JohnnyTLP's Followers
Latios X latiodragon
Just a latios from pokemon checking out wii u.
Bendy☆ UndertaleLover32
Hello. I'm Bendy! I'm a raging bisexual ink monster who also plays video games. I am doing drawing requests; ask anytime! Things I like: UT, FNaF, BATIM, Hello Neighbor, Little Nightmares, AA, AND MORE. ★= has posts left/active ☆= no posts left/inactive Just because I like Undertale doesn't mean I'm a trashy 8-year-old. Jeez. PUPPET [FNaF] IS MALE. Bye. Oh, and say hi to Boris for me!
chucke ChuckyFigueroa
Crystal Crystianna
This is my new profile since my old 3DS XL broke I am a fan of Anime, Manga and video games. Fav Anime: Bleach, Fairy Tail, Black Butler, Pokemon (Kanto-Sinnoh), Naruto/Shippudan, Sonic X (Japanese version) Fav game franchises: Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Miitopia, Fire Emblem, Pokemon and Tomodachi Life Im dont play competitive or classic mode #Pit Squad Im also autistic - Crystal <3
Frishkii ozbiljniid
I'm just a guy from Croatia. I like playing smash a lot and I main ZSS ♡. I'm a very very sore loser in ZombiU multiplayer. (My gfbf should know the best :-/) but I work on that. I ♡ motion controls & 2nd screen assymetric gameplay I'm 37 and big C64 fan. I wish Nintendo brings it back to Virtual Console.
Reaus character24
I just can't help myself thinking you're with someone else sick to the bone I don't wanna sleep I read the warning sign you said I'd be alright left on my own I don't wanna sleep ♪
Vincent titi23minecraft
I'm Vincent I have a YouTube account Channel Name: Autistic Fantasies Discord: Autistic Fantasies #8792 also bye iguess lol xd it's been real
Andrew §§§ Super_Sp0nge80b
Ctrl + Shift + C motherlode §§§§§§§§§§ my favorite mario character is boo no questions i want the WARM now
Lexi lexipuppy66
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_jaykid slidedog12089
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James Watershedzx
I am a legend of zelda and pokemon fan and i am glad to help out with people with questions and i am a fun person!
Arizosa Arizosa
Hello! :)
Asher glumcrescent
Name: Asher Gender: Male Religion: Christian Age: 13 Favorite color: Lime Top five favorite video games 1: Super Smash Bros 4 2: Terraria 3: Pokemon moon 4: Kirby Returns to Dreamland 5: Tomodachi Life Hobby: Making pixel art and building legos
Boss princess_diana83
Hi I Like To Play Animal Crossing New Leaf Welcome amiibo game .My Updated DA: Is 5C00-009A-EB58
WolfGod silentshadow0
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Erikku Erikku69
Hi there I post stuff and play stuff that's about it i dont accept random friend requests unless i know u well enough or seem like someone who'll be active The ting goes skrrrahh, pap, pap, ka-ka-ka Skidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boom Skya, du-du-ku-ku-dun-dun Poom, poom, you dun know Big Shaq, man's not hot I tell her man's not hot (never hot) 40 degrees
Joe S. ♪ soccergoalkeeper
I am Joe. I love classic rock. I love M●THER, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, some Pikmin, some Fire Emblem, Ice Climbers, and FIFA 09. I also enjoy Ghengis Khan 2:Clan of the Grey Wolf. Get it on SNES VC. I hope M●THER 3 comes to the western world. Also hoping the old Fire Emblems come to the western world. Thanks for reading! God bless....
Lordi coopertrooper
Hi everyone, my names Lordi! I'm 48 years young. Fav books: The Hobbit,The Green Mile Fav film: Shaun of the Dead Music : Alice Cooper, Nightwish, Iron Maiden I also have a 3ds,PS4 and Kindle e reader,love them all.. Never Too Old To Game
Lunaris Anje777
Hi i'm lolinuni i love super smash bros and yeah.. i'm autistic so plz be nice to me also kampingo i blocked you! LOL! :)
Hypnocrown Hypnocrown
What's the point of saying anything here. Miiverse is going to be killed off anyway. That stinks. Sorry Nintendo but that's an awful decision on your part. ×_×
Jack Nolam JimReaper
NU1017 dibouyoyo
Sup! •Bro: 3DSX5790 •Wii U: Afifis •Switch: NU1017 •Age:12 •Favorite Movie Series: Star Wars •Favorite Book Series: Warriors •Favorite Game Series: Super Smash Bros. and Fire Emblem •Favorite Anime: Dragon Ball Z •Favorite Post: Fire Emblem Fates •Currently Playing: Fire Emblem Fates and Splatoon 2 Fire Emblem Heroes: EpicGamerz Feh Friend Code: 0823585724
GodotGuy Emblem04
Hi I'm an almost hopeless fanboy who has a thing for prosecutors how bout you? 150% Godot, Jojo, Fire Emblem, Xenoblade and Ace Attorney trash :) FE and *admin*posts rule this account (seeing as my Wii U is perma'd so :/) I also roleplay. I love Godot a lot- Discord: Hector Ostia#3600
Mimi smashbruhs12
Hello! My name is Mimi and I'm so excited to make new friends here on Miiverse! :) age:14 favorite games: Any FE game really hobby(s): drawing and playing games. Sorry if I yeah bomb you BTW I just really like your posts,So enjoy! ΄υ΄ Why can't Rinea be a playable character? TдT
Gaster Gasterunknown
#¢↑↑¤ (hello) online( ) online(X) online ( ) So uh, enjoy and leave a ''yeah'' on my drawings and maybe follow me? ;3 And if you want me to accept your friend request, you must have the following: *500 followers OR *Your a better drawer then me or close. Sorry, I do it for a reason.
Cooper CoopTheGamer17
You know what they say: "When life gives ya potatas, ya make potata salad." And I've got just the recipe! I'm very sorry to be kept waiting for a new Kid Icarus game. Play The Wonderful 101. DO IT!
☆★Flame★☆ starracer
My favorite franchises are Pokemon Monster Hunter and Zelda Please feel free to comment on any of my posts
Dave Dave-O88
Hi! I'm Dave. I'm a fan of all things retro NES and Sega. I like Sonic, Mario, DK, Pac-Man, and Zelda games the most. Follow me and watch my gaming hijinx! I'm currently playing Super Mario 3D Land, DonkeyKong 64, Yoshi's Woolly World, Super Smash Bros, DK Country Tropical Freeze, CastleVania, Super Mario 64 DS, NES Remix and Kirby 64 Thanx for stopping by!
Carrie snoorks
hello my name is Carrie.I'm 41 years old.I'm a quiet,shy,honest good hearted person.I like to play Zelda,Mario Animal Crossing games.I've been a gamer since I was 10 years old.I like to talk about movies,video games.I have all the Animal Crossing games alot of Zelda and Mario games.I will talk to any Zelda,Mario,Animal Crossing players.
Malachi Hyp3rkai06
Hello Miiverse! My name is Malachi and I am 11 years old! I would love it if you would: * Check out my cool drawings, "YEAH", and Comment, * Follow me, * And have fun seeing all my posts! BY THE WAY, my pixel art drawings are pretty good, so check out those, too. And I do take Pixel Art suggestions, Thank You so much, and I hope you enjoy my profile! Bye! :¬)
★ƒςTreecko KMBSEBDS
Why'd you poke me? Well, for visiting, a doughnut from Hoopa! I enjoy Pokémon and much more. I'm Earthbound trash. And currently Yo-Kai Watch 1-2 Trash. I'm leader of the clan: team ƒαιιςυммег (ƒς). Fam: (inspired by 1st.) Vulpix Jokko Eli F Torchic and others Status: On{ } Off{ } Too Lazy to Fill This in Each Day {√} Also look at my trashy art if you'd like... I LOVE YOU PPL I'LL MISS YOU LOADS
Susam Susam7
I love Fire Emblem, Super Smash Bros., and Pokemon! Let me know if you want to Settle it in Smash or Pokémon battle! Currently playing Fire Emblem : HEROES and SOV
Seth Sethsquid
I'm Seth! I have been playing games for a long time and love a challenge. I also love Splatoon.
AL PepsiAl
I'm basically someone who happens to love Video Games (doesn't matter if it's by Nintendo or not), Literature, and Television. I also like partaking in discussions, whether it be a debate, theory or a simple conversation. The more civil the discussion, the better. I also would love to draw something. But I (unfortunately) don't have the skills or resources necessary to do that.
Eoghan Eoghanky21
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M.G. luna-amethyst
Found out how to use miiverse after 4 years -_-; Fan of Zelda, animal crossing, pokemon and visual novels.
Mr. Monkey i4kirby
Vita est nihil sine Deo. Hey, my name is Keegan. I like to play Zelda, Mario, Kirby, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Splatoon, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Ratchet & Clank, and Sly Cooper. I also love to read, study history, watch old shows, draw, write, debate, and listen to music. I'm very shy but friendly. Solid conservative. Hope to meet you soon! †Blessings†
It's been fun, Miiverse. Allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to all of those that have yea...
It's been fun, Miiverse. Allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to all of those that have yeah'ed and commented on my posts and articles. Thank you to all of my friends, followers, and fellow gamers for the amazing memories!
To quote Fire Emblem: Awakening: "May we meet again in a better life."