Gtoda4's Friends
Oninuki Oninuki
M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
Butch Butch978
Sup everybody!!! Make a positive life experience today!!! Wii are one global family!!!
nathan wgm007
Aaron Bigboi1der
dave already.walking
Venomedic Venom-Boost
I'm a Pocket Monster Hunter. I really like Pokemon, Monster Hunter, Legend of Zelda, crossover games like from the Super Smash line, and anime! Let's have fun!
RamblerOo Ramble_on_Rose
I'm an 8-bit Squid!
Tay AnonTron
Decoy-Pnoy Decoy-Pnoy
Hi everyone! Decoy-Pnoy here. Im a wii u/ps3 gamer, youtuber, game advisor, dj mixer, love/relationship counselor, video editor, and new music finder
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Jamie Syrius155
This user's profile comment is private.
Blaze mcooper2307
Love to hang out with friends and play video games
Fredy Silveredfred
Yo! this is Alfredo aka Fredy aka Silver! My favorite games are MH4U, Mario Kart 8, Pokemon Omega Ruby, and Super Smash Bros for Wii U! Feel free to join me on any multiplayer games!
Rocky Rocky209
dey peepil dnt no bout da swaqq lyfe lyke deng my dood sho sum respect to daplayas. foreal doh :T Hi I'm Rocky209 :B and this is miiverse 3D... Peep game TO THE WINDOOOOOOW /OoO/ TO THE WAAAALLL \OoO\ I'm only gay on the weekends.
Dragoness© dragonblade621
I'm kinda not active on this account anymore. Just a backup just in case for a few things. My real account is NNID: Blueack!
GX bigman3124
Dazzinator joshmom777
Isaac IDDC25
Uhmmm.. Uhmmm.. Uhhmmm... what to write, what to write! thats the problem of life~ anyway, just im an intermediate player, lover of Frank Sinatra's music, also sharing wii u, i play wonderf. 101 / Smash / MH3U (AND 4 too ^,^) in any case if want help or something hit me up and i'll try to help you out! Well i have not much to say than thanks for reading!
Astraea Astraea_Chan
Jazzy Jasilicious
Korg Vaprack
''I am the Hammer.I am the Sword in His hand.I am the Gauntlet about His fist.I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous.I am the End'' Sic Semper Tyrannis
WII Sierra5P
Bubba creepe
o,m,g i made it to hr 7 so close to losing but i won any and i got a brachydios palliam im going to git a realy rare wepon
°☆★Raph RaphaelBulger
why would you cause problems when there are so many people suffering out there. if youve got the power to make a difference, why not put it to good use? go help people! and dont be afraid to stand up for whats right!! mhgen monsters soloed: guild furious rajang event savage deviljho event alatreon event hyper gore magala high rank guild amatsu event hyper rajang event double savage deviljho
may gold_rathian
XD i love monster hunter :D
Leo 1234abcdl
HEATER mhtuheater
☆Abandon and Forgotten I Live On Inside Mankinds Darkest Desires…Never Forgiven★
Hero Yeehaw123
Favorite games: Atari 2600-BERZERK. NES- Super Mario Bros. 3. SNES- Lost Vikings 2. Computer- StarCraft. Gameboy- Donkey Kong. N64- Ocarina of Time. GameCube- Metroid Prime. GBA- Activision Anthology. Wii- Okami. DS- 999. 3DS- Virtue's Last Reward. Wii U- Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. And if you're curious, the nintendo ID of my other miiverse account is- Juggler32
Mine is the drill that will pierce the heavens! Who the heck do you think i am?!? I'm me, Hunter ...
Mine is the drill that will pierce the heavens! Who the heck do you think i am?!? I'm me, Hunter of Monsters and watcher of anime!
Name:Garrison [not really]
Skills:Seasoned Hunter
Equipment:3DS,Wii U, PS3, among others
Our friends are a reflection of ourselves in that we are drawn to qualities of ourself. ~Garrison