Users haze Is Following
Angel tmay1979
I am an older gamer from Iowa. I was born in the late 70's. I have children that are almost grown. I haven't been a huge gamer. I ammostly used to playing on older game systems than the newer ones, lol. I collect Angel dolls and figurines. I am a lover of old and new Rock and Heavy-metal Music. Also love horror movies. Thanks for visiting.
IVAN Ivan_E_Garcia
Alex xXgametimeXx579
hi im 14 i love minecraft and like call of duty and love halo and like splatoon and absolutely love the CAVS LEBRON FOR LIFE XD p.s never forget about britney my gf
GORILLA onishiyukichi
Luna☆ Luna22
My favorite game franchise: Tales of Kingdom Hearts Legend of Zelda Super Mario Donkey Kong Ace Attorney Animal Crossing Love Kpop!
*チョコアイス* ari91budou
スプラトゥーンの絵を描くことが好き。ランク22のウデマエB-(あんまできない) 中の♀ 好きなものはゲームとゲーム実況とボカロ(にわか) ゲームで好きなのはスプラトゥーンとゼルダの伝説とキングダムハーツ(khは実況見てるだけ)。 混ぜメンが好き。みさくらおばさんが特に好き。 ひそかにうごメモやってる。 浮上率低いです。返信速度遅めです。絡んでくれたら喜んでハゲます。あと無言フォローします。許してぇぇぇフォロワーさんが大好きです。 アオリちゃんしゅき。
Leyva leyva150
ŲƒSatoopup satoopup11
Hey there! I'm Satoo, the creator of a Smash Bros series called "School of Smashers" ~I respond to most comments ~I DO NOT WiiUchat ~Please don't ask to friend me unless I know you well enough. Please comment on my posts! I love comments! My goal as a cartoonist is to make people smile through my comics. I hope to accomplish this with you as well.
チーノ reorai1110
Matthew chewchew97
Hello Miiverse! My name is Matthew. I'm a big Mario and Zelda fan. I DO NOT USE WII U CHAT. Games I own: Need For Speed: Most Wanted U (disk currently not working for some reason. :-/), Super Smash Bros. Wii U, and Super Mario 3D World. Games I temporarily own (Games I get from the Library): Nothing as of right now. Rest in peace, Satoru Iwata. You will always be missed.
Kitty rastin
Hey, 'sup my good friends, welcome to my profile! I love Pokémon and RPs! Ft: ★Ditto, ★Arceus, ★Seadra, ★Mew, ★Alakazam, ★Treecko, ★Darkrai, ★Gengar, ★Kangaskhan, ★Charizard, ★Gyrados, HA★Magicarp, ★Noivern, ★Macargo, ★Rayquaza, ★Camerupt, ★Carvahna, ★Trapinch LF: 6IV EV Trained Shinies Go follow my good friend @NightFrost! She's a very jolly person!
EmberWolf Firesycthe
Ryo Ryo_Hazuki-san
●Part Time Artist…Full Time Otaku…● Iam a Professional Artist,I do Traditional,3D& digitalArt,also3D printing & custom figures!I Have a Bachelor of ScienceDegree In VideoGameArt. I collect Anime,Manga,PVCfigures,&rare videogame items. ★Playing★ ☆DragonBall Fusions ☆FinalFantasy 15 "The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life"
Paulina Nagi-saas0
------about me ♥ my name is paulina ♥ im bi ♥ im 15 ♥ i am female ♥ single ♥ im mexican and i speak spanish too !! ------misc ♡i own splatoon, mario kart, ssb, and sm3DW! feel free to add me and play with me! i dont have many wii u friends cries ♡ follow backs not guaranteed !! ♡ ill always do requests ! ♡ 3DS ID is @PikaBeat64
IrkenRenee ReneeMoonveill
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Michael toadsarecool
I'm $1,000,000 away from $1,000,000 :D I'm playing to go to the moon and build a house on it
Ashley ashleyistheway
*Currently playing BOTW and Overwatch* Hi! :) My name is Ashley, but you can call me Toast! :D S Rank in Splatoon. 19 year old college student. Amateur artist.
☆DJtouhou☆ DJtouhou
Just a 23 year old gaymer here who loves Nintendo. My name is Derek. I have been playing Nintendo since I was 3. I play the piano, mainly Nintendo and Touhou songs. I have a N64, Gamecube, Hyrule 3DS, and a Wii U. I am a cosplayer as well!
★ßπεττ★ barwiifan
ALT: barwiifan2.0 Heya! I'm Brett, a 16 year-old who plays many Nintendo franchises, like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, you know the drill. :) Currently writing a Splatoon story! Click on my favorite post↑to check it out! Leader of ηκ, Ninty Kings! Will have wars in Smash, Splatoon, and MK8. Talk to me for a trial in one or all of these games. I'm also a Christian. I♥Jesus†
LuciYES hammCoffe
☆Mimi Meemsters
idk what i'm doing anymore No WiiU Chat. Please don't send me friend requests unless we've talked before/mutuals, thank you.
TFS ForgottenShimmer
| TFS | She/Her | 16 | Ace:Gray-Aromantic(maybe...?) owo I really like to draw, but I don't take art requests Please don't ask about friend requests No Wii U Chat please If I ever draw something for someone, it's because we're friends I'm very shy so I tend to stay quiet most of the time I roleplay sometimes... ;w; I have made some comics here Currently working on: Friendship
Lonk kootracats69
SRLAgent I SRLAgentI
イカよろしく! ※日本/ 北米・南米/ 欧州・オセアニア の3コミュニティに向けて、イカ世界のことを たまにイラストで報告します。 Hello, Squids! For Japan, the Americas, Europe and Oceania, I’ll occasionally pop in and give you an update about the squid world with illustrations.
あ か shedevil1221
★Michael★ abbygtz86
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KerraJ McKerra
Thank you for all your support! Hey guys, nice to meet you! My name's McKerra, but you can call me KerraJ if you like. Or just Kerra, either one is fine. I'm just a 19 year old Nintendo fan that loves drawing and music. I tend to draw videogame characters, mostly from Nintendo. So… yeah… (I don't accept random friend requests by the way.) Thanks for checking out my profile!
ÈЖΔČ nish123
Hello!*Gives Hugs*.Im a overall a loving, respectful kid.IM always happy to meet good freinds!i have quit a few games such as..Splatoon,Smash bros,TankTankTank,Mario Kart 8,Super Mario Bros U,and last but not least,Need for speed most wanted.I have been a Nintendo fan for years and i was a gamer since 4 and i still am!IM 11 years old!I love you all!*GIVES EVEN MORE HUGS*.
Essie SunsetSakura68
Hi! I'm Esther (or just call me Essie) and to put it simply I am a lover of games! A fan of Zelda, Mario, SSB and many other franchises. Mostly, I'm just plain obsessed with the Legend of Zelda. Hope to see you out there in the gaming world! xx ★Satoru Iwata lives on in the amazing experiences we've had and are to come with the games he poured his heart out into creating. Thank you, Mr Iwata★
īшíιíġħī DRAGONSWORD1751
Hello humans,(At least,I THINK that's what you are)I'm Twilight! Here's some info about me, If you care to read! ^^ * Favorite game series: Portal, LoZ, Fire Emblem, Metroid, and Mario! * D3vi4nt Art: DRAGONSWORD1751 Please check it out! ^^ * Jesus is mah life! ^o^ * Main OCs: Nadiana and Twi~ * If ya ask me personal stuffs, you will be reported/blocked... óuò God bless ya, human!!!
Zelda Zeltroid
I'm a huge fan of Zelda & Metroid. I also love my cats & I love to longboard :3 I'm a collector and I own every Zelda game, every Metroid game and a bunch of merchandise. I have also completed every Zelda game ^-^ Meow. Current addictions: Wii U: Breath of the Wild 3DS: ^^^ I don't do WiiU chat.. sorry!
Frank TeamGurrenFrank
Miiverse is ending Friends, don't be forgotten and join me its all or nothing, and I dont want to forget you. book of faces;Sotchoku Takeshi kick: teamgurrenfrank
Eric TheVocaloids16
I'm going to try dis again (Offline) Hi I'm Miles at the age of 16 Favorite Pokemon: 1: Meloetta 2:Mega Lopunny 3:Leafeon 4:Gardevoir 5:Gallade 6:Roserade Likes: Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, Vocaloid, Percy Jackson Lel what else? Ugh I'm not good at this.
♪Sorapol Sorapol
Hi nice to meet you im 21 years old n.n Welcome take a sit .o. Enjoying and supporting people drawings, so much cuteness ^_^ I play online games, so i love lot of things from nintendo. Trying to make this place a very friendly space ö-ö Requests will only be considered if you leave them in my request post gl finding it ^o^
jas 123jas123
'Sup Bro's ??!! My fave YouTubers are obviously Pewds BFvsGF AKA PVP and smosh if u dont kno who anyone of them u must b mad. i also watch AnnaAkana so yeah. my bffs on miiverse is josh, kailey and Skully!!! CHECK THEM OUT c ya bro's!!
Fabien fabien619
BONSOIR !x) Moi c'est fabien(619), j'ai 15 ans Je remerci mes +5800 subscribers!!!!! Alors je vais vous remerciez un part un..merci, merci toi, merci!..bon!!!! Vous voulez faire + connaisance ? et bien..COMMENTER! XD Bonne Nuiiit !..XD..ok je sort→ Maggle, pelo, '-' OMG x)..