jake paul's Followers
Ok¤Smaps heliaume
Salut tout le monde ! Moi, je suis Smaps, je suis fan de Minecraft et Splatoon. Je fait parti de la team : XTC ( Chef ) ( Tous Les Pays ) ( Wii U ) XTCDS ( Chef ) ( Tous les pays ) ( DS ) XTCFR ( Chef ) ( Français ) ( Wii U et DS ) XTCEN ( Chif ) ( English ) ( Wii U and DS )
Arsène mobylette9
Bonjour, je m'appelle Arsène, et j'adore les jeux vidéos depuis déjà un certain nombre d'année. La série Mario est ma préférée, et Zelda ensuite, les jeux vidéos sont l'une de mes passions.
Crispy swagmaster297
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Hello! Welcome to my profile! My carrier is to be a Singer & Dancer! I dream to perform to millions of people. I wanna be rich,famous, and to live a great life! My Favorite games are Splatoon and Animal Crossing New Leaf! I have 1 Dog named Max and he's a Labradoodle. Thank you for reading and visiting my Profile! Friend Request me & Follow me! Have A nice day!
Ant:) lucca0712
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firegirl jojill
hi my name is firegirl I love talent artist I will give yeahs to them and the ones of even try
いっせい momohito21
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♪★☆Miκυ☆★♪ Ladybug_Purpura
Hola soy Beatriz, tengo una hermana que se llama Paula. Bffs: -Meua -★☆ ƒiяε ☆★ (está banned) :( -ζοε -Umaru-chan (esta banned):( -★☆Miku☆★ 1521:- voy a llorar... 7090:-Chau... 7805:-Os quiero Metas(seguidores): 100√ 200√ 300√ 400√ 500√ 600× 700× 800× 900× 1000× Sé que no podre cumplirlas antes de que acabe .M.V. GRÄCIÄS PÖR ESTÄR AHÏ Y CHÄÖ
こうへい adachikouhei1219
顔ポチありがとうww 残りミーバース少ないけどフレンド募集中だよ これからもよろしく('∀') 小6の野球少年 地味にチーム入りww だが勝てない(´_`)
~Devin~ :( Nindevin23
D¡scord:Devin22Gamer#2671 УТ:DevinGamer ClosedVerse:Devin22Gamer or my mii name ☆тнапкуоц fоя 1200 fоııошеяς★ I appreciate every single yeah and follow! Bye I WILL MISS YOU!!!
azulf bomb noahbenjamin22
Hi, im azulf bomb! I play team kirby clash deluxe, super mario maker for 3DS, kirby triple deluxe, Rusty's real deal baseball, ninetendo badge arcade, pokemon shuffle, sonics lost world, teenage mutant ninja turtles, angry birds: star wars, Luigi's mansion dark moon and lego city uncover!! Have fun, guys!
jacario jacario
I'm Jacario I love playing videogames, I love drawing, I'm 12 years old, and if your asking, my favorite pokemon is Raichu.
stickman MadRyan2
Hi Im stickman Thanks for the face poke!!! I Play many games im on daily. Im 11 Thank u 150+ followers My art is awful but i try. I play many sports but go on my post's and ask me more!! Watch Morjstu Kollins Key And Jake Paul Living in Wisconsin Faverite guote " When life gives you lemons make grape juice" Motivational speaker :) Why nintendo *Gives you cookie* Thank chu
MAVRICK ugkvl3
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¤→Maria→→¤ shria12
ωειсоme to my t®ach →Age:13 →Indian →sèlf t@ught α®тìşł →©hèè®le@der&Dάn©e® →→»»»»»←←←«««« I am a Cheerleader but i don't BITE #FOLLOW4FOLLOW→→→↑¶¶÷§=§===§§ I AM A Yeah bomber...so BLOCK ME IF YOU WANT TO →→→→→ğéł őųł→→→→→→
jonathan hosorio1964
Iam a nice gamer and love to play Minecraft join friends on batlemode talk to then play Mario Kart 8 make my own server so people can join me and get new cars and motorcycles!
mama fughihr
je mapel mama
bounzy?1 yusufv123
i am funny boy11 call me lol
Judy~poody judemac7
hi i'm jude you but can call me judy poody as you can see it seems that i'm a miiverse mii just like you! i'm just a mii that is calm and you can friend me if you want to i'm 13! and thats it so see ya if you can! ;) R.I.P. MÊMêverse
small face diazfam5
All I do is play games and watch anime :3 I don't make posts often but please follow me because I'm telling you to ;p I hope you like my posts :D (That are made by me) Byeee (^o^) The day i make a quality post is the day miiverse ends
SPRサマー# kouryu1221
皆さん、今まで本当にありがとうございました。 フレンドになってくれた方、フォローしてくれた方、僕のコメントに共感してくれた方、皆さんの事は忘れるまで忘れません。本当にありがとうございました!((泣寂悲
potatoalt2 potatoaltemp
Some vegetarian [B] that Posts [B] E M E S once every few weeks. Roblox: Wagwanm9 Kingdom of loathing: wagwanm8 9gag: majentaguy
Chara CharaDreemurr_09
Greetings... I am Chara... The demon who is summons when its name is called... your here for touching my face icon.... I cannot allow it.... *Slashes* 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 Leave or your soul is mine.....
GlitchGoth xquizit
H-Hi.....I'm Goth..... Gender:Male Age:???? [Perferably Teen] Šεχΰαιιîťγ:Bi Crush: P-Palette... >////< Likes:Books, Soft music, Being around Palette or other kind people Dislikes:Rude/Mean people, Cussing, Guns Personality:Kind/Caring, Sweet, Shy, Kinda protective about his friends ...............Sorry but no Wii U Chat.........
GabrielTGM GabrielSara
Hello. I upload posts sometimes.. I still can't leave Miiverse Remaining posts/comments: 0 (HAXX!)
Weebrosif¤ imaboss786
Hello. I'm that guy you always see commenting on posts in the NSLU community. I'm also a weeb apparently. \[T]/ PRAISE THE SUN! \[T]/ Favorite Games at the moment: Dark Souls (Warriors of Sunlight is the best covenant don't @ me) Cave Story Earthbound Miitopia Splatoon 2 I'm also very cringy kappa
UT!Papyrus Skeletonpower120
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Main 878908us
uhhh.....welcoome...to my............... . . . . PROFILE! My new Oc is, well, Main of Corse! sorrry..... im bad at spelling.... have a nice day! And my Oc main has an English accent!
mom magwood6
luigi wildabeast37
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Eden ErnestoB8
Kevin 596247
Hi mein Name ist Kevin xD 18 Jahre alt (endlich aktualisiert) Bin ein großer Nintendo Fan und mein Lieblingscharakter von Mario ist Shy Guy! o.o Zocke sehr sehr gern Minecraft! ;D Wer bock hat Minecraft zu zocken: - Einfach fragen xD Meine ALLERLIEBLINGSHELDIN (wasn Wort xD) ist........... Lilac the Dragon Girl x3 Haut rein! See ya later Girls and Boys! ;D
YeahBigley RelativityOYEAH
Hi I'm part of the Ordo Templi Bigley, a cult sworn to take over Miiverse. Please join kiddos! OTB is the current governor of NSLU
Nick Mariosminions
Days Left: 67 Owner of Default (Inactive as of 8-31-17) Hello. You obliterated me by touching my face who does that? I like pie I am original (NOT) I'm always on here watching you Age: No Gender: Yes Stats:I eat food and drink drinks. I breathe air to live. I am not alive ↓False ↑True Bye! :D :P :D Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hi? Hi!!
Christian3 PacManWorld2
Hey, i'm Christian. I main toon-link, Pac-man, and zelda in smash. Favorite game: Pac-man world 2. I'm a big Pac-Man and rhythm heaven fan. Electric Light Orchestra is my favorite band. Talk to me anytime. Vinesauce 4 life. Nothing but trash post on here, with a drawing occasionaly. Get cozy and make yourself at home in my trash bin. Christian X Ava is best ship
ςΰΡΣΓςΌИÏÇ Estebanpro22
hola soy surigala yo juego mucho a splatoon amigos favoritos 1frisk 2bicho 2fairy tail los demas son amigo nada mas♥♥♥ y tanbien e adenlantado mucho de segidores gracias a todos por los 400 pero ensegida voy a subir si llegara a los 500 antes del sabado os lo agraceria mucho mas abajo hola mas abajo :)
♪jake paul is number 1♪also dab on the haters ;-)
also i'm a alt account ;-)