Elmo's Followers
ALECAR Lopezz55
ŞŘ/LOW★ Mariesplatoon9
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Silver SilDicap
XFranModZX Franlepro
I've got 10 years old. Im pro player my favorite games:Minecraft Tomodachi life and MK7 (MLG) LIKESAO MLG :v suscibe and like to XxByFran6xX mi YT chanel
ηαταιϊα★ Netherrealn
Danny eVo-Pico
l play splatoon smash bros and mario kart and no wii u chat but l lost my mario kart 8 disk ):
wesley biglegowes
Hello everyone my name is wesley. My favorite games are splatoon, just dance 2017, and pokken tournament. Favorite Pokemon: Greninja , lacaurio, and blaziken. Lets be freinds too. ;) Oh and also im a youtuber so friend me follow me but i only have 1 SUBSCRIBER so help support me on youtube thanks ;) Remeber if you follow me ill follow you back promise
たいし taichan0115
ぼくは、徳重 泰志と、いいます! 小学1年生で、ゲームは、毎日しています!!投票も、投票は、毎日します! 好きゲームは、 ・キューブクリエーター ・モンスト ・妖怪ウォッチ3とバスターズ 協力などのコメント、お願いします! これで、自己紹介を、終わります! フォロー、お願いします!
☆Yelléna★ Toscane830
Wshh les gent Bienvenu a mon profil ! Pk tu regarde mon profil ??? dêja ! sa ne se fait ps !! tu veut que j présente Donc desent en bah et tu verra (Age 13 ans ~_~) (Prénon Océane) ma c'est Ambre pour la vie tu voie c'est pas toii ! Tkt jdeconne !! VOILOU JE TES DIT TOUTE MA VIE ☆ ♥ Bisous ! ♡ Noublie pas Abo Toi
oxi lenon maelparage
bonjour je m´appelle maël je suis francais youtubeur préféré siphano super brioche leogzandar furious jumper ..... abonner vous et je rend ! gentil 10 méchant 3 génie 7 faim 100000000 je suis gourmand mael coda le tug$$$$$$$€€€€€$$$
Shaun Shaun2ndAccount
T h e P e y t o n 1 ' s M i i (Not Really)
syo genseisyo
フォローしてくれてありがとうございます。みんなよろしく!!^^ 僕の誕生日は、8月20日です。
lildee deztheillest
hi im 10 summer has been very fun but the storm has done lots of danger
Ali Chan Almas7
Hello ^-^ ♥♥♥ In three words - Unicorn, strange, epic. I now know how to ask for a cheese sandwich in French. #skills Thank you sooo much for 100+! I could not believe it! Shout out to EasterRed for making my mii kawaii :3 Currently - alive. Thats the end. Goodbye. Are you still there? Seriously -_- Bai.
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Maelys Maelys77130
je m'appelle maelys daniel j'ai 12ans
ξŁεćтгσ☆ chouchoumachine
"If you want, you can" ..·•·..·•·..·•·..·•·..·•·..·•·..·•·..·•·.. #SaveMiiverse
cris Trilliz
Koki Mckoki
xXJen_15Xx SelectPhil
Hey everyone I'm Jen (^-^) Im 15 My friends and followers are amazing ^-^ Not much to say about myself lol anyway Miiverse is ending soon so better do what you want before it ends ^_~ F4F Bye for now
FireCatJ nianinjago99
dear , all my miivers friends and folowers i love each and every one of you that made me laugh through hard times and a special thanks to moon cat ,loe, and potato ,po, for being with me every step of the way !!! miivers is ending but our friendship is not love you all , FireCatJ ,J,
nemac agarz222
que paso
olobac olonemac
Jayden Jayden08q
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lyvana Lyvana7
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isa juventus1221
nice peoole,;;;
Superman Super_Girl_612
Hi im soopr girl
isaiah i27218ii
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Balmori HeroOfSplat
~~~Welcome To my Profile!~~~~ Thank you for 710 Followers! It means a lot! :) Description: 1 More day for Miiverse to end! - I hope you have a great day! :) Goodbye Miiverse T.T
Alexandre MetalMarioFan
Salut, je m'appelle Alexandre. Je suis un grand joueur de MK8! Personnage préféré: Mario de métal Circuit préféré: Métro Turbo
jeffy mario42519
LOBO GAMER trueblue9
meu nome é LOBO GAMER pesquise la lobinho que vai aparecer meus jogos são:super mario bros,mario kart 8,super smash bros,mario paty 10,lego marvel super heroes,mario e sonic 2014,splatoon,super mario-3d world,tranformes e just dance 2015 e NT.tenho amiibos também são:luigi,dong kong,kirby,pikachu,fox,villager,(splatoon)meus personagens favoritos são:nabiit,lemmy,ness,s,dr.ocutus,tails,,toad.
Blazain trixta321
Hi i'm blazain (Trixta) My best friend is Summerlee_mii and snoopogapy mostly inkling(summerlee_mii) Wait also kaytlyn or something like that,. I'm friendly and i'll help anyone.
xXDennisXx thegood1
hello my name is dennis! i like pokémon.trouble with pokémon rumble world codes? ask me. i have 22!i can miiverse chat, and i like mario kart 7 and ☆kirby!★ ‹3
lucas lucasg3527
abonner vous et je m'abonnent et je vous dirait mes jeux préféré si vous êtes dans ma liste d'amis ( no fake ) mes youtubers prefere son furious jumper etlebledart merci de vous abonner:-) et j'espère que je vous est pas fait gaspiller du temps de vie !
Andrew exeliz
I'm 8 years old and I love video games. but I'm not like one of those people who stay in there basement all day and play cod. and I like going out to do stuff. I don't really like to stay at home all day but most of the day i do.
dom 6street
whats up guys my name is dominic i usually play minecraft if you whant to play with me send me a friend request
Octarian♀ babygurl2006
Hi I am Kamil the octoling! I have a Wii U and I like to play Octo Valley! I am also the leader of the Danger Squad. My friend Dom is co-leader hes cool too! Yay!!! (^-^) :3 Also thank you ALL for leading me to 400+ FOLLOWERS YAY!!! Go Octolings (jk just for roleplay (^o^) )!!!!
ななゆな kenjitakase
Etto love_life24_7
It's Lit!! I like Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros, Runbow, Mario Party 10, and Lit!!!
☆★☆★☆★☆Hey people!!!,☆★☆★☆★☆
Welcome on Elmo's Profile!!! =)
My hobbys are: singing 123 and abc a...
☆★☆★☆★☆Hey people!!!,☆★☆★☆★☆
Welcome on Elmo's Profile!!! =)
My hobbys are: singing 123 and abc and more songs, dancing, drawing and gaming!
My favourite song: Bonus Ducks
If you like it, be my special friend !!
I hope you enjoy my profile!
And don't forget: Always be happy like me!! :D
Have a nice day! Bye-bye!!