Users JohnnyTLP Is Following
я¢м☆Ben miketiny
Hello there fellow Miiverse user, My name is Ben. I'm an 18 year-old Cartoonist, Nintendo player, Yoshi fanboy, Otaku, Brony, Catholic and trivia buff who happens to have autism. Mario Kart is my favorite Nintendo franchise and I'm a proud member of the Mario Kart 8 clan known as я¢м (Red Cross Miracle). So with all that said, stay awesome and I'll see you later. #Yoshiis2kawaii4me ♥
Justin86 Justn86
I have been a Nintendo fan for about 25 years and that will never change. My favorite series is The Legend of Zelda, which I have played for 17 years now. I am also a huge anime fanatic. Some other Nintendo franchises that I enjoy are Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Fire Emblem, and Super Smash Bros.
AL PepsiAl
I'm basically someone who happens to love Video Games (doesn't matter if it's by Nintendo or not), Literature, and Television. I also like partaking in discussions, whether it be a debate, theory or a simple conversation. The more civil the discussion, the better. I also would love to draw something. But I (unfortunately) don't have the skills or resources necessary to do that.
Aspir silversnivy.151
Greetings, passersby. I play mainly (J)RPG's and strategy games. My favorite franchises are Fire Emblem, Pokémon and Smash Bros., the latter 2 I play competitively. Smash 4 mains: Robin and Palutena I also occasionally write about games. Ongoing projects: Pokémon MD Sky: 100% run (DS) FE:Awakening Apotheosis file (3DS) 1st game in RPG Maker Fes (3DS)
Aeon Super-Umberto
I'm no artist, and I'm definitely not anyone special. If you have a question, then I'll try to answer. If you have something to say, then I'm willing to listen. If you want a friend, then I'll try my best. Whatever the case, I'm here...and I'm here to stay.
Mooddeh CravatsTeaLogic
Eeeeey. This is another alt of that mentally unwell girl who's in love with a fictional prosecutor by the name of Miles Edgeworth. Don't question the Mii. I don't know what it is either. I'll be mostly here if main is banned. -16 years old -Likes Nintendo and anime -Can't stop saving pictures of husbando to my phone -Member of the NSLUC Diskord -Actually an otaku, not a weeb Milk
Ninta MatchuRoy
Fan of a large variety of games. Especially NINTENDO games. Favourite Nintendo game series: Mario, Zelda, Fire Emblem, Kirby, Pokémon, F-ZERO, Smash Bros, Mario Kart.
Skittles GSfanskittles
Probably the biggest Golden Sun fangirl. I'm just a 26 year old who loves RPG games, especially Golden Sun. Pokemon, Etrian Odyssey and Fire Emblem are also my main games. Nice to meet you. Note: I'm only accepting friend requests from those 18 and up.
Maddie taguelcat02
(Currently Zachary is using this) Hey, this is Maddie's alt. You know, that crazy girl who can't stop fangirling over Miles Edgeworth to save her life. As always, he is best husbando. If I'm posting here, that probably means my main is banned. Ain't life on Miiverse wonderful, folks?
James mariosgloves
The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.
CAT ShadowOfCat
I'm CAT. I'm 48 and love minecraft and harvestmoon. I have a large collection of games. Love anime, manga,♥Shadow the hedgehog♥, and my close friends Lordi, Lord $carfy and David. I'll miss all my friends and followers when miiverse ends. You've all been wonderful. Sniff, I'm gonna cry. Miiverse was home for me, I'll miss it and everyone on it. You are all special. I love you guys.
Matthew Bard13
I am but a simple gamer using this social media. But one day I shall prove my existense in the real world. I want to be an author when I grow up, a job where imagination is the limit. I want to tell stories like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. Video games, Youtube, movies...they provide me with the inspiration I need to write these stories. If you're like me, follow your heart. Trust me.
Joshua Mammotharmored
Zackary Marxsoul98
I love video games and anime. I will usually play Animal Crossing New Leaf, Ace Attorney, and Smash Bros. I'm 18. I'm also a huge band nerd My favorite animes Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Death Note Hetalia Code Geass Attack on Titan Lucky Star Pokèmon Space Dandy more to come
Foosuke Foosuke
そろそろ終了なのでコメント欄、開きます。 忙しくて返信は出来ませんが、それでもよろしければコメントどうぞ(^▽^)ノ Left 3days... I open my comments again. But now, I'm busy in the care for my mother. I can't reply. sorry. Drawing is a language. It has no border. 描画とは国境無き言語である。
Heidi Comtesse-H
I love many kinds of games and have been playing since the NES days! I love Mario, Zelda, DK, Pokemon, and many others. I LOVE Ace Attorney and Professor Layton! Tales of Symphonia is one of my most favorite games EVER, and Kratos Aurion is one of my most favorite characters ever!
Jetheart Ω AceofTempest
With Miiverse ending soon, I want to cover some of my favourite feats and give some thanks: Most Popular post: Book Dragon (Drawing) Favourite Review: Xenoblade Chronicles Favourite Drawing: Johnny Cash Geodude Favourite Anime Analysis: De@th Note Thanks to Joules, Silvereye/Gp Silver, H.B and her friends, JohnnyTLP and everyone who gave me a yeah, for making miiverse worthwhile.
Kaye esoplane
Kirby Miss_Zeldaverse
This user's profile comment is private.
Kelsey SetsunaSnow
Write about yourself here. I like to play games. I also draw sometimes. The End. :[]
Noah Nrv1997
I am an 20 year old college student from Rockford, Illinois. I frequent many Miiverse communities daily; because, this is the biggest part of my social life. I endeavor to yeah any good posts to encourage good content on Miiverse. I don't post myself often, but if I get a new game it will be chronicled here.
Maddie taguelcat01
Hi. Sorry, I'm awkward. Sorry. I'm a weird grill with way too many hobbies. -Fire Emblem and Ace Attorney are my favorite games -Death Note and Fullmetal Alchemist are my favorite animes Miles Edgeworth is my husbando. I love him a lot. Please don't let it scare you too much. Diskord: TaguelCat#5067 (tell me here if you sent me a request) Milk
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
KartRacer Oxymoron32GB
Emily MightyMola
Lifelong Nintendo fan who likes games a lot, and likes talking about them a little more. Favorite titles: Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker, Fire Emblem (Elibe), Pokémon HG/SS, Kirby Air Ride. Always looking to try out new games and fill in the gaps of my Nintendo education. 'v' Aside from Miiverse doodles, I also design T-shirts and make other fun crafty stuff.
SakuMo SakuMo_Emyi
Born in the 80s, raised in the 90s with an SNES controller in hand. Housewife, mom, handheld gaming enthusiast. Loves EarthBound, Harvest Moon, Pokémon, and cupcakes. Has far too much free time on her hands, which she fills with video games when she should be cleaning the house. Has a beautiful little girl who schools her in Mario games. All in all, a happy, nerdy housewife. c:
Proton Jon ProtonJon
I play videogames and say snarky things a lot. Truly a rare breed. Also apparently impersonated a lot by young children on Miiverse. Hooray?
Paul ChappiiU
Earthbound and Fire Emblem are my favorite Nintendo series, although I also enjoy the old Mario and Zelda games, Metroid Prime, and Super Smash Bros. I know a little bit of Japanese, but I'd like to know more, so I might ask questions about Japanese vocabulary in the Fire Emblem or Mother 2 communities.
NovaAlamak TSSNovaAlamak
Hi Miiverse! I'm Nova Alamak and I run The Spinning Stream: Nintendo Music Radio. I am also the host of our weekly variety show, The Windmill Hut, on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM Pacific Time. I also stream a show called Nintendo Theater on our YouTube channel. You can hear 24/7 Nintendo music and learn more about the crew at the station's website:
Larke12 LarkeTwelve
A gamer/author/composer/artist/otaku. To sum it up, I'm a Nerdist.
Henry Legend_of_Link
I own and have 100%ed every zelda game in its original physical format as well as having all 718 pokemon put in the PC box in order in Pokemon Y. Also, I collect lots of older cartridge based games and I am a completionist.
Ganon Eli_Juraschek
THE POWER GLOVE ITS SO BAD (movie quote, The Wizard) if you haven't seen it, you must! Currently playing Super Mario Maker StarFox Zero Twilight Princess HD I'm a massive Zelda fan since the late 80s, I own every game, and have finished them all as of may2015. I am a huge Nintendo fan, always have been, I enjoy Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Starfox, Megaman
CleveFan13 Johnmegan13
Hello everyone!!! Name's John & got my Wii U for Christmas in 2013 from my wonderful wife!! Love Mario & Zelda games. Feel free to add me as a friend as I continue to be part of the MiiVerse! :-)
Chugga chuggaaconroy
Chris Chrisw265
I'm the main host and co-creater of The Gamers Muse, a gaming live stream. My favourite game is Xenoblade Chronicles, so you could imagine that I'm happy Shulk is in the new Smash Bros. Anyhow, I just like to have fun and stuff.
It's been fun, Miiverse. Allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to all of those that have yea...
It's been fun, Miiverse. Allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to all of those that have yeah'ed and commented on my posts and articles. Thank you to all of my friends, followers, and fellow gamers for the amazing memories!
To quote Fire Emblem: Awakening: "May we meet again in a better life."