M's Followers
Goron Link KenBonePresident
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Wispurr LordTigerRoar
Profile comment NOT hidden by admin. Let's see, I don't know what to say. Few things you should know: ♥ to draw. Rarley do screenshot posts. Don't do Wii U Chat. I do weekly BRAINTEASERS. Forgot to say thanks to all my followers for the 200+! Not greedy but let's get it to 300, OK? Any good suggestions for anime, make sure to tell me. See ya! MIIVERSE IS ENDING EVERYONE PANIC!
∞←Vane→∞ Vanne_22
Fafa HooperTheBest
Merci beaucoup pour cette fabuleuse expérience, cela fait un peu plus de 2 ans que je suis ici Je repars avec d'agréables souvenirs ! C'est triste... je vais continuer le dessin "seul" Je recommence à zero, quelque part et faire une nouvelle communauté aussi géniale que celle-ci ! un grand Merci de m'avoir suivi, vous avez été merveilleux ! Passez une bonne journée (ou soirée) !
★りき★ yoshi21265
大阪在住,中学2年です。 陸上部,長距離(専門は1500m)です! ・好きなアニメ ドラゴンボール、ポケモン ・好きな歌手 『嵐』 堂々と、言います。 実は、僕、ポケモンが大,大,大,大好きです! 僕が持っている「ポケモン」のソフトは、 『プラチナ』 『ハートゴールド』 『ポケモンレンジャー光の奇跡』 『ブラック』 『ホワイト2』 『ポケモン不思議のダンジョン ~マグナゲートと∞迷宮~』 『Y』 『オメガルビー』 『サン』 です。 13歳にして、 『ポケモン歴7年』で~す! みんなのたくさんの共感、コメント、本当に嬉しいです♪ 『ミーバースが終わる!!!!!』 噂だったけど、本当だったとは………… 悲しいです。 なるべく来るようにします。 はぁぁ~、悲しい,寂しい です。
TamingSari hanifmazuki
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Justin sisybeth
This user's profile comment is private.
Tone ToneSG1017
What's up everyone. I'm Antonio Moore from Wisconsin, 21 & outgoing gamer
JG§Valio Markus1.05
Non faccio Follow4Follow. E non voglio che sia fatto con me, grazie. Don't follow me for follow you. Fav Videogame: Fantasy Life About me: A boy who plays videogames Screenshot-maker, I do my best to amaze you with my screenshots. I also post gameplay screenshots and drawings on requests. Follow me if you want. It'll make a 11 years old boy happy :)
$ώιβι loulou662
Κικου α τοι Įε мαρρεζζε Αмβπε ετ įαι 12 αηş ετ įε şυιş ςнεζου,δπσζε мαιş ραπ δεşşυş τουτ τιмιδε Мεş įευχ ρπεƒεπεş şοητ Мιηεςπαƒτ,Уο Και Шατςн 2 ,αςηζωα ετ ρκмη Įε πεмεπςιε αυşşι мεş 504 αβο ετ мεş 89 αмιş ♥♥♥ Οβįεςτιƒ:550 αβο αβοηηεş νουş αυşşι α camillou30 ken41200 alex55652 ετ lazerultime Αβοηηε τοι (įε πεηδş) ^.^ Сιαο мεş ζουριοş ♥
DeclanDeal jiminnojams
hey humanity in two days is the end of miiverse ;( but I still have roblox
Katelyn^_^ FalconX37
Hi! Im 14, and I hope someday I can become a softball player. Im really quirky, and im the only person in my group of friends that still has a DS:-P Interests: Vineyard Vines, Science, Softball. Interesting Fact: I live in the same city as the McKnight Family! I go to a different school district than they do though.
Akira AyumuTheDreamer
Hi! I like Pokemon and Assassin's Creed. I just stay in my corner until i need something... I speak French and English.
ις KλΓιƒα Kalifa123
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♪ρυιcнгα♪ pulchradivina01
まっちゃん konan-pit
11月6日プロフ更新!これまで投稿への共感、コメ、大会へのご参加、有り難うございました!(^-^) 楽しい思い出がいっぱい出来ました!Miiverse最高でした! 青い鳥に籍だけ作りましたが、ミバ終了まではミバに全力投球します! スマブラ好きのわっふる、ふうりん、みーの一族共通アカ(WiiU)です。タイム制のチーム戦大好き!実力は、わっふる(代表Mii)>みー>ふうりんです。一族共々よろしくね! ミバ終了後もフレ戦やガチ部屋、青い鳥でよろしくです!(^^)/ 皆さんどうかお元気で! Our handle name is Mattyan. We are family. Waffle(わっふる),Furin(ふうりん), and Mee(みー). We like Super Smash Bros.. Thank you for your 'yeah' and miiverse!
☆☆♪Rio♪☆☆ rioabajo
☆☆Hi , I am a big Nintendo fan. I enjoy playing games. a few of my favorites are Splatoon, MK. sent me a friend request. would love to play a game together.☆☆
Luca Luca.Brognon
MAKA Maka_Shioin
Just a happy go lucky girl Who wants to see the world ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♥♡♥♡♡♥♡♥♥♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♥♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♡♥♡♡♡♥♡♥♡♥♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♡♥♡♥♡♡♥♡♡♥♡♡♥♡♥♥♡♥♡♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♡♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♡♡♥♡♡♥♡♥♡♡♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♥♥♡♥♡♡♡♥♥♡♡♥♡♥♥♡♡♥♡♥♡♥♥♡♥♡♡♥♡♡♥♡♥♡♥♥♡♡♥♡♡♥♡♡♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥ Single & ready to learn boys & girls. So teach me something extreme if you know what I mean "Dirt or Snow I'm the girl to go" LOVE YOU ALL KISSES
Rebecca BeccaAnne_Baker
Hai!! Thanks for tapping on me! ^-^ Things to know about me! :) *I love Zombie games! *I do Wii U chat! *My favorite color is blue! *I love art more than people. *Hockey is my favorite!! *I love Mario Bros! *I love Link!! *I do take friend request! *Make sure to always have a reason too! <3 Have a amazing day!
kierra kierrapm12
ƒς Mσσπ Momo250203
⇒I'm Moritz, ⇒I'm in ƒς, ⇒I speak french, german and 50% english ⇒I like play: Pokémon, the Legend of Zelda, SDSW, Chess, DAoC and ArcheAge ⇒yeah record: ♪120♪ ⇒The ƒς-clan: →+450 members →I was a Co-Leader →Clan-Leaders ID: Weiss: [Rote-Flamme] Linda: [Dynamirathos] Flame: [KaiserinSissi] Join him.
Evan MonkeyMadness486
Hi Miiverse peoples! I'm Evan, my favorite game is Tomodachi Life, and you may see a lot of it on my profile! HAPPY GAMING!
»Stαtisky Statisky
Thanks for the nice memories! Sorry for any possible inconvenience. I'm away from my WiiU at moment. Peace to everyone! Farewell, Miiverse.
Kira Kira_LoZ
Hey! Kiki here. I love romance role plays, Legend of Zelda, FMA, and much more. Status: Lin trash. Be sure to follow my Wii U account, Kiki_I. Song of the Day: "So hey, we brought our drum and this is how we dance No mistakin', we make our breaks, if you don't like our 808s Then leave us alone, 'cause we don't need your policies We have no apologies for being..."
Rinosuarus Bananapans
i like watching anime. Sao Fairy Tail Twin star exorcist One piece Naruto i like playing Sao and racing games. i Was a adopted child my mom got kicked out of america.I have a ps4 and a 3 ds.
FantaSyVII MajorMiner200
Hey guys i am 14 now! i try my best to keep you busy. I am not a hater (I dont know why i said that xD) Hope you enjoy my account and don't forget to follow me! '3' if you follow me ill follow you back! But it could take me up to 5 days to follow you back, so make sure you are aware of that!
pelon pelon.526
hola mi nombre es : Jonathan pero mis amigos me dicen pelon, tengo 13 años y me gusta Leer,el Futbol,las Matematicas,Dibujar, mis juegos favoritos son Super Mario 3D World Super Smash Bros Minecraft y bueno muchísimos mas , tambien me gusta tener muchos amigos y si me siguen yo los segire espero que juegen conmigo en muchos juegos mis mejores amigos son sb chow coco y zion
EMK Rober zorrosmtb1
hola amigo como estas espero que bien , bueno mi meta es llegar a los 1000 seguidores y si me sigues te sigo. yo tengo 15 años ,espero que me sigas y seamos buenos amigos ★★★★★youtubers favoritos★★★★★ LuisitoRey , juegagerman , fernanfloo , Luisitocomunica , elrubiusOMG y hueva ★★★★★deportes favoritos★★★★★ ciclismo y futbol gracias por visitar mi perfil adios : ( los estrañare amigos
のん futaba0611
ゼル伝好き高二 (17 age) 風タクhd絶賛攻略中 ブレワイ待機民。パンいちリンクで全クリ予定(大嘘) 気ままにお絵描きして、たまにイカになります お気軽にフォローして下さい(´∇`) Hello. I'm Nonsan. I love Legend of zelda. I can't speak English well…. Nice to meet you.
owen hibbityjibbit
2016 why aonuma why
sky goacher
hi i love new york!!!!!!!!!!
Trevious nopresure
Sammy Kat~ JaYbirDwilly
:') ❀Special thanks to all my followers who stuck with me and encouraged the drawings.. can't say how much I appreciate that my little drawings were liked. <3 ❀Sir Raven, Blythe, Millicent, SnapperZz, Ryan, Adrehh, Judeh, White, V, Uncle_V, KiaN, Brittany, Seige, Jampster.. (and recent peeps/friends!); Y'all stayed from my start.. ty for meeting me and being my friends ♡
GoFigure KalifAlternative
So I'm banned on my main account, luckily I had this back up. Main Account: Kalif123
Eve Evegirl
☆Hello dears! Thank you for looking at my profile page! Thank you for 1600+ followers! *I do not take requests. I am a self-taught artist who loves to draw characters from LoZ and other random stuff I find interesting. ;) I always will try to respond to your comments, and I hope to bring a smile to your face with my drawings and other posts. :) 2294-8135-2533
lewis pitch2x
hi love miiverse love nintendo shout out to tammy and jibanyan and my sister sky!Because they are awesome and please follow them they deserve it cannot wait for pokemon sun and moon! please follow!!! thank you for getting me over 40 followers shout out to them and please follow them!
UB Conner GavConCEO
Hi there! I have 2 O.C.s their names are Creep (creeper) and Endy (enderman)I like to follow people who follow me.I like to yeahbomb so don't judge.I also like to comment and post frequently so as a result I often run out of posts.(›.‹)I am a member of Team Charizard,Great Saviors,Power Trainers,and United Battlers,and Blaze.Plz follow: Unmaskedshik.ID is King Drewsky.
Rocío~SMV megustatunombre
Holiwis, pasen y vean: juego a: pokemon, ACNL, ... Me encanta dibujar y el fútbol Me aburro muy facilmente, ... ... ves ya estoy aburria xD Αηδαlυzα hasta la mεδυlα. #SaveMiiverse #SMV Pulsad boton de seguir no se si funciona bien xD _____________ ★☆♪☆★ _____________ ¡¿A que esperas para ser Roc~kawaii ? el boton está ahí mismo!
Hello, I'm M ^-^
I'm mostly just your "average" gamer-girl
A few of the games/game series that I...
Hello, I'm M ^-^
I'm mostly just your "average" gamer-girl
A few of the games/game series that I like are:
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Puzzles & Dragons Z
Super Smash Bros
(I main Link and Dark Pit :3 And I'm decent)
Deviant Art:
No Wii U chat
♪Thanks for 150+♪ ^~^♥♡♥
Sorry if I don't post often, I've been busy