Samus Aran's Yeahs

New Super Luigi U Community


4 hours ago

Miiverse is the Knack of the internet, while Closedverse is the Knack 2 of the internet.

New Super Luigi U Community


4 hours ago

Well, looks like Miiverse is finally ending. Don't think of the negatives right now. The positives are the thing to remember. I started Miiverse a child, but now I'm a man. I'm a man who's still no...

New Super Luigi U Community

Roast King

4 hours ago

To all the kiddies that used to delete their nnids when they got banned


3 hours ago

I did that like 20+ times before the post limit update

New Super Luigi U Community

Sad Boy

4 hours ago

Wow. The "Save Miiverse" petition sure did help, did it?

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3 hours ago

*got extended by one second because of the petition!

New Super Luigi U Community


7 hours ago

Rest in spaghetti, I will never forgetti.

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Remember me as that one whos waifu was Meloetta.

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Reminder that Miiverse closes in 29 hours and 34 minutes.

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1 day ago

Nope, 31 and a half hours for me.

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

This is my last post... but I just have to say... I loved miiverse for what it was, an innovative social media for gamers... I miss the drawings, the yeahs, Gigs Gamby, everything. But remember... ...

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1 day ago

What media do you have I'll follow you. Try to hint it

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

well i dont normally post here but...its been a fun ride for all of us,the memes,the trolls,the freinds...i will miss you all

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

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13 hours ago

I know and this is the only place I can chat with my friends too

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

There's a suprisingly large amount of users here who don't know what a MM57 is.


1 day ago

That's honesty not surprising imo.

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Just so everyone knows, Miiverse isn't on Switch, and is ending because if they get their costumers to post about THEIR games on a popular social media, it's practicality a self-advertisment.

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

am i the only one who isn't going to pull a mario man tomorrow???

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1 day ago

I posted a theory about how Miiverse might just be trying to get rid of the users who will MM57.Couple of minutes later,it got deleted with no reason as to why.So nah

Comment on M.Freeman's Post


10/21/2017 3:01 PM

"What iz zis alletrucinal nonsencal forbiddities?" -German Spongebob after failing to make an egg mayo potato and Minecraft sandwich before realising he forgot the pickles.

Comment on M.Freeman's Post

Diogo B.

10/22/2017 6:16 PM

"Gotta go fast"- Mario

Comment on M.Freeman's Post


10/19/2017 10:18 PM

"If washing machines are actually lizards, then wouldn't that make Michael Rosen's mortal enemy Obama, since he's a gram cracker?" -Abraham Lincoln, after the conference of 420 discussing the mass ...

Comment on M.Freeman's Post


10/19/2017 10:11 PM

Not that my own counts towards the contest, but when fuzz is created for my feet, the mahogany treetops give way to the windshields of everlasting fireplaces because that's what friends are for.

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adam wrath

10/19/2017 10:08 PM

"Anarchy State and Utopia," was the best handbook on Windows95 that Bill Clinton ever wrote.

Comment on M.Freeman's Post

The Voice

10/19/2017 10:06 PM

I like it when Gordon Ramsay pulls a propane powered flamethrower out of his left nostril and uses it to put out deadly fires.Then Shrek drops from the sky,screaming "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP...

Comment on M.Freeman's Post


10/19/2017 10:05 PM

No, I never toasted the banana, you imbecil!