Users Elmo Is Following
Yeah man Thatguythatyeahs
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FDダイナもん♪ hide241
僕は最近マイクラしてます!!たまにスプラwww 自分からたくさんフォローします!! 出来れば返してくれると嬉しいです!!!
albane ALbane1515
bonjour à tousse j'aime mais abonner ★★★★★ j'aime qu'on me parle ★★★★☆ abonner vous !!!!!
ももかμ momoka523momoka
みなさん!ももかです(本名) 顏はしらないけど、ミーバ一スでつながれると、うれしいです。とうこうしたのはコメントを書くので ぜひコメントやフォローしてね! よんでるけど、コメントが1日にたくさん返せるわけじゃないから、フォロ一やコメントを書かれてない人!安心して!次の日には返しま~す。 コメントやフォローしてくれる方、ありがとうございます。これからもよろしくお願いします! ぜひぜひミバ友になりましょう!(笑) きがるに声(コメント)をかけてね(書いてね)www フレンドになりましょう!
MR.HECKER? Perndorfer1
Ich spiele minecraft und ich libe es
♪Eileen~♪ abibilow
"Can't predict someone who doesn't know what they're doing."--Viantastic 2017. I mostly play Splatoon, but I play SSB once in a while. Idk, I want a Switch. #TeamPearl.
яƒ★ふうと louis_vam
hello wii u friends my name is mathias froom mario kart 8 and splatoon and kids gaming
Link loulouvam
manny emmanuel062008
cris Trilliz
hombre bajabah
James animalracer
Hi! My Name Is James And I Love Sports And Mario Games Especially Super Mario Maker. I'm a Beginner In Gaming (Despite My Profile). I Am Ok At Mario Kart 8 I've Got 9.3K vr. I Sometimes Won't Be On Miiverse (Probably Playing Football/Soccer). I Just Love Puppies Aswell!If You Follow Me I Follow You. Rules. 1. NO Bu11ying! 2.NO St@r Begging/St@r Exchanges. Dats All From Me,Have A Fantastic Day
Milagros Luigui1224
Imp AdmiralScipio
Luv is Rage-Lil Uzi Vert Graduated...... Advid Gamer.... Flordia State Commit* God+Family
Danoune danajoel
********* irihanna
jules O09875zkj
sa beigne les seiche je m´apelle jules
kiki Mister-Firre
camille Florianebelle
je m apelle floriane je suis gentille★★★★★★★★★ méchante☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ collante☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ amicale★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
*NicoRico* nicolas.sacil
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emma sirenedelarmor
cc abonner vous svp et aller voir mes discussion je suis gentille★★★★★★★★★☆ intelligente★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ j adore pokemon acnl la maison du style et plein d autre merci a mes abonner abonner vous :)
Xephiro mouzine
Slt toi tu c qui je suis? Ha tu c pas qui je suis .Foufou va .Moi c Rayane ,en fait tu es sur ma page là ,donc si tu traine ici tu a intèret a t'abonner objectifs 500 abos et c tout ce que j'aV à vous dire mes ptits scarabrute ,alors portez vous bien et ... Ciao!!! Qualités: Gentillesse:★★★★☆ Curiosité:★★★★★ Beauté:★★★★★ Intelligence:★★★★★
たいし taichan0115
ぼくは、徳重 泰志と、いいます! 小学1年生で、ゲームは、毎日しています!!投票も、投票は、毎日します! 好きゲームは、 ・キューブクリエーター ・モンスト ・妖怪ウォッチ3とバスターズ 協力などのコメント、お願いします! これで、自己紹介を、終わります! フォロー、お願いします!
Ma midori Skyzo_Panda
~Lμηα~ leanelalondrelle
Salut Tout Le Monde C'est Luna!! J'ai 11ANS Soyer Mes,Abonner Est Je M'abonnerer Je Suis En 6eme Merci Mes Chamallows! méchanceté★★★☆☆☆(si on me cherche) gentillesse☆☆☆★★★ amical☆☆☆☆☆☆
シュンスケ(HI) shun.hirakawa
ladebroull famillebleguy
Abonne vous chez-moi le roi des jeu
sans AxelDeb
bonjour je m'appelle sans geek★★★★★ gentil★★★★★ fan de my llittle pony ☆☆☆☆☆ pokefan★★★★★★★★★★★★★ uderfan★★★★★★★★★★★★★ meilleur amis : batethan - cassou - mehdi. voila c tou sur moi o fet g 10 ans ;) n'oubli pa 2 d'aboner a moi et a batethan #il a 1abo et c moi, bref si t un uderfan ou pokefan etc abonne toi :3,fdmlp ou fandemylittleponey alé vou faire remettre un cerveau en place
oxi lenon maelparage
bonjour je m´appelle maël je suis francais youtubeur préféré siphano super brioche leogzandar furious jumper ..... abonner vous et je rend ! gentil 10 méchant 3 génie 7 faim 100000000 je suis gourmand mael coda le tug$$$$$$$€€€€€$$$
Moi&Raph<3 TigrouEstelle123
Slt c'est moi, bienvenue sur mon profil Sympa: ★★★★☆ Intelligence: ★★★☆☆ Méchanceté: ★★★☆☆(quand il y a besoin) Niveau: ★★★☆☆ Bye les amis
asmar asmar.valikava
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★☆τεηмα☆★ Tenma071
Gonzalo Superibero
me llamo gonzalo tengo 10 años y me gusta hacer amigos color favorito : rojo BBF:Sandra Niara game kawai isa yareli-kun y ♪☆★lia★☆♪y tana perro guau el mas crack y me gustaria poner muchos mas
Noe Electra-1
hola soy noe, si me sigues te sigo,sin compromiso.#manolitopiesdeplata no me seas xd y saluditos a mi lores segidla y tambien os seguira;););).Os mando un besazo.Normalmente suelo subir publicaciones de tomodachi life, porque soy una viciada del juego.Bueno os dedico 23 besitos a los q me siguen y espero que cada vez sean mas ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ******
x boom x-boom
save miiverse
Luna LucifaMoony
Err*r 148 dimelo889
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May 20q8h567
Hello. This is May. Here are some friendly tips: I wanted to exchange friend codes but I was not allowed to do it. So Miiverse told me not to from now on. Please don't invite to exchange friend codes. Miiverse is a friendly online chatplace. P.S. My starter is Torchic...
sniper63 john.cceennaa
hello i am a huge fan of spaltoon i love making new friends and i also love mariokart 8 and mario and sonic 2016 rio games and i also like mario and sonic soshi 2014 and if you are one of my friends we will just message chat and i cannot play wii u video chat only if i know u in real life
bigboy kekebeonfleek
Dallas thrPOWER
frosty brayan5000
* Hi my name is brayan and i AM MLG *I LOVE MINCRAFT *Shoutout to my BFF's Justin,Ruisilva,Oryon, CleverK and Kazuma911 *I go to Wisconsin Dells each and every Summer. *IM GETTING A PS4 FOR MY BIRTHAY maybe? *I have a nintendo switch with mincraft cause I LOVE MINECRAFT *FOLLOW Me i will love if you do *And......DAB ON THE HATERS!!!!
pasta gamehead1018
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odell13 ItsYoBoyChris_13
wanna play hit me up
annabelle girlygamer124902
bruno BrunoSlower
Zmaster247 jason_krueguer
Potter We_are_sakses
☆★☆★☆★☆Hey people!!!,☆★☆★☆★☆
Welcome on Elmo's Profile!!! =)
My hobbys are: singing 123 and abc a...
☆★☆★☆★☆Hey people!!!,☆★☆★☆★☆
Welcome on Elmo's Profile!!! =)
My hobbys are: singing 123 and abc and more songs, dancing, drawing and gaming!
My favourite song: Bonus Ducks
If you like it, be my special friend !!
I hope you enjoy my profile!
And don't forget: Always be happy like me!! :D
Have a nice day! Bye-bye!!