Users bro Is Following
butterbean RaymanDLC
hi miiverse!
liam hampshire07
Mc Hammer creeper0011
Hi my name is Matthew, I'm an awesome gamer and I'm 12 years old Please make sure to follow me and I will follow you back Thank You!!
Dark Tom TomPe35
Alola! Moi c'est Tom! Jeux: Paper Mario Color Splash, SMM, MK8, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros, Minecraft, Mario Party 10, FAST Racing NEO Best friends: Alexandre, Nicolas, CO∞øréø★, Cø∞r I ƒI, Médéric, Minette, Dark soul¤, G&K shadow, loulou02, Casper Team: Dark (la mienne), SUBARU (Alexandre), MØ (øréø) Objectifs: 900 abonnés Miiverse (894/900) Deltaplane or MK8 Costume Sonic SMM Voilà! À plus!
Jack jacktheporkchop
Hi Everyone My Name Is Jack And I am 9 Years Old And My Birthday Is on The 27 Of July And I Was Born On 2007 And I Love wii party u. Bye Bye!
john link555333
i must say im one of the biggest gamers because im online on two different games for at least im on five hours on each one ive had this for a year now i had previous profiles but this is my biggest on
Kyan Kyan03
Hy guys my name is Kyan my favorite games are yo kai watch and mario games and minecraft and pokémon and terraria my best friend irl is Lucas Lgameread and my best friend online is Glenterra Joseph my hobbies are gaming of course and Tennis and swimming and thats it bye :) :) :) $$$#LOL ps my favorite koopaling is Larry i love him clan: duk3
Herdox_PVP farcomine53
salut tous le monde c'est Farcomine demander moi en ami sur n importe quelle jeux ex splatoon minecraft super smash bros ect merci et abonner vous merci les 280 abonnés !!
samuse daisi13
Noah scw1955
Ironman HerpDerpMan
Hey guys... follow us and we'll follow you. Favs: Super Smash Bros, Minecraft, Mario Kart and Super Mario Bros
☆ジュンジ☆ fairy.lugia
♥[■■■■■□□□□□] ◆[★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆] 年齢:25歳 男性 趣味:スポーツ、バラエティ 現在:ブロントさん、東方projectの2つに 頭が入りきらない程進行してます。 一言:「弾幕ごっこにご用心を。」 好きな物一覧… 食べ物:竜田揚げ 乗り物:ブラックバード いい男:阿部さん ポケモン:ゴウカザル あだ名:ドM王子 声優♂:小野大輔、諏訪部順一、森久保祥太郎、柿原徹也 声優♀:悠木 碧、東山奈央、水瀬いのり、上坂すみれ 特殊能力:元一流Mii職人、有野課長の意志
фКIтКатф kathfavarin
Call me Kat. If you gonna hate why waste mine and your time? I like KitKats. I have another console... Born in December I speak English duhh Brazilian Portuguese Learning Japanese German French I like languages Meh I play da Ukulele boi! I love Splatoon Lucky Star Anime is da cutest I like doodling WARNING IF YOU FOLLOW AND ARE HIDDEN, I CAN'T FOLLOW YOU. Time to go Ps. F4F Have a nice day
marta jotaceuta
los groog
gamingcrew thegamingcrew29
hi i love terraria so if you play it be my friend
Víctor GatoNinja87
¡Hola a todos y todas! Tengo 12 años. Mi animal favorito es el Gato. Tengo estos juegos : Tomodachi Life,Mario Kart 7 y Super Mario 3D Land. Me gustan las personas sinceras,que respeten y acepten a los demás como son. Me encanta las pelis de terror,y el Anime (Prefiero manga antes que un libro :P).
XxρhatomxX SantinoT
What's up guys it's XxρhatomxX here am trying to becone the follow bombing god i will follow as many people as a can here are some things about me! Age: 13 MK8: 2,000K Splatoon: 41 Birthday: September 10 2004 Niceness: ★★★☆☆ Mean: ★★☆☆☆ Skillz ★★★★★ People you should follow: Annissa Anonymous Ice Bear Minermatt Also Clanless
louis louiswaller
★★Josh★★ GoMario991
Edmond Edmond.Wac
j'ai 13 ans, je suis en 3eme, et comme miiverse c'est pas non plus... voilà, et bah c'est tout
pitbull ReneValdez
Olexos ilikeyoyo
JoHnY★Xl jaco06
Ciao a tutti mi chiamo Johny ho 5 amici di chat princifabi Jacopo candocks jaiden e Jax.Seguiteli perche sono simpatici. A me piace la musica DJ...e se voi l'adorate come me vi consiglio mr.policeman Il mio hobby è andare in bici seguitemi e io seguirò voi PROMESSO Ciao a tutti buone giocate =D
milly cheecky123
i still have peapole to folow me to girls to boys to supeheoros whatever anywone just follow me :–) heres some information for you : FAVOURITE FOOD : ice cream bugers crisps macaroinie cheese bacon sandwiches pizza and roast dinner and so on i am doing a club it an animal jam club so just comment on wone of my post i am looking for 8 girls and 8 boys and a manager
Kaylee lilyloverKAY
Hi! Im Kaylee, the 12 year old dork. I love anime, creepypasta, LoZ, and videogames in general. If you want me to draw something, then just comment on one of my posts.Oh, I also have the New 3ds Hyrule Edition <3.
Luca GAM1NGgeek369
I like Battlefield, Playstation, GTA & RDR, horrors (including Resident Evil) and especially Metal Gear Solid (my favourite game series of all time.) I love Lord of the Rings (books/movies/lore), and Doctor Who. i also like acting, Airsoft/Paintball & true story war movies-espicially Lone Survivor.(u follow me,I follow u) Go check out my Youtube channel: T3CH gaming if you wanna laugh.
james jamesduffy1
i've been loving nintendo games forever and i unstoppsble on most but i just like to relax in the world of animal crossing!!
RAZORBLADE Razorblade111111
I love art and dancing I have super mario maker mega man X super smash bros for wii u and splatoon im undertale trash because i love grillbz
pascal pascal.gr34
bonjour je m'appelle pascal grailhes j'ai 29 ans je joue sur la wii u vous pouvez me suvre ou m'ajouté en ami pour les jeux zombiu trine 2 assasin's creed3 Mario kart splatoon watchdogs
エイト_Ωγ◇ ton-chang0820
誰!? って思って顔ポチしてくれた人へ 我だ!.......(ミゼルンですw) MII変えましたw(日記長続きしなかったなw) 名前がスゲー変ってますけど気にしないで! 日記書くのやめようかな~ 何でかって?....面倒だからw なかなかWIIUしないと思うけど、そこんところよろしく!
こしむ y419829
こしむです。最近復活しました! うごめも、電波人間を主にやってます。 アニメとボカロは詳しいです。相当ね笑 特にラブライブとカゲプロの話は止まりません! 投稿見かけたら共感お願いします。 皆さんよろしくお願いします! にっこにっこにー!
DEMON KILL osachaop
Profile comment hidden by admin.
I pad 13.7.2Warp
Deutsch/English Dieses Profil ist nun offiziel inaktiv ich werde MV verlassen ^^ Tschüss.. (Werde evtl. 1×im Monat hierher schauen) This profile is now officaly inactive. Im leaving MV.. Bye.. (probably Im going to visit MV once a month) Best MV Friends: Timur NoBody~ / –»Luna«– Walter ♪Danny♪:З DemonPXΔ ▲▼Kinzo▼▲ G400
jay 6na2-wup-s-kh-1
ゆずぽ.*° syynm-941101
☆°†・ 。.ゆずぽ.*°だぽよん ※仮名. 。・†°☆ ♥°・ 。….簡単な自己紹介☆↓.… 。・°♥ ☆°・†:*.年齢…13歳.*:†・°☆ ♥°・*♪ 。 .学年…jc1. 。♪*・°♥ ☆°♪°†:*・.性別…女.・*:†°♪°☆ 。.°†*♥…タメOεK…♥*†°.。 ☆♪°¨*.いきなりタメとかあるかもっ(*><*)ゴメン.*¨°♪☆ ♥ 。†*.:°ミバ友&ミバ身内<ミバ家族>とかぼしゅ-してるよ°:.*† 。♥ ☆†°#*・.思いっきりキャラチェンジしたのだ. ・*#°†☆ 。†.¨°♥ブラスで*ふる-と*やってる♥°¨.† 。 †_☆°女子力欲しい°☆_† о*´°♥韓国ヤバい♡はまりすぎた♥°`*о ♪¨☆*オルチャンまぢ大好き.K-popまぢ愛してる*☆¨♪ ♥°†・…2016.5.28更新…・†°♥
Marion;) Mous19
hello! ♀ abonnez-vous et je m´abonnerais! (un abonnement ça fait toujours plaisir).☆★
★✏ azermodzdu123456
Salut je Mapelle yanis jai 12 et je suis en 6ème au college monod a montelimar jaime jouer au jeux video comme par exemple:mario maker,call of dutty black ops 2 et grand theft auto 5 mon reve sa serais daller vivre a tokyo et faire de grande etude et aussi jaimerais etre comédien ( ABONE TOI A MON CHAT ET JE MABONERAIS A TON CHAT) sur android jaime jouer a clash of clans et a subway surfers ciao
killer 572 sihaju
hello everyone
Pokéball breydon11
Hi Im Sceptron Im A HUGE Sonic and Pokemon fan Be Free to ask any questions
KTZ☆Grill Grillinator000
Hallo ich nehme fast jede freundsanfragen an wenn du mir sagst warum du mit mir befreundet sein willst ps:ich spiele gerne splatoon und minecraft und guckt mal bei meiner schwester Katzen13 vorbei Domtendo ftw
Marie☆Chat Duese811
Name: ….. Alter: .. Geboren:..,.,.... Lieblings essen:Nudeln :p hobby's: Reiten, Kaugumis kauen. :D Du willst also einen keks ..? Na gut hier hast du einen: ● Okay wir wollen mal nicht so sein... ... Hier drei: ●●● ;) Ok! reicht jetzt aber tschaui :^^^
I like to play football,baseball,basketball and soccer. I like to spend time with my family. ...
I like to play football,baseball,basketball and soccer. I like to spend time with my family. I like to play with my friends. my favorite holiday's are Christmas,hallowen,the forth of july,new year and veterans day.I hope you liked reading this.