Mr.Waft's Followers
Buzzy^•ω•^ buzzrooney
RIP Miiverse. Listen to Vpop. SW-2290-8111-9156 Ay! I'm Grayson! I play Splatoon, Smash, MK8, SMM, MK7, Nintendo Land, and growing. I love 'em like I love Gravity Falls, Adv. Time, Steven Universe, Over the Garden Wall, & plenty more! Watch Chadtronic, DanTDM, SwimmingBird941, and EVERYONE!!! BTW, I'm a follow for follow, so unless for some strange reason you're hidden, you'll get a follow, too!!!
Wuff AlbertoElias2000
I'm a little wolfie short and stout. Here is my tailhole, here is my snout~ When you bend me over, here me shout, "Oh- gosh, yes~ please don't pull out!"
Jaden GrainedCargo192
...Ahem... Welcome to my profile! I do F4Fs. Try my puzzle RPG, Escape! Product ID: 2mtp854x! §f§k§a§b
Nathan DeadpoolxWasp710
well this what i can do here so i hope this account will be ok like there won't be any terrible problems or anything so yeah.
isaac cheriez
everyone lets try to save miiverse and convince them not to close it so lets try our best to save miiverse before its to late now who's with me
Toon Nancy nancycarricox
Hi im Nancy Carrico and im 17 yrs old so i love takemaru and quill and zelda's old friend but my gang is Barda,Jasmine,oacus,Dain,Ralph,king of red loins,sparrow,vetrix,bendy,link ,jersey devil,kite tenjo,shippo,sango,meroku,kirara Goodbye Miiverse i will miss u
Ditto Gizmoiscute
The end is near. ;( Go follow me on I have the same username on there. Yo, I'm...Ditto, the OTHER clone of Mew. The one that was supposedly "failed". I've been here since 2012. Previously, I had taken the form of a Pikachu. And for the longest time, my identity as a ditto was an uneasily kept secret. (I hope you can forgive my dishonesty.)
Jοςнυα G. LuigiFan304
Nik jadengamer
This user's profile comment is private.
ºbeaniº nykol85620
i like pancakes... .˛. ˙ˇ˙/\˜˘˜ i will miss you all. ó ò i will miss my prankster gangsters... thanks for 300 followers! it means a lot to me.♥ \˙˘˙\ welcome to the dark side...friends
Dinkle Dinkle101
wassup, i'm king dinkle and mayor dinkle,and champion dinkle......and, i like acnl,streetpass,and like catching badges, so yeah...checkout my playlist please.And make sure to checkout my open discussions!
Hunter... TheBestUserEver
Miiverse is a social network for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, created by Nintendo System Development and Hatena, and powered by the Nintendo Network. Integrated into almost every game, the Miiverse allows players to interact and share their experiences through their own Miis by way of drawings, text, screenshots, and sometimes game videos. It is also available via any web browser.
AbomiNate TheRealmOfRock
You've found my alternate account! Good eye. This Wii U account is here in case of emergencies. (Not like if I ever had an emergency here.)
Manny MammothGuy
Nov. 8, 2017 Thanks to all artists and game fans for making this a great place to remember! They don't pay me enough to not moderate this place.
Dinkle Dinkle909
hello, it's me, know. I'm the king of....well something, i'm trying to find that out still.
~Dana~ danastarr02
Awesome people I'd like to thank: Tanna, Mercedes, Luma, Puff, Alexandra, KidProdigy, Λndısıt, GOOM, ‡Shy guy‡, Sarah, RoadRaven, RK, RunneR, Bowsergirl, Theresa, Betty, Jilly, Hamza, Sir, ShelbyYuki, Luigi-GS, Bluepanzer, Kevin, Logan, √Alex², A.J, Kitty, BJCC, Jack, Peacock, Lumy, Steven, Shadowolf, and Artisquid.
Hey there, everyone. Well, I guess this is it. After all this is gone, I just have to say, well, good luck, and take it easy out there. Started: 14/12/2015 Ended: 7/11/2017
Wood Man CL4UD10123
I'm moving to Closedverse when they shut down Miiverse, I'm really gonna miss this website and all of you... Right now you can contact me in Club Penguin Rewritten, my name is Pinguclau1, I always join Blizzard. As always, stay nice. >:']
Caleb TheOtherCaleb
I'm not from the UK. Also, please don't send friend requests.
BonziBuddy Franky106XL
What did the beaver say to the tree? it's been nice gnawing you! Kooper is best mario character
Coolkatisa Gaster17
Out of posts: Yes Hello I'm Isabella Smith. I'm 13 years old and i love FNAF and Undertale. I also love to roleplay a lot mostly about undertale.My best friend is Gamerdavid (or mason in undertale) feel free to roleplay with me. Hoi i'm temmie ●ω●
CAT-Edniel ednieladam_123
Hi here is info about me Name:Edniel Age:14 Favorite game: mario and pokemon games Favorite Wii u game:paper mario color splash Favorite 3DS game:mario&luigi dream team Favorite song: Never let up-BigBang-pokemonxy wild battle Favorite pokemon: Oshawott and Popplio My neko twins:Noah13Pink-cindy Bestfriends:Satu~Kun-Ice-sky My sister:amber My pokken teacher:Rubyrose61
Sockboy SockzRcool1
Welcome, to the socktastic world of Sockboy, The one and only sock wearing boy in miiverse! i put a lot of imagination and a lil' humor in this gallery so if you want, yeah a post or two or follow me! and don't feel shy to try and friend me i'm a very trustworthy and entertaining guy, be sure to chat with me a little first. well, enjoy my socktastic art!
Nate TMAN100
Don't worry, I'm still alive. This profie is basically inactive. I still get on to look at posts from friends of mine but that's basically it. Any friends that wanna talk should go to private messages. I'm still up to play games like Smash or Splatoon. Don't expect posts from me any time soon. Go check out my friend Sockboy. He's got cool stuff.
Sora SoraAtomu
When Miiverse is gone I won't know what to do with myself. H E C C. My art style comes from a mix of Osamu Tezuka, Butch Hartman, and maybe a couple other things. I love Nickelodeon, Lazy Town, Nintendo, memes, and plenty of other things.
Sunny SunnyLel
Can you feeel life movin' through you mind? Ooooh looks like it came back for more! yeah yeah yeah yeah! Can you feeel time slippin' down your spine? Ooooh you try and try to ignore! yeaah! But you can hardly swallow!- Your fears and paaain! When you can't help but follow! It puts you right back where caame! Live & Learn! Hanging on the edge of tomorrow! Live & Learn! From the works of yesterdaay!
sans game WrathOfDewdrop
im 7sans gamin7. this is why cobblestone is life: stone is from meteors. stone turns into cobblestone. cobblestone turns into potatos. everything is made out of potatos. cobblestone is life. your wii u or 3ds is potatos which is cobblestone. that's why cobblestone is life. ... #SAVE DABBING ... question of the week: are u on frisks side or charas side???????????
Damien paikilr38
BlueBlaZe§ Dinoblue
i will return... please take your shoes off before entering... i just mopped. i am a loreseeker and horrible artist [apologies in advance] i write an odd little series of shorts in FE fates [conquest], play halo, main R.O.B, makes mixed sets in MH4U, and i'm soft-resetting for a good tapu fini in pokemon sun.
Trent trentloveshugs
I love Pokemon Sun and Moon, anime, books, singing, drawing, and youtube. Bravest Warriors is pretty cool too. I love food alot and hanging out with my friends. Oppai and aheago are awesome and MLP is life. Feel free to comment or do what ya like on my page and I guess follow me if ya want. Thanks!
Jamie PurplePen456
Thank you and goodbye! Gracias y adiós! It was quite an experience ;¬; Ah, See you later :')
ΔΨςακυгα C.Isom
Let's just get to the point.