Users M Is Following
Mary icrame02
Thank you for visiting my profile ~ - I'm another Miiverse user that enjoys drawing, so don't forget to follow me if you are interested on them ♥ I try to post one drawing per day, to stay active, but don't expect any drawing those days I'm not inspired at all or those days I just don't have time to post anything :v I'm also into Pokemon, Touhou Project and Kirby's franchises.
Evan yspark901
Hi Everyone, It seems that I've reached my final drawing for miiverse. I hope that you enjoyed my drawings over the years, and I want to thank you for such kind support over the years. I am just getting started as an artist, so you may see me again somewhere else in not too far a future. I hope to meet you soon with new and even more interesting artwork! Thank you!!! :D
Fafa HooperTheBest
Merci beaucoup pour cette fabuleuse expérience, cela fait un peu plus de 2 ans que je suis ici Je repars avec d'agréables souvenirs ! C'est triste... je vais continuer le dessin "seul" Je recommence à zero, quelque part et faire une nouvelle communauté aussi géniale que celle-ci ! un grand Merci de m'avoir suivi, vous avez été merveilleux ! Passez une bonne journée (ou soirée) !
TamingSari hanifmazuki
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
ψ†Dwayz†ψ™ PokeBigFan
J'ai fais une rencontre il y a un peu Plus d'un an,rencontre INOUBLIABLE, rencontre FORMIDABLE, rencontre IMPROBABLE, qui aura été la plus belle de toutes les rencontres que j'ai faites ici, ta rencontre Evy ♪Je me souvient de l'année dernière, quand sur l.a on parlait pas encore vraiment et maintenant je pense à aujourd'hui tu es ma meilleur amie, une amie en or à toujours dans mon cœur ♪\\^o^//♪
ις KλΓιƒα Kalifa123
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Skyler TheSwampertnite
Sup guys, it's me KeyStoneGamer and I LOVE Pokemon with a passion. I do discussions unless if I say so. Thank you for your support! Just an FYI I changed my name TheSwampertite to KeyStoneGamer. Thanks guys for the good times. R.I.P Miiverse. Ill miss you all.
☆☆♪Rio♪☆☆ rioabajo
☆☆Hi , I am a big Nintendo fan. I enjoy playing games. a few of my favorites are Splatoon, MK. sent me a friend request. would love to play a game together.☆☆
Cookumms Cookumms
たかこ nyanjirow
Miiverseで久々にお絵描きを楽しませていただきました。 素敵な場に参加することができ感謝しております。 皆様ありがとうございました! 一部の作品をpixivに残しています。 Thank you so much for everything. Thank you for the wonderful time. Sorry I'm not good at English.
ƒς Mσσπ Momo250203
⇒I'm Moritz, ⇒I'm in ƒς, ⇒I speak french, german and 50% english ⇒I like play: Pokémon, the Legend of Zelda, SDSW, Chess, DAoC and ArcheAge ⇒yeah record: ♪120♪ ⇒The ƒς-clan: →+450 members →I was a Co-Leader →Clan-Leaders ID: Weiss: [Rote-Flamme] Linda: [Dynamirathos] Flame: [KaiserinSissi] Join him.
☆Artistic★ artistic14
\(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ Don't be sad. Just don't forget me. NEVER forget artistic14...*winkiddy wink* I look forward to when we all meet again!
Kei TheDivineSage
I'm 18 and I am an artist with a lot of OCs, 52 of 'em. I draw, do RPs, and play Smash bros. I'm just here to show my OCs, inspire others, make others laugh, and—of course—have fun! Requests are accepted, but I may not be active every day, so keep that in mind when you ask. Tschüss! []\[●=●]—[] ★ •—(•_•)/ Want to play Smash? My mains are R.O.B & Meta Knight
まっちゃん konan-pit
11月6日プロフ更新!これまで投稿への共感、コメ、大会へのご参加、有り難うございました!(^-^) 楽しい思い出がいっぱい出来ました!Miiverse最高でした! 青い鳥に籍だけ作りましたが、ミバ終了まではミバに全力投球します! スマブラ好きのわっふる、ふうりん、みーの一族共通アカ(WiiU)です。タイム制のチーム戦大好き!実力は、わっふる(代表Mii)>みー>ふうりんです。一族共々よろしくね! ミバ終了後もフレ戦やガチ部屋、青い鳥でよろしくです!(^^)/ 皆さんどうかお元気で! Our handle name is Mattyan. We are family. Waffle(わっふる),Furin(ふうりん), and Mee(みー). We like Super Smash Bros.. Thank you for your 'yeah' and miiverse!
Raymundo RayDangoVago
[RayDango] Nos vemos!!. Yucateco fan de Nintendo,Animación,Juegos,Pizza,Musica ochentera,Musica Vocaloid y Frikieadas,Solo publico dibujos,Me gusta el dibujo a pesar de no ser muy bueno. In English ;D I like Cartoons,Anime,Nintendo,Games,Pizza,Vocaloid and 80s Music,etc Age/Edad:2?. I only post drawns,My english is bad®. saludos.
»Stαtisky Statisky
Thanks for the nice memories! Sorry for any possible inconvenience. I'm away from my WiiU at moment. Peace to everyone! Farewell, Miiverse.
☆キングさきちゃん☆ saki050702
普段は他の方の素敵な投稿内容を見ては 「そうだね」をポチポチ押したり、 「無言フォロー」やってしまいます。 嫌な方はおっしゃって下さい。 私の投稿内容にコメントを下さった方には 出来る限り返信するよう心がけていますが、 場合によって遅れるか…気づかないです。 すみませんσ(´ύ`;) ☆【リクエストについて】 現在は募集していません(´ό`;) ☆【趣味と大好きなキャラクターと人】 趣:ゲーム・お絵描き キ:アイク・カービィ・メガサーナイト 人:北千里さん(イラストレーター) 萩道彦さん(アイクの声優) フォロワー様500人突破☆\(´ύ`*)/ いつもありがとうございます!! これからもよろしくお願いします。 (2017年6月19日 更新)
FantaSyVII MajorMiner200
Hey guys i am 14 now! i try my best to keep you busy. I am not a hater (I dont know why i said that xD) Hope you enjoy my account and don't forget to follow me! '3' if you follow me ill follow you back! But it could take me up to 5 days to follow you back, so make sure you are aware of that!
owen hibbityjibbit
2016 why aonuma why
Foosuke Foosuke
そろそろ終了なのでコメント欄、開きます。 忙しくて返信は出来ませんが、それでもよろしければコメントどうぞ(^▽^)ノ Left 3days... I open my comments again. But now, I'm busy in the care for my mother. I can't reply. sorry. Drawing is a language. It has no border. 描画とは国境無き言語である。
のん futaba0611
ゼル伝好き高二 (17 age) 風タクhd絶賛攻略中 ブレワイ待機民。パンいちリンクで全クリ予定(大嘘) 気ままにお絵描きして、たまにイカになります お気軽にフォローして下さい(´∇`) Hello. I'm Nonsan. I love Legend of zelda. I can't speak English well…. Nice to meet you.
ЦÐ☆Louis Shisui-44-Fr
Hi I'm Louis and I have 14 years old ! I like vidéo games,manga/anime and I love drawing :D I speak English and French but I'm French and I do my best for improve my English level :) Don't hesitate to like my drawing and thanks you for 1700 followers ;)
Shad TsUnaHomeDave
I AM NEVER HERE. HOLY GOODNESS I GRADUATED GAME GRUMPS , JonTRON, and chuggaaconroy, Markiplier, Pewdiepie are my internet celebs. Joined on THIS PROFILE on 2-28-14 original account: Shadow (spideyzeldanet) Best friends are Corrin-Sempai, Javi, Kitty, Angel, Midna, Aldo ,and my bro Cameron. You know who you are >:) I love you, Tony :> Woo Scorpio Baby!! <3
ЦÐ★•C&G• CoolTimideJoyeux
~Bıeηνeηυe ςυя се ряоƒıl~ ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■● ●■■☆☆☆☆■☆☆☆■■☆☆☆☆■☆■☆■■● ●■■☆■■■■☆■☆■■☆■■■■☆■☆■■● ●☆■☆■■■■■☆■■■☆■☆☆■☆■☆■☆● ●■■☆■■■■☆■☆■■☆■■☆■■■■■■● ●■■☆☆☆☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆☆☆■☆■☆■■● ●■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Icı oη est deux! (deς jυмeαuχ). -Team: ЦÐ★ - et Papaye ★Dessin: ~мııverse ~Pσкéмση αrt αcαdeмγ ~Mστıf ACNLWA #C&G αbσηηe τσı sı τυ νeυχ! ^ω^
Mireil Mizirel
Hello! I use to draw about my favorite games and franchises. I draw Dark Link a lot. Sorry if my grammar flaws sometimes, english isn't my first language. ¡Hola! Me gusta dibujar acerca de los videojuegos y franquicias que me gustan y suelo dibujar mucho a Dark Link.
Tsikas Tsikas
Archdan Archdan
(Creator of Lonely Roy series) Comic returns Sep 2017 °Check my Alt Account "Lonely Roy" yeahs for all the comics in order! °Awarded Wii U News Miiverse Artist of the Year 2014 °List of my POTD draws? check out "Archmask" (2DS account) theyre listed in his Yeahs
Lonely Roy LonelyRoy
(Archdan's Alt Account) i post on occasion now.. im busy with the comic and getting a switch check out my yeahs for all the comics listed in order! Archdan's potd drawings? check out Archmask's yeahs list (Archdan's 2DS account)
Amanda LinZelMLIY
♡Hi!♡ I love The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem and Super Smash Bros. My favorite character is Link, I love him so much! I fall in love with him!♥ 2nd favorite characters are all bishounen of the games and animes.♡ I love ☆BTS☆ and ♥TaeKook♥. I like BL (Yaoi), animes and manga, and I love nekos, they are so kawaii! My favorite animes are Naruto and Pokémon. I love Nintendo! Here since: 2016/04/06
ED☆Dαχυ sushies
♪Welcome ev'ryone •ώ•♪ •Hey there i'm 14! & I just LOVE DRAW!! =D a big "Thank you" for my followers, love you all♡ \(^0^ ) …Just a li'le passage in french: •Bon! Mes chers amis, abonnés... ou même adversaires :D j'vous en prie, vous pouvez regarder et suivre mes dessins! ça m'ferait vraiment plaisir! •Plz: -I take requests only from my close friends -No advertising on my drawings See ya♡
Sammy Kat~ JaYbirDwilly
:') ❀Special thanks to all my followers who stuck with me and encouraged the drawings.. can't say how much I appreciate that my little drawings were liked. <3 ❀Sir Raven, Blythe, Millicent, SnapperZz, Ryan, Adrehh, Judeh, White, V, Uncle_V, KiaN, Brittany, Seige, Jampster.. (and recent peeps/friends!); Y'all stayed from my start.. ty for meeting me and being my friends ♡
Hello, I'm M ^-^
I'm mostly just your "average" gamer-girl
A few of the games/game series that I...
Hello, I'm M ^-^
I'm mostly just your "average" gamer-girl
A few of the games/game series that I like are:
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Puzzles & Dragons Z
Super Smash Bros
(I main Link and Dark Pit :3 And I'm decent)
Deviant Art:
No Wii U chat
♪Thanks for 150+♪ ^~^♥♡♥
Sorry if I don't post often, I've been busy