bro's Followers
Gβ◆Orαηge♪ leopadovanie
Yo les gens, ici Lenny TTN Je suis un FAN de Minecraft♥ et de Splatoon (normalent j'en ai pas d'autre de jeux xD). Si tu regarde juste en bat verra mes catégorie. gentillesse ★★★★☆ méchant ★★☆☆☆ après faut pas me chercher humeur ★★★★★ amoureux ★☆☆☆☆ gekks ★★★★★ joyeux ★★★★★ Biensûr mes meilleur(e)s ami(e) sont (1) Wilmanzia (2) rochelais (3) Christ gamers J'ai un dernier truc a te dire Salut ^^
aliena rytal91
Salut je m'appelle aliena En faite je m'appelle Mélina
Ryne HoennRegi
monky kade.chatelain
Sнιημ★★ тс xTP-Colinex
Hey P'tit Panda! J'espère que tu vas bien! Moi ça va niquel! Bienvenu sur mon Profil! -Mon Prénom: Coline -Ma Dâte de Naissance: 11 Août 2007 -Gentille: ★★★☆☆ -Méchante: ★★☆☆☆ -Drôle: ★★★★☆ -Intéressante: ☆☆☆☆☆ -Énervante: ★★★★★ Voilà! J'espère que ça t'a un peu apris a me connaître N'hesite pas à t'abonner! À me donner des idées de message ex...! Je te souhaite que du bonheur et Bye Bye!
Justin kasajumape
friend me if your good at splatoon
Pewdiepie GageAwesome08
Hi my favoriote games are minecraft and splatoon. I only have minecraft. If you have minecraft you found the right person (: !! And please follow me and i will follow you I hope you all have good luck in games!:-) im part of a special friend called EL clan (:
Affan suru.rock677
Filipe☆★:) Filipe.gamer123
Ola amigos eu sou o Filipe e seja bem vindos ao meu perfil. -------------------------------♪ hi friends im Filipe and welcome to my profile. here you can see what i like play and another things -------------------------------------♪ ★my favourite games: resident evil4, minecraft, just dance, Zelda, splatoon, porzito zero, bayoneta 2★
danielleao danielleao3674
ςς☆Mavs titos_c
Hey Name:Maverick ( My nickname is Mavs ) Gender:♂ Relationship:Currently ♥.....Single.....♥:( Age:13 Things i dislike: Negative people, Hackers and people that like to squidbag in Splatoon Things i like:Positive people, Music, Animals and School Games i play a lot: Splatoon, Minecraft, Sm4sh and Mario Kart 8 I hope you will find me as a nice person Fave song: DISS TRACK ED By NetNoBody Bye.....
Payton 5martins
Yo hey guys how R U doing!
chris couch1312
Yo l'm chris . I don't know what else to say
Lulgikid MARIOREY131
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Lunis Bby Pixelbreaker
Hayaaa! x3 facts?ok :3 Name:Chanii aka. Onii-Chan x3 Age: Do u really care? Character: annoying, silly x3 lovely and funny x3 Hobbies: ♥Drawing♥ Play... outside? xD Favourite animal: Doggies Favourite Dog art:Husky and Pomeranian x3 Best: Luni Lina Beerie Linni Kenan c: Mathi Inky Inki (xD) Sylvi Saskii aka. Angel :3 Clans:☆sky☆,sst,spltn,Dark?,Pets, Love you Guys :3 I still speak German
LynneBug rockythundercat
KARINZ hirono1818
こんにちわわ ゲームを主にしているのは3人で そら豆 かりんとう レのあでーす。 好きな物は、いろいろ(^..^)/w 主にマイクラだよーん 仲が良いフレンドは、 ちーず まったりゆったり(リア友) たいがーあい(リア友) (SK)#ちょこ☆ それでは せーの アディユーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー(^^)! (( ∀))
★GalaxyLP★ typtyp
Hi ! ~Nicht für Leute ohne Humor~ ~Pedagogisch wertvolle Dinge ? Neeee bei mir doch nicht hier geht es nur um Fun. Und vergiss nicht Bleib frisch du Fisch
Joe joseph0530
vinny ._. vinnymitchell11
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デニッシュマイルド〆 pakun2121
画面の前の皆様こんにちは こんばんは********です 僕は、マイクラ、スプラテゥーン、YouTubeをやってます。僕は、フォロワー1000人集めたいです。 できればコメントして下さい!! (自己紹介) 名前********です! 誕生日は、5月13日です。 僕の好きな食べ物は(フルーツで)メロンです。 僕の好きなことは、パルクールです。 好きなテレビはドラエもんなどです。 好きなゲームはスプラテゥンーです。 あとはフォロワーたちと仲良くしたいです。 ありがとございました。 終わり
Nando Lopez258
hello i like to play games a lot
THUG$plato platon15
yo wassup guys its me platon and as you can see i'm professional . yes so i love pizza . i'm 9 years old boy white and my favourite game on my wii u is minecraft . i'm greek BUT i got english lessons so you can understand me .bbbbbyyyyyeeee ok now mason doesn't hate me rip
Esteban JR mejia987
Hello all of MII verse, I just want to say this is my first kind of social media-based profile. I ask that you can follow me and check out my pics. I will enjoy this as I know you guys are. I thank you all for the support you guys provide. Thank you (º_º) *_*
Fs Musik starmawars
RIP Miiverse ♡ Danke für euren klasse Support! Ihr seid die besten! Yeah-Rekord:204 Danke für 923 Folger!!!
T.V Host NintindoNews4U
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Limon Blotze
Tschau Miiverse morgen wird es gelöscht Wir werden nie mehr Miiversehaben!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeein
$ώιβι loulou662
Κικου α τοι Įε мαρρεζζε Αмβπε ετ įαι 12 αηş ετ įε şυιş ςнεζου,δπσζε мαιş ραπ δεşşυş τουτ τιмιδε Мεş įευχ ρπεƒεπεş şοητ Мιηεςπαƒτ,Уο Και Шατςн 2 ,αςηζωα ετ ρκмη Įε πεмεπςιε αυşşι мεş 504 αβο ετ мεş 89 αмιş ♥♥♥ Οβįεςτιƒ:550 αβο αβοηηεş νουş αυşşι α camillou30 ken41200 alex55652 ετ lazerultime Αβοηηε τοι (įε πεηδş) ^.^ Сιαο мεş ζουριοş ♥
tate rtmray213
Hi everyone my name is tate and I'd love to help you if you need it! Some of the games I play are: 1: Five nights at freddys 1-6 2: Overwatch 3: Oxygen NOT Included 4: Minecraft Plus other games that catch my attention... I play on the 3DS, PS4, Tablet, and computer. [ Sometimes also on XBOX 360 and One as well as on the WII U].
RatFlou Siucide1900
Hey !! Je suis RatFlou, le rat démoniaque !! Je vais essayer de ne pas mentir mais vous avez devant votre écran le tryharder le plus tryharder de l'histoire de la tryharderie ( plus communément appelé tryhard ) !! J'ai jouer dans les égouts et manger des pigeons Je joue à lol mais sur linux donc c'est un peu dur Suis-moi, on est bien ici !! C'est bizarre, hein ? JE SUIS VRAIMENT UN RAT, OK ?!
mike mikealtmann
i am the one
Harmony chizaram07
Hi ,my name is Harmony and I am a tomboy .
фгаIпНегоф Kitkat2700
The name's Rain. Or Hero. You decide. If you hate, remember that you've only got a limited amount of time on planet Earth.Its also just a waste of your time. My clan buds: \(^-^)/ фSunrise☆ф фIepic_ф фКIтКатф Kathfavarin is my other account, on another console. This is because my Splatoon software corrupted and there was no solution to its error.Ta Da! Kasane Teto\Miku waifu F4F Sayounara
G&K★Manon★ GeekGirl2.0
Salut, j'ai 14 ans. J'ai des yeux bleus, je suis mince et très sportive. Grosse dédicace à BGleHumble: T'es le meilleur.★★★ Je suis une fille du genre: -Gentille ♥♥♥♥♥ -Méchante ♡♡♡♡♡ -Généreuse ♥♥♥♥♥ -Timide ♥♥♥♥♡ -Aimable ♥♥♥♥♥ -Triste ♡♡♡♡♡ -Passionnée de dessin ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ It's my passion! Thank you so much for 650 suscribers! Follow me and I follow you. Good bye everyone!
Neoflash Neoflash123
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Ðαгк?Lυ<3 dahoam37
Heya :3! Name:Luna ich bin:ruhig,(un)lustig,SEHR verrückt und ich werde SO SAUER WENN MEINE FREUNDE BELÄSTIGT WERDEN Nightcore ist kuhl :3 Chani Onii-Chan~<3 Puma zweites ich♪~<3 Inkyy Seelenverwandte~<3 Ola luv u Sistaa~<3 Lina Mainz~<3 Jenny beste Zeichnerin der Welt~<3 Beerie~<3 Aykan abf~<3 Melek CRAZÜ~<3 Lenny Bruda~<3 #Avatar #Apfelschorlehatswag #Einhorn #Vögel4life #Lucrew #LittlDevil
MichaelC18 21mschavez
Hey guys I'm Michael, I like to make posts and play Nintendo games because they have so much swag! Give my posts yeahs, comment, and definitely follow me!
I like to play football,baseball,basketball and soccer. I like to spend time with my family. ...
I like to play football,baseball,basketball and soccer. I like to spend time with my family. I like to play with my friends. my favorite holiday's are Christmas,hallowen,the forth of july,new year and veterans day.I hope you liked reading this.