Samus Aran's Followers
Elijah Dissected0Squid7
Hey Guys! I am Elijah and I like X-Ambassadors, Fall Out Boy, One Republic, TOP and Post Malone. Some of my favorite movies are Kong: Skull Island, Jurassic World, Europa Report, and Land of the Lost. My favorite show is THE OFFICE and Stranger Things. My favorite game is Splatoon, Mariokart 8, Super Mario 3D World, and Nintendo Land. So yeah, I'm done. Please Follow me! Goal: 400 followers. †
Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
Profile comment hidden by admin.
TZ Zemaitis9
Sup my name is TZ and I like gameing #DON'T END MIIVERSE! i am a 9 year old boy named Thomas
Jesus TheSonicman885
Hello/Hola i'm Jesus, 15 years old I love to play all kinds of Video games, I really love Platformers RPG Action,Adventure Fighting and Racing type Games ...I love Mario, Sonic, Final Fantasy, The Legend of Zelda, Tales of Symphonia, Pokémon and Kingdom Hearts
Where chocolate bar memes are just a suction cup away. Hello there. Im Doc Louis. Chocolate Bar Enthusaist, and Supporter of Muscular Scrappy Doo, in the NSLU. I also do birthday parties and weddings. If you need a trainer, call the Doc. (Closed verse is a maybe. Check following to see where you can catch my unfunny memes after this place goes.)
sath sathy1
welcome to the 2nd account of seth! this time its sath º_º :about sath expect some posts a lot★ that was some information about sath! ºþªñ viewgen comment hospital bee accountinformation NiCe PoST! i got banned Not Anymore
Manny Rat LankyPsy
50 followers! Get in! Thank you guys! Thank you Isaac to for being the 50th follower! Next stop 80 followers. Whoever gets me there will get a shoutout! THANKS! Also plz comment on my posts #BlackScreen to get a shoutout These are the games I play: -Kirby Clash -Splatoon -Mario/Luigi Bros. U -Mk 8 -Super Smash Bros. Plz follow me! Oh yeah, btw I know Lukie (MegaLucarioFan) Follow him
Agent 5 SplatAgent777
I write Splatoon 2 Stories! Read them if you'd like! Things Splatoon 2 NEEDS 1. Playable Octolings 2. A few more hairstyles and legwear (JUST GIVE THE BOYS PANTS) 3. Salmonlings (I guess idk) 4. 24/7 Salmon Run (MOST IMPORTANTLY) 5. New weapon types 6. More single player (Mayble Salmonids with playable Octolings?) 7. Fan suggested Splatfests
Kevin Special-Kpro23
I'm a hardcore Nintendo fan! I love posting brand new creative gaming ideas, that Nintendo can test out on all their games, latest Nintendo news, updates, etc. They make the best games in the industry, & they really show gamers what true innovation & entertainment is. NO NEGATIVE or INAPPROPRIATE comments please. I DO NOT accept troll posts or anything unrelated to my posts. Positive posts only!
Dr.Eggman yoloman57294
Daniel p0wbl0ck
Hello,you can call me Daniel.I used to have another account but it got b@nned for nothing so this is my new main.Peeps:Ash,Xylix,Josy, Knightfall,Zack,Nicky Rose,Ava,and Rose.Goodbye peeps.I'll remember yall. †
Villager² minecraftman2000
EVERYONE, I HAVE RETURNED. SANS LET ME USE HIS PROFILE WHILE HE'S GONE. Games: Mk8, Sm4sh, Minecraft, And loads more. Switch Games: Mk8D, BotW, Spla2n, ARMS, Minecraft, and loads more. Join me if you can!! ---+EDIT+--- I will miss you. Thank you for the good memories. reminder of my latest 7 follows *This profile will no longer post as of November 7th.
S•ÂαгøиЖЗ obyonek
Evolution of my username through Miiverse AaronX3 DemonX3 S•DemonX3 S•SantaX3 S•2Ø17X3 S•B-dayX3 S•AarønX3 ST S2 X3 S•ÂαгøиЖЗ Remember to eat your water World Time: Central
Jake 2017 Chavon
I really loved this place, flaws and all. My friends here are amazing. I appreciated every comment and "yeah", silly as that is. Thank you, and goodbye.
こうた kota0620a
Pink Posey nyla2003
Hi I'm Pink Posey! I love Nintendo and Sega so much!I like to play Mario games.And even I've got a dream,a dream to go to Tokyo,Japan.I'm an Nintendo fan,I'm a big fan of Disney,And I'm a huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog too! No WiiU Chats please!I only make friends who loves and fans of Disney,Sonic the Hedgehog and Nintendo!
gяαyфωδζƒ 2dsmop
Im a gray wolf and night wolf. All wolves are family to me. If you are to follow me, follow other wolves out there like Nick Wolf, Fire Wolf, FluffyWolf and so on. Favorite pokemon(s): Incineroar, Lucario, Moon form Lycanroc MK7 VR: 14k+ MK7 Coins: 16k+ Thanks for 500+ Followers! Shiny Pokemon: 470+ I HAVE SHINY HOOPA AND ZYGARDE! ______________________________ #WolvesRuleDawgs
Alex DarkGuero134
Hola soy Alex mis mejores amig@s son pEaR y Carlonette,usaba una 3DS y ahora wii u me gusta mucho digimon,TLH(the loud house),Mario Bros,Sonic.
Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
Ki iron7777
holis a todos : mis bff chris lider del clan tz creo jijiji, mya y clone bye y que diosito les acompañe siempre besitos al aire a todos
blandine Epoxyl
discozombi markiem
leonardo Leonardo2105
I like anyone creative and nice . if you want to see me do anything or want someone to play with im here . just comment what you want on my posts and give a yeah . i love tmnt , yugioh , bakugan , pokemon and most animes , superheroes , girls with great personaliteies because looks don't really matter to me , new friends , great people , action , adventure and figthing videogames or movies .
nixie mamaswagger
Hi Everyone on Super Smash Bros My Favorite Fighter is Sonic Bowser Jr Greninja Mario Pikachu Yoshi Lucario My Favorite Show to watch is Sonic X and We Bare Bears. My Favorite Youtuber is SML and SMG4 DashieGamer Alex Wassabi it funny. I'm Sonic Greninja and Bowser Jr Mario fan. My Best Friends for life is Big Boy Elissa Ali OctoLexi Chirs Darcy Terminator Error Sans Hailey Brit wolf Buk9 Alijah
Thunder Shadow_tH13
Ich bevorzuge es, klug und nett zu sein! I prefer to be smart and nice! Meine liebsten Games-Serien: My favourite game series: -Sonic the Hedgehog -Shantae -Yo-Kai Watch -LEGO Meine Lieblingscharaktere sind die Frauen, und ... My favourite characters are the girls/women, and ... ... Shadow the Hedgehog!!!
zeedraph BiggestBatFan
my name is e i like to play pokémon sun i discovered miiverse when i got a wii u there is so much to tell you bye
max biggboo
Alyssa melloyello2504
Hey,have you played Sonic Boom? If not,try it. I also like playing other games too. It's Pokemon,Sonic Boom,Tomodachi life,and K Sometimes,I play demos for games I never tried. I am Anna/Alyssa. I am 12 years old. I draw,play video games,make youtube videos, and post things you never seen. That's all I do while on my 3DS. I also have a desktop computer irl. Never forget what I've said. Pls,and ty.
katereedus katereedus
Heya je m'appelle Leeloo je suis fan d'UNDERTALE ! et de ACNL pour faire simple j'adore les jeux vidéo c'est ma life heh heh abonnez-vous si vous ne voulez pas passez un sale quart d'heure ! =3 #Team ACNLWA #Team UNDERTALE ! mes perso préféré : SANS ‹3 Frisk and chara j'aime aussi payrus, undyne et gαsłεг, asriel ★★ Frans ★★ je vous aimes mes abonnés ‹3
Hyper boy marioyoshinaruto
Hi i am hyperboy.
sonic Cnrfour
Hello! My name is " " and I'm 12. I'm a big fan of Sonic the hedgehog, The Legend of Zelda series, Mega Man, and Mario! Also a big fan of the MCU, I can draw very well! My mentality on Miiverse is If you follow me, I'll follow you back. P.S. I'm not a Furry, I know my Mii may say so otherwise but, I'm not.
kara kara-visnaw
ruan italo2003
faça a coisa certa pois agente move o mundo
Amy Rose myakshjr
Challenge me on Super Smash bros,Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed,Mario kart 7 and 8.I also love Sonic the hedgehog. I'm friends with Sonikku,Shady(shadow),Tails,Knuckles,Silver,Auriana,Cream and Blaze. I love Miiverse and I will never forget it.
SonicFanN1 SonicFanN1
Fan Number 1 of SONIC, of course being an expert on his games (action/adventures), shooters and platformers, I try to complete all games at 100% of course playing fair
M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
timmy Buckshot50
hi i just a simpe guy this one my alt if you can guess who i am i follow you with my main account.
richard slayer135785
Name: Rich Equipment: Ray gun, Beam Sword, various bombs. Status in Alpha Series: Freelance fighter. Connections in Alpha Series: Smashers, Mike, Greninja, Charizard, Ryu, Peach, Cooper and John. Clothing: Fighter outfit and Spiny hat. Home location: Bionis. Fighting Skill: Intermediate. Social Skills: Expert.
Alex loud 900931
bienvenidos a mi perfil me gusta hacer amigos y mas cuando son anables etc.como pEaR=3 eevee wolf y mas me gusta MLP,Sonic.EXE,mario bros,metroid,sonic 1,2,3 y SK3 las creepypastas,easter eggs y cosas interesantes y el increíble mundo de los digimones y me gusta ser alegre
Welcome to the Trav- Zone! GET READY!! Hope you enjoy my scribbles and what-have-ya. I want to thank all those who yeah, comment, and follow! THANK YOU!! Also be sure to check out my main account: The Trav (Megablurx) for all my WiiU posts and other random cray.
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
Hello,I am a Sonic fan for life, and my favorite non-Sonic video game character is Falco Lombardi...
Hello,I am a Sonic fan for life, and my favorite non-Sonic video game character is Falco Lombardi.I love Metroid, Star Fox, Animal Crossing, Mario, Yoshi, Super Smash Bros., Splatoon, Kirby, and of course Sonic! I will aid anyone who asks to the best of my abilities, whether it is gaming issues or trolls.I accept friend requests as long as you are not creepy.