Users Gtoda4 Is Following
♪Jaz♪ kona_koffee4144
I havnt been able to show much personality thru this account, but i grateful 4 meeting you guys.I need to thank everyone, followers, the ones i'm following, and the ones I have never even met, for making MV a unique community you truly cant find anywhere else. hope to c u around :) other locationz (also go there if I havnt finished ur request) Lemongrease deee-ayyylmao colors3d is a cool app
Ally DarkAlchemyLab
Since miiverse is ending soon(November 7/2017) After some serious thinking, its time for me to move on as well, I hate making this choice but I hate good byes more. Thank you all for your friendship and for the good times we had. Ally has retired from miiverse and online gaming. farewell everyone.....I wish you all the best.♥♥♥♥♥
P Tenn88
Annoyed about tomorrow being the final day of MV & that it's getting shut down just to try & push the switch onto customers....yeah that's my opinion. :/ And their "claims" of them still planning on supporting the 3ds family of systems I'm gonna need pretty darn good proof of that to 100% believe that.
Zephon VizeGore
Hiya! Nice of you to come here! ..... //sweats nervously// I'm lurking around.. Just, don't have time to post atm.. MV Goals: -Get lots of followers -Get lots of friends -Have a lot of fun
Kay ClaymoreNeko
Hi there, people! Nice to meet ya all. My name is Kaydei, im just the usual latina gamer - working - caring wife (oh whatever!) My favorite things are cooking, exercising, gaming, painting, drawing, etc. My favorite bands are "Gorillaz" "BVB" and others. I love playing Xenoblade, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Monster hunter, Smash brothers, Mario kart, Bayonetta, Yandere simulator, Undertale.
Momo DracoAnomaly
Hello! I'm Momo! Nice to meet you! If you ever need someone to talk to or drawing tips, I'd be happy to help!
Cassy Queen-of-Ducks
Hey guys Im happily taken I love Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, and pretty much any good Rpgs. I tend to like random fandoms but i like Homestuck best. HUGE Harry Potter fan um yeah... thats all I can think of If you want know something or just wanna chat just comment ☆~Bye~☆
Hero 2.0 Juggler32
I'm gonna be mainly using this N3DS system for MH4U, Zelda MM, and internet. Apart from that...Who knows? And if you're curious, the nintendo ID for my other miiverse account is- Yeehaw123
Notwarryl warryl
Angle Vile-Neko
Loved my past 3 years here but it's about time I leave. Shout outs to: Rosa, Audy, LordWarryl, Kazuma, Izzy, ManiV, Hanabusa, ChibaMa, Honer, Krauss, Shinigami, Arri, Jack, Juan, Kris, Avilles, Viodisc, Business, And all my lovely followers who stuck around till the end, Mama loves you all.
chungo Raptortrash
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Hero Yeehaw123
Favorite games: Atari 2600-BERZERK. NES- Super Mario Bros. 3. SNES- Lost Vikings 2. Computer- StarCraft. Gameboy- Donkey Kong. N64- Ocarina of Time. GameCube- Metroid Prime. GBA- Activision Anthology. Wii- Okami. DS- 999. 3DS- Virtue's Last Reward. Wii U- Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. And if you're curious, the nintendo ID of my other miiverse account is- Juggler32
Ruri Mr.Magikarp654
Well, miiverse's end draws near... It was fun talking/drawing here. Made many good friends here, many drawings here as well. Regret not drawing much here but I guess that happens when you have an old model ds. Miiverse has been a great time. And I am glad to have the friends I made here. Wish you all the best. This is not a good bye. This is a see you soon. :)
Tay AnonTron
Tori Puzzle_Solved
As of 9/19/15, this account is inactive. I just don't feel the need to be on this account when I can't draw anything for you guys. You guys can find me on my other account. NNID: LucidAwakeness
. Roleplaying-Neko
Hello and welcome to my profile. I post pokemon art academy drawings and random things in the YT community. I don't do requests or follow for follows. Now goodbye and have a nice day (don't forget to yeah some of posts since you're here).
Hanabusa 25thAlice2
Hello, I'm Hana! Thanks for joining me here! Enjoy your stay! Sorry, no requests. Thanks for 2400+ followers! Age:22 Gender:♀
Toki TokiHaku
Smash Bros. is now officially a fighting game.
Oscar OSCAR75
Hi. I'm @OSCAR75MIIVERSE! If you know what I mean. ;) Hola, Soy @OSCAR75MIIVERSE! Y el que quiera entenderlo que lo entienda. ;)
Aviles Aviles101
They may take our lives, BUT THEY MAY NEVER TAKE OUR-Miivere is ending. "People like [me] are all talent and no discipline" -VGHS *dabs*
Multiple VisionaryFreak
I am nineteen-year old who loves ice cream and sleeping a lot. I smile a lot, too. :^) ???? ?? ???? •I'm living in South Korea, so bear with me on time differences if I'm on when you are not. Online: [•] Offline:[]
Dragoness© dragonblade621
I'm kinda not active on this account anymore. Just a backup just in case for a few things. My real account is NNID: Blueack!
Warryl warryl-san
I am Warryl the Conqueror read my latest Comic:(favorite post & play journal) Current Goal: Conquer Miiverse Current Mode: Lazy in Conquering things 3,500 followers Warryl Keynes P. Belga 28 years old Filipino Manga Artist (in miiverse only) FOLLOW ME!!! you can Yeah bomb me, I wouldn't even feel it I post everyday so always check me out "I don't Take Request"
★☆Roxas☆★ OathkeeperKey
Hi and a warm welcome to my profile page! I'm a 17 year old Kingdom Hearts fanatic, Got It Memorized? Please feel free to comment your opinions on my posts, and drop a Yeah here and there! (I update this regularly [for anyone that reads this far]) I have PAA and will be practicing before taking requests.
shadwflyer shadowbreaker925
'my art is in the details' My name is shadwflyer. i go by shadw usually. I am not here to be famous. I am not here to brag. I am here to share my art with others, and learn from other artsits. I am 17 and a huge fangirl, so be warned! I do not judge quickly or lightly. I love taking requests.I hope you enjoy what i have to offer. 'There is more to this life than just pain.'
Lum lumshock
Hello! Hola! Bonjour! こんにちは! I'm Lumshock, an old school video game & anime fan who enjoys drawing on miiverse. I don't mind yeah bombs, so if you see something you like, feel free to yeah it. I love classic games (SNES, Genesis) and classic anime (but like some new stuff too.
"Some people are afraid of heights. Not me. I'm afraid of widths" I like making silly scribbles and telling cheezy jokes.
★Jesse☆ SonicBoom4014
NEW MAIN: »»JesseDrawsStuff«« BACKUP: JesseIsBack Hi, I'm a kid. But I'm also a goofball, a wingnut, and a knucklehead mcspazatron. I doodle things most of the time. You'll be seeing a lot of Sonic, SpongeBob, Rosalina, and Spider-man on this profile. If you don't like any of them, I'd recommend not to follow me. :) Remember that it's okay for my opinions to differ from yours. Lovin' life.
Rocky Rocky209
dey peepil dnt no bout da swaqq lyfe lyke deng my dood sho sum respect to daplayas. foreal doh :T Hi I'm Rocky209 :B and this is miiverse 3D... Peep game TO THE WINDOOOOOOW /OoO/ TO THE WAAAALLL \OoO\ I'm only gay on the weekends.
kajikouun kajithekouun
Drawing and gaming are my hobbies! :) I love drawing pictures and sharing them with everyone! I'm friendly to talk to so don't be shy! Im hoping to meet other fellow artists on here and have a few chats as wii u chats, please. And I would enjoy maybe playing a game or two with you! :D
Aonuma NintendoAonuma
任天堂の青沼 英二(あおぬま えいじ)です。 「ゼルダの伝説」シリーズのプロデューサーです。 Eiji Aonuma, Producer of The Legend of Zelda games, Nintendo
CrazyBeast Gameboy25
Yo what's sup! Im CB and i love playing video games! Currently playing: Chaos Child Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth Bad Apple Wars Naruto Storm 1 (PS4)
Tom NintendoTom
Hi I'm Tom from Nintendo! Whenever there's anything new happening to Miiverse, I'll be posting about it on Miiverse Announcements. I'll also be sharing tips and other Nintendo news that (hopefully) matters to you. I'll occasionally be popping up in other communities, so keep an eye out for me!
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
»Nuki« Bibi-chan-96
★Hello everyone! i'm bea;3 ★ i love to draw and read books(^▼^)~‹3 ★‹(σωσ)/ i like Pokemon ; Animal Crossing; LoZ ; Layton; other games ★i really LOVE Anime & Manga... // Faves: Black Butler ; Free-iwatobi swim club- ; Kamisama Kiss ; Tokyo Ghoul ; Naruto; Tiger&Bunny ; Diabolik Lovers; Noragami // ★feel free to comment everywere xD ★Currently reading:Magisterium ★Bye ‹(^▼^)/♪
Mine is the drill that will pierce the heavens! Who the heck do you think i am?!? I'm me, Hunter ...
Mine is the drill that will pierce the heavens! Who the heck do you think i am?!? I'm me, Hunter of Monsters and watcher of anime!
Name:Garrison [not really]
Skills:Seasoned Hunter
Equipment:3DS,Wii U, PS3, among others
Our friends are a reflection of ourselves in that we are drawn to qualities of ourself. ~Garrison