◆Haru's Friends
Pab WyvernSmasher2
Hi guys, i'm back on Miiverse.
Kyle stuffybarley360
Red-san IgnisXV
Hi, I'm Maku.
Corin/Vid CorinVid
RmN Benistar
Luke Kaeetayel
Aubrey ^~^ sweet_and_smart
Wwwwhhhhaaaattttzzzzuuuupppp? Lol, Hi my name is Aubrey love♥That's my real name,I'm in school, I'm !? Years old...A women never tells :) , My favorite shows are Finding Carter, Eye Candy, Real World Skeletons, Awkward, The Game, Empire, Impractical Jokers, Little women. Ny, The Little couple w/ Bill&Jen, If loving you is wrong,Friend Zone, South Park, American Dad, Family Guy,&The Simpsons,Bye:)
Nyakari NyakariRose
Lover of Mario Kart, Pokemon, Sims, Professor Layton, Animal Crossing, dogs, sweet things, reading, writing and most recently, cosplaying! My favourite Mario Kart characters are Yoshi and Baby Rosalina. <3
Kinglabbu Kinglabbu
I play Legit Games
Zak ZakMF94
KarmaGus Karmagus
Koru Kita bacon2001
Yames PhoenixVonKarma
ed deleon66
Suminy Suminy
Hello peoplez!! It's me!! Suminy!! About Me:↓ ★ I'm in South Korea right now ★ I'm South Korean ★ I'm 18!! ★ My favorite singer is Imagine dragons ★ I have a 6month old Welsh Corgi!! ★ My dog's name is Lucky!! ★ I only draw on my Wii U pad!!
Michael MForward56
cara ParableGreg
Ben Timcanpies
RainCloud JodSiouxsie
zelda super mario donkey kong doom 90's kid! <3
_Fed_ BasketballNinja0
çħřīşłįńę g-force472
hi im christine this is my real name but u can cal me chrigs or whatevr u want to cal me.pls dont send mii BLANK friend requst. i wont be on in november or da rest cause my wii chat and nitendo tv doesn't work and im giving in my wii u for a check up. this is good bye for now. this acount may be deleted so i'll create another account ''chrigs472'' without the commers bye have a great day or night
Maru masengunao
I'm 18 yr old and I speak two languages: -French and English Music, Art, and Movies are my favorite Elvis Presley Forever USA
Steve SteveP89
Lottie shiranui93
Niko Nikosu
Masketta PiGreat
They were trying to grab yer prize. They work for the mercenary. The Masketta Man.
Josh supremo
Big Monster Hunter fan.
Valat Valatunda
D.Nemisis DarkNemisis
James Kesskuron
Yakimo Nightfox_I
Kyeahy CrystalKupo
Bryan Bryanlol
Nolwenn ♪ Follow
Hey• Music is my life.♪ Any thing else.
Christian cmh1004
This user's profile comment is private.
Teague TJ_Hipkiss
Hi, Teague here, Nintendo Gamer extraordinaire. Oh, and I design t-shirts too. I have a lot of space still to fill up, so I'll just say, Add Me! I don't bite. OTBC! YNWA!
markell darklucario38
Daniel AzureRathalos
I dont know how to post no more so rip miiverse
Cameron euan707
Vtheyoshi vtheyoshi
ayyyyyy lmao
☆Andrew☆ Andrew.Woodhead
Welcome to My World :) Be sure to check out all of my Art Academy Sketchpad drawings and feel free to yeah/comment on them! You can also send me a friend request or you can follow me anytime you want but I don't do Wii U Chat All my best miiverse friends are Super Cool! :D I also play Xbox 360 and Xbox One Have a wonderful day and Happy Gaming my friends :)
Dace DAvidisniCE
Breaking my balls! Waiting for the new super smash... I'm gonna kick your @sses :^]
Jezo Super_Jezo
Fight me in Smash
Rowan row101
Hello world! I'm 16 (from Surrey, England) and I love Nintendo (obviously), sci-fi (Firefly...), technology and various other things.
Dan Robbo-92
Jarmez Jarmez
Bix Wiitabix
* Loving: Splatoon, Bayonetta 1 & 2, Hyrule Warriors & Mariokart 8 * Also playing: MH3U, Trine 2, Earthbound & DKC. * Wii U games I cannot wait for: Xenoblade X, Zelda U and Space Hulk. * I am passionate about: Nintendo, Gaming music(listening and capturing) and rpg's(every type). * I am a fan of: Aliens, Robocop & Empire Strikes Back (the original films only), all zombies (& skeletons)
XenoPB XenoPB
izwikeut izwikeut
je suis bien content d'avoir la wii u, j'ai eu de la snes a celle-ci!! j'aime dessinée et apprendre le japonais. j'aime discuter. alors si vous voulez m'ajouter, y'a pas de souci. en tout cas, miiverse est super! bravo a nintendo
"I am the reason, the answer and the problem."