Users jake paul Is Following
Crispy swagmaster297
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αςτ★Arran mario5luigi5
Hi there! I'm Arran but you probably all knew that! ;P I'm a funny and friendly 15 year old boy with autism! Dream jobs: Actor and cartoon/video game designer! I'm 120% brony because i'm 20% cooler! ς(¬■¸■)√ Proud leader of the αςτ (Autism Support Team) (Invite only) Members: 32 DC: GamesmasterUK#1911 Stay awesome y'all *drops mic*
Juan AwesomeJuan
Fnaf fans come check out the Kentucky Club community (check my favorite communities ↓). Me and a group of fnaf fans are making it the fnaf community Scratch that, since Miiverse is ending, im not gonna do anything about Kentucky Club no more Best Friends: Charcho, MII king, Sienna, Catro Im moving to ACNL when Miiverse ends
HTP Tapefarmer
Hi! my name is HansThePokemon! i like meme's! so yeah. if you like meme's den yeah me! and if you do NOT yeah me. then i will find you. and kill you.
I'm Tired ItzDoritoImTired
time to whine about the new jersey state road infastructare there are more than two genders dеаdаss )))))
Beau beauallen
Konnichiwa! I ♥ Video Games! I am competetive, confident And caring! I love to socialize about gaming! I'm a good keyboard player! Please be nice and follow me! Frisk x Chara is best ship! Don't be upsetti, have some spaghetti! Clan: τсω Fav food: Noodles Fav drink: Coffee Fav game: Minecraft / Mario Kart 8 / All FNaF Games Fav anime: Madoka Magica / Pokémon Fav YouTuber: Thinknoodles / YuB
Des Queenpin
DA: D/E/S/1/2/S/K/Y/E TMBL: T/E/M/P/O/R/A/L/P/I/A/N/I/S/T DXSCXRD: W/A/N/N/A/B/E/W/A/T/E/R/B/A/T #2419 SKYP*: F/L/E/E/P/B/I OR W/A/N/N/A/B/E/W/A/T/E/R/B/A/T for when miiverse ends—☆ (*only if we know eachother suuuuper well!!) ———— i'm des. i go by they/them pronouns. i was born on july 10th, 1996, and i'm lame and terrible and why are you heRE (,,,,also i draw trash sometimes)
MAVRICK ugkvl3
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beccy bexmob
hello everyone! :-) Marie = Edgy User Btw Things about me Age:Unknown Favourite food: Pizza Waifu: waluigi Favourite drink: Unknown Rival: Toby fox job: Memez End (Not kidding) MM57
Roast King smashbrogeek
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small face diazfam5
All I do is play games and watch anime :3 I don't make posts often but please follow me because I'm telling you to ;p I hope you like my posts :D (That are made by me) Byeee (^o^) The day i make a quality post is the day miiverse ends
curly fry Spaghetti-King95
hello! uh, i dunno what to write for a profile comment, however, i really like splatoon and rhythm games! yyyyeah.
Derpface DonkeyPizza9000
Downloading… ■ 10% ■■ 20% ■■■ 30% ■■■■ 40% ■■■■■ 50% ■■■■■■ 60% ■■■■■■■ 70% ■■■■■■■■ 80% ■■■■■■■■■ 90% ■■■■■■■■■■ 100% I am Derp Face/DonkeyPizza9000. I ♥ Nintendo. Look out for the Piranha Plants (V)…(V)…(V)…(V)…(V)…(V)…(V) Here↓ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ cxx[====> Use this sword to fight the Badmins
Andrew2121 AndrewMarenkovic
Hello I am Andrew2121 and I'm 15 living in the USA, I love all Mario games and Yoshi is my favorite character, and my favorite game is Super Mario Maker
Billy billyspencer
XQuackerX asthatbeenmurry
Mario Maker Addicted- 2YMM/ 1YMM Level Creator Approved by Kiavik
potatoalt2 potatoaltemp
Some vegetarian [B] that Posts [B] E M E S once every few weeks. Roblox: Wagwanm9 Kingdom of loathing: wagwanm8 9gag: majentaguy
SPRサマー# kouryu1221
皆さん、今まで本当にありがとうございました。 フレンドになってくれた方、フォローしてくれた方、僕のコメントに共感してくれた方、皆さんの事は忘れるまで忘れません。本当にありがとうございました!((泣寂悲
mama fughihr
je mapel mama
Drew Drew777
Here you can find ramblings about WarioWare D.I.Y. and the state of the Pokémon fanbase. And some other stuff, sometimes.
Jeremy JeremyJ12
Hello I am the great Jeremy! Here's some stuff about me! •Jigglypuff, Lucina, Kirby, and Ganon main •14 •I like cats •Follow some of my follows and friends! •I'm nice! •I am comedy. •I will most likely accept Friend Requests! Games I play: Minecraft, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Sm4sh, Pokken, Terraria, and MK8! I like making friends and using gamechat! Thanks for reading! Have a nice day!
Ni ghosty144
Interesting stuff: -There are 6373 Ni s dancing to Disco. -Turritopsis-dohrnii is a cool jellyfish. It's biologically immortal, which seems Deviant compared to other animals. -Something bad happened; I Tumbled and hit a hive of laser-bees! -Ghosty144 is interested in ornithology and likes Birds (especially blue ones). -"Maika (Ni)" doesn't like it when the pizza restaurants are Closed
R&у◆Fσx♡ČL wDvEn0m
Hai, I'm Oliver Competitive MK8 player Leader of Яv (INVITE ONLY) Co-leaders: яƒ DAD and Jason A few close friends of mine - Aria/Joycon Ricky Saki Jason Venus Sean Nate Emma Zoey Olivia Jordan This place was interesting, to say the least. Thanks for the memories.
mom magwood6
luigi wildabeast37
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Eden ErnestoB8
YeahBigley RelativityOYEAH
Hi I'm part of the Ordo Templi Bigley, a cult sworn to take over Miiverse. Please join kiddos! OTB is the current governor of NSLU
Sonic SonicSpeed4582
Well Everyone, Time Is Almost Up... My Next Post Will Be My Last So If You Have Anything To Say; Say It In The Post Please. I Will Explain My Future In The Last Post As Well, See You All Soon ~Sonic
Nick Mariosminions
Days Left: 67 Owner of Default (Inactive as of 8-31-17) Hello. You obliterated me by touching my face who does that? I like pie I am original (NOT) I'm always on here watching you Age: No Gender: Yes Stats:I eat food and drink drinks. I breathe air to live. I am not alive ↓False ↑True Bye! :D :P :D Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hi? Hi!!
GabrielTGM GabrielSara
Hello. I upload posts sometimes.. I still can't leave Miiverse Remaining posts/comments: 0 (HAXX!)
Weebrosif¤ imaboss786
Hello. I'm that guy you always see commenting on posts in the NSLU community. I'm also a weeb apparently. \[T]/ PRAISE THE SUN! \[T]/ Favorite Games at the moment: Dark Souls (Warriors of Sunlight is the best covenant don't @ me) Cave Story Earthbound Miitopia Splatoon 2 I'm also very cringy kappa
♪jake paul is number 1♪also dab on the haters ;-)
also i'm a alt account ;-)