◆Haru's Followers
Kar kar123
"Don't you ever fear, I'm always near I know that you need help Your tongue is twisted, your eyes are slit You need a guardian Woo-hoo, and you know I'm yours Woo-hoo, and I know you're mine Woo-hoo, and that's for all time" -Buddy Holly by Weezer
Mommy wiggleworm2825
Hi I'm Wiggleworm. My real name is Matthew! I'm a 13 year old kid that loves Youtube and Video Games. I do enjoy drawing as well! My favorite games are Splatoon, MK8, Super Mario Maker, and more. Please Follow me and I will follow back! I'm going to start a riddle or joke every 2 days a week. So stay tuned! Lastly, enjoy my account and my posts. Bye!!
ice spumoni-icecream
Hello & Welcome XD I like to make new friends and play games with them so I'll accept friend requests, if I know them. I like to play: Animal Crossing New Leaf Super Mario Maker Super Smash bros. 4 Splatoon 1.. 2 Mainly and Legend Of Zelda Ocrina Of Time 3D, sometimes. Btw I do not use wii u chat so please don't ask. #SaveMiiverse I'm staying till the end, no one can change my mind! Thx♪
Nin Neko ☆ jb3777
MαJυ irmasMJ
Mario and Donkey K. forever "With great powers comes great responsability…" Hey,Smile!This isn't a bye-bye, this is a see u soon! Ryne, Geigus, Rhett, Julien, John, Link, Bryan, Rosie, Donna, Maddy, David, Gengar, Kadu, Biozin, Zack, Geronimo, Tokito, Alejandro, Tiger, Gabi, Liam, Isabella, Mike, Negima... You're a nice people, guys! ♥Thanks, dear friends, for the races, battles and good time♥
»–Ρσρργ–> didimioumiou
Hεγ!\ (^~^)/ ☆ Hι τhεrε!! Je suis très contente que tu ai cliqué sur ma tête! ~J'adoore Harry Potter, League Of Legend(z'aime trop Poppy, Lulu et Ahri!) ~J'aime beaucoup dessiner. ~Je joue souvent à Pictopose et Acnl #potterhead Merci à mes abos! Eh ben non, remonte pour t'abonner! (STP) (\ (\ (º˛ º ) ☆★☆★☆★☆
ハムたろう niwaneko
今まで有難う御座いましたo(_ _)o ペコッ 青い鳥でも同じ名前でいようと思うので、もし見かけましたら気軽に話してくださいな(´▽`) いろいろなゲームでお相手してくださった皆様、そしてミーバース運営様、本当にお疲れ様でした。 今まで青い鳥は、ほぼ放置していましたが明日あたりから再開したいと思います(´ω`)
Calamari™ reanne17
Hey there buddy! \(°˙˘˙°)/ My Birthday is 02/17 Favorite songs↓ Blackbear - I Needed You Blackbear - idfc (Tarro Remix) I will be waiting ~ lofi hiphop mix ft. shiloh Some stuff about me! I love Animals I love Drawing I love Splatoon I love Naruto Favorite Naruto Character Kakashi Sensei My squids: stinky beb WOOP LeSaltzBoi PFFT Zee_Zoom WolfGoddess =K o z a= Potato :) See ya buddy!
Reaus character24
I just can't help myself thinking you're with someone else sick to the bone I don't wanna sleep I read the warning sign you said I'd be alright left on my own I don't wanna sleep ♪
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
ポン☆ボムHOLIC ponkiti-yorino
ミバ終了、イカリング終了…かなり凹んどります。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 悲しくて、寂しいけど、最後まで来よう…最後まで描こう٩( 'ω' )و switchのお絵描き投稿の為に、鳥さん始めました わからん事だらけ… ポン☆B-HOLICとして、外の世界でも羽ばたいとります(*'ω'*) いつか会えたら、いいね(*'ω'*) 中3の娘がいるお母ちゃんです...オバチャンですよ(汗)大丈夫ですか? こんなへっぽこピーのポンにフレリクしてくださる方へ 基本的に無言フレリクは受け付けておりません。何度も会話した事がある方や、そちらのプロフィールを確認させていただいたり、お互いの投稿でのやり取りなどしてから考えさせていただきたいと思いますので、よろしくお願いします。悩んだ末、こちらの都合で、お答えすることができない場合もありますが、許してやって下さい。 2017.8.31.
«Tah'Jai»♪ teamus1234
Hi guys My name is Tahjai I live in Deleware so nice My favorite color is purple black and blue My people... MinorFeather Ghost♥, JasonRemix And way more people I like the song 'U make me_Cry' Second favorite song 'Imagine dragons' And my third favorite song is____umm 'Hate u I love u' I use headphones i have black beats And um I have Minecraft and Splatoon And lots of others.. bd June 16
ひろくん hirrokkii
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Jay Money$ jayden101006
Colgo13 Colgo13
Mario Kart 8 Eat Your Deluxe Greens: 5359-5217-0539 Hoping for rare drops in MH4U... Skidding on peels in Mario Kart 8... Defending my Splat Zone... Check out my brother's profile - NNID: Rikmeister []xxx[]-o-o-o-o-[]xxx[]
Sin'Cere sinceresmom
hey i am a girl not a boy
エステラ inge55
スプラトゥーン大好き!夜やってることが多いです (・ω・)良かったら遊んでね!!
ΐmagΐnΐze! GlaceonFrozen
GREETINGS! I'm just a lazy human who enjoys using all caps, drawing, and mainly everything that other humans like, so why bother listing? Check out some of my art if you dare... *cringes at my super old NNID name* butstayawayfrommyreallyearlystuffokaytrustme itsbaditcannotbeunseenimwarningyou Otherwise GO FORTH!
Juniper lispenalia
if im posting here, it means im bored no dont follow i only use this account once in a billion yrs
autumn LuvPikachuPiplup
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Pearl! TuxedoPearl
AAAAAHHHH! Pearl in a Tuxedo! I love you so much Rebecca Sugar! This is the back-up from ElGrumpo.
SwagNinja mcdun21
Yo Wazz up Im SwagNinja and I like games simillar to Pokémon and Shooters like Splatoon and COD. Anyways if U wanna find me You'll see me on MM Or Splatoon I post about Every 2 Days so be sure to Comment on my posts! Well thats about it So Byeee! Wait And Thanks for 500+ Followers
chrigs472 motu-gurl
hi every1 i'm not new but i was previously known as çħřīşťįńē something along the way. IF you do know me please Msg me, dont be afraid im 16 and Australian. NOT A PEDOmeter MY Wii chat doesnt work because this wiiU was previously owned by some1 else. They said everything was fine, BUT THEY LIED. This may be a temporary account, might exchange and buy a new wii U! thanks 4 reading. :{)
Khalil kipper123
Hi my name is Khalil and I love playing mario kart 8,super mario maker, and much more! I also love the Mario and Sonic games! Oh yeah, and I LOVE Five Nights at Freddy's!!!
yami yugi Yamiisback2
Hello this is Yami from Ch.Yugi(2) this is my second account so my goal is the same for a two hundred followers follow these guys and gals ☆★Skye☆★(Alt.Accout4Skye) Revenge223 Jon Kyle N (KyleNealy13th) Master TJR σgςMya.~.(mimcat14) Oh yeah I'm a nice guy to make people's day so follows and yeahs also no hateful or mean comments and no yeah bombs ethier
Tocania mimimers
Am going to miss miverse... I've met the most wonderful and talented people here... God bless I am older adult... motto: smile, laugh and be happy then laugh some more...
HunterChan BlackButlerIsBae
Hi whats up? Spying on me I see...Hah just kidding! Welcome...To my profile this is where I draw and things here is some more about me. About: Im a artist that strives to be better at her work. I love to play videogames and im a bit shy SOMETIMES. Comment on a post to talk to me. Even more: I LOVE Anime I am not in a relationship Im pan I love music I love Undertale I love Skyrim :']
kawaiiram★ chloezamora
hi my name is chloe im 13 now and love art i love and osomatu~san manga,chibi,and of coruss art im undertale trash and splatoon trash and i love melanie martinez and go follow these people: quinn globby david misa~misa mountengoat and loverboy and loverboy2 [same person] and my friend once she gets an 3dsxl
Ghirahim Naomi454
No comment.
ArtiSquid♪ Squidinkling65
I truly cannot thank you all enough. ... However, I've been thinking of getting a bird. A nice, blue one. I think I'll name it "SteeneeBerri" when I get it. What do you think? (Please continue showing your support for Amber (See favourite post) even after this place closes; it means a lot to me that people like her. óuò)
DAMiaN CactiAlt
Hello :3
Jelly Casper2323
Hey it's BlueClover, I follow for follower.But if you want to check out my other account it's Electro.I like to draw and play videogames daily.Okay it's time to say........goodbye!
[18]DENiS! vitalick24
Δηηα ad10672
I love you, all of you, I've had my ups and downs on here yeah but, Miiverse, You played a huge role in my life, Now that your leaving, Along with all my friends, Fine, It's time to do something else nintendo, Something more innovative than Miiverse, When you do, I want my friends back, Goodbye everyone, I love you~
mino minolovecat
★☆A real brave man don't kill dragons‚ he rides on the dragons☆★
dagrumpo ElGrumpo
Hi! I draw sometimes, but I mostly just like to talk about things I like. I'm known as dagrumpo in many places *wink* *wink* All comments and yeahs are appreciated.
クラゲイカ/レッド kobatoki
どうもクラゲイカです! 学校生活やってます。 メンバー募集を再開します! 僕のお気に入りお絵描きにコメントしてください 必要なものは学校生活への愛と情熱だけ(必要ありませんww) 他にも家族生活、マイクラ合戦、オンラインサバイバル、逃走中、モンスター合戦、バトル王決定戦などを主催しております。 トピックを開いたら参加していただくとありがたいです。 今後、生活サーバーも作ろうと思います! フォローが1000人になったのでフォローできなくなりますがフォロワー増やしたいと思っています!フォロー宜しくお願いします!!! ミーバースが終わるまで宜しくお願いします!!! 茶番投稿、ついに最終回!短編ストーリーを最後はお楽しみください!!! 本当は悲しいんですよ まぁミーバース終わるまで頑張りたいと思っています
"I am the reason, the answer and the problem."