy my drawings and whatnot~ WiiU get- 3/5/14 3DS get- 6/15/16 Thanks Miiverse, it's been a wild ride :) Find me tumbling around a place called Melonhut Goodbye, and thank you... -Justin
Let's just get to the point.