haze's Followers
Angel tmay1979
I am an older gamer from Iowa. I was born in the late 70's. I have children that are almost grown. I haven't been a huge gamer. I ammostly used to playing on older game systems than the newer ones, lol. I collect Angel dolls and figurines. I am a lover of old and new Rock and Heavy-metal Music. Also love horror movies. Thanks for visiting.
IVAN Ivan_E_Garcia
madnose popcharles101
name-charles age- 13 favorite games- pokemons, marios zelders, nintendos friends- joel,daniel,paul i post super mario maker levels and pokemon stuff i love smm more i host competitions i am smart i love clash royale in arena 8 no legends clan troops of light i am sometimes weirdæïîïîîïíöïðïõôâììñ
JCV izzyv8
Alex xXgametimeXx579
hi im 14 i love minecraft and like call of duty and love halo and like splatoon and absolutely love the CAVS LEBRON FOR LIFE XD p.s never forget about britney my gf
Αυχαριο sethtoth
Hope you follow me and like my favorite post!
GORILLA onishiyukichi
viky Elhomi
holiwuis mis nekitos (^o^) si no eres un nekito pulsa el boton [+seguir] y seras un nekio cosas que me gustan FNAFHS Degoboom la musica de Melanie Martinez etc ( AMIGOS ) Vicky Chan,Giin,Sofic etc LOS AMOOOO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ahh and im speek inglish .... YESS! espero hacerles compañía
*チョコアイス* ari91budou
スプラトゥーンの絵を描くことが好き。ランク22のウデマエB-(あんまできない) 中の♀ 好きなものはゲームとゲーム実況とボカロ(にわか) ゲームで好きなのはスプラトゥーンとゼルダの伝説とキングダムハーツ(khは実況見てるだけ)。 混ぜメンが好き。みさくらおばさんが特に好き。 ひそかにうごメモやってる。 浮上率低いです。返信速度遅めです。絡んでくれたら喜んでハゲます。あと無言フォローします。許してぇぇぇフォロワーさんが大好きです。 アオリちゃんしゅき。
Leyva leyva150
Matthew chewchew97
Hello Miiverse! My name is Matthew. I'm a big Mario and Zelda fan. I DO NOT USE WII U CHAT. Games I own: Need For Speed: Most Wanted U (disk currently not working for some reason. :-/), Super Smash Bros. Wii U, and Super Mario 3D World. Games I temporarily own (Games I get from the Library): Nothing as of right now. Rest in peace, Satoru Iwata. You will always be missed.
turtle turtle0shell
Michael FireOnForest
Games are awesome and so are you!
Kitty rastin
Hey, 'sup my good friends, welcome to my profile! I love Pokémon and RPs! Ft: ★Ditto, ★Arceus, ★Seadra, ★Mew, ★Alakazam, ★Treecko, ★Darkrai, ★Gengar, ★Kangaskhan, ★Charizard, ★Gyrados, HA★Magicarp, ★Noivern, ★Macargo, ★Rayquaza, ★Camerupt, ★Carvahna, ★Trapinch LF: 6IV EV Trained Shinies Go follow my good friend @NightFrost! She's a very jolly person!
★ßπεττ★ barwiifan
ALT: barwiifan2.0 Heya! I'm Brett, a 16 year-old who plays many Nintendo franchises, like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, you know the drill. :) Currently writing a Splatoon story! Click on my favorite post↑to check it out! Leader of ηκ, Ninty Kings! Will have wars in Smash, Splatoon, and MK8. Talk to me for a trial in one or all of these games. I'm also a Christian. I♥Jesus†
Lonk kootracats69
★Michael★ abbygtz86
Profile comment hidden by admin.
ÈЖΔČ nish123
Hello!*Gives Hugs*.Im a overall a loving, respectful kid.IM always happy to meet good freinds!i have quit a few games such as..Splatoon,Smash bros,TankTankTank,Mario Kart 8,Super Mario Bros U,and last but not least,Need for speed most wanted.I have been a Nintendo fan for years and i was a gamer since 4 and i still am!IM 11 years old!I love you all!*GIVES EVEN MORE HUGS*.
DerpMaster Failing_At_Life
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Jaret Lone_Warrior
Hello! Thanks for taking the time to look at my profile. Favorite things: Games: Mega Man, Super Smash Bros., Tomodachi Life, Street Fighter, TF2, Punch-Out!!, Shovel Knight, Final Fantasy, Sonic, Puzzle & Dragons Z, The Legend of Zelda Weather: cloudy, snowy, rain Quote: "It seems I am not the only Spy." -Spy, TF2 Punch-Out!! Character: Aran Ryan P&D Z Monster: Water Dragon, Reis
Loulou loulou257
A l e x Alex.Le.Soleil
Bienvenue à tous et à toutes ! Mon nom est alex Je dessine & j'espère que vous aimerez mes dessins! Je l'ai vu,je l'ai vaincu et je remonte dans mon vaisseau-#TeamKhanez :^)
Frank TeamGurrenFrank
Miiverse is ending Friends, don't be forgotten and join me its all or nothing, and I dont want to forget you. book of faces;Sotchoku Takeshi kick: teamgurrenfrank
Mel turtleandahalf
I love off-tv play Interests action movies anime surfing football kirby fan games i wanna see on WiiU: Monster Hunter 4 ultimate, Resident evil revelations 2, batman arkham knight, Tomb raider+dlc, Dragon quest 10, tiger woods, tony hawk
Eric TheVocaloids16
I'm going to try dis again (Offline) Hi I'm Miles at the age of 16 Favorite Pokemon: 1: Meloetta 2:Mega Lopunny 3:Leafeon 4:Gardevoir 5:Gallade 6:Roserade Likes: Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, Vocaloid, Percy Jackson Lel what else? Ugh I'm not good at this.
Tyler tylerthibodeax00
"when nothing goes right, go left." "pain is inevitable... misery is a choice"- justine i'm tyler. i'm 17years old. 5 foot 7 1/4 inches tall, 200+ pounds. my favorite games are mario, sonic, pokémon, kingdom hearts, smash bros, and others. this is my chatting account my gaming account is:tylerndtwilight2
Justin P JustinPetersen
Grump Evan DisBEvansAlt
Hai everyone, dis be Evan's (PizzaEater200) alt. account! Evan and I are like BFFs. We have like friendship bracelets and junk so were practically married. Anyways, check back here to see if i've been banned Main account status: Temporarily Banned
Lewie lewie1234
Kira 12TSwi63
Ich spiele seit ein paar Jahren Klavier
Andrew AndyStove
El Rey Lik3aB0SSRGV956
What's up?My favorite sports are football,basketball,and soccer.My favorite teams are the Houston Rockets,Astros,and Texans.My Favorite games are Mario Kart,GTA,NBA, Assassins Creed,and COD.I love listening to rap,hip hop,rock&country. See ya ^_^
Evan PizzaEater200
Welcome. I like drawing. My handwriting sucks. Deal with it. Miiverse has lost its' special touch, so I don't post much anymore. Always open to stuff, like things. Lemme know if you want me to do Splatoon Squad Battles too, via friend request.
LCG15 cami22
Hi I am LittleCatGaming15! I am a gamer that likes LOZ, Pokemon, And TACOS! I hope you can say hi!
kaktus01 fgg_142
hola soy fernando pero llamenme kaktus 01 sean mis amigo y denme ajas bueno lo ultimo es opcional y siganme yo igual lo hare si lo hacen me gusta probar juegos para ver si son buenos o caca y si me dan respuestas de algunos juegos lo agradeceria bueno gracias por apoyar mi perfil :3 y buenos dias tardes o noches :)
Boss Sauce BeardOfNorris69
Some might call me a Zelda nerd... and they would be correct.
Jäger mt626st111
あけましておめでとうございます。 2017年もどうぞ、よろしくお願い致します。 ≪皆様へ≫ おはようございます。 こんにちは。 こんばんは。 Jägerと申します。 ≪お知らせ≫ ・最近のオン率:低 ≪フレンドについて≫ ・現在募集中です。 ・連絡や対戦の依頼はメッセージまでお願いします。 ・100人になり次第終了とさせて頂きます。 ※迷惑行為をされている方はお断りさせて頂きます。 ≪その他≫ 勝率:63.29%(SSB for 3DS) 58.10%(for Wii U) レート:約16000VR(MK8) 夢番地:メイン村→2400-0344-4874 サブ村→3100-2629-9111(とび森) マリオカート:5年目 どうぶつの森:3年目 ポケダン:2年目 スマブラ:1年目 スプラトゥーン:1年目
W.P. Ghost ghostface22
Hi I'm 13 and my real name is James. I like video games big or too hard i enjoy them and hope u be my friend. Also join the W.P. Clan (Wolf Pack)
Max1127 awesomesauce1127
this is me. although i like comments you don,t HAVE to comment.
cedric superluigi334
hey my name is cedric but everybody call me ced or ceddy i am an true gamer gaming is my life my favorite games are mario 3d land donkey kong country tropical freeze mario kart 8 an many more i also have an xbox one team xbox lol also im looking 4 cool friends sorry i dont wii u chat
Kei TheDivineSage
I'm 18 and I am an artist with a lot of OCs, 52 of 'em. I draw, do RPs, and play Smash bros. I'm just here to show my OCs, inspire others, make others laugh, and—of course—have fun! Requests are accepted, but I may not be active every day, so keep that in mind when you ask. Tschüss! []\[●=●]—[] ★ •—(•_•)/ Want to play Smash? My mains are R.O.B & Meta Knight
Nana ThatOneAnimeFan
I AM still alive, just very, very, very, very, very busy a lot of the time! A gamer who is sleepy, yet well-meaning at the same time. Who here still plays GameCube? Big glasses are cool. I will NOT Wii U chat. FR's are somewhat welcome. (A message in a FR saying why you would like to be friends with me is at the upmost necessity to me.) Do NOT add me if all you want to do is Wii U chat or RP.
connor leeconnor
splat splat splat splat splatoon