Edgeward's Followers
Doc DocAries427
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tom kirkclarke
lods of friend
Edwin ZenDragon23
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iPhonesR ö ILikeArtAlot
I'm not really a game kinda person, but I play Luigi's Mansion2 and Mario Kart7 from time to time. Apart from that, I'm all over YouTube and NAC, and stuff like Style Boutique... so yeah. BTW, I do follow-4-follow! People YOU should follow: Malaika, Keaton Zel, Nana, Jesra, CECE, Babygirl (jhamiya) AND =)... BTW, I'm with Will now. For the people who still think it's Eva+Josh.
★H.★ιίιγ★ Ganon2023Familia
#DontCloseMiiverse Κοηηί©πίωα... ♥*^ωει©οмε тο мγ ρ®οƒίιε...^*♥ ☆♡•мγ ηαмε ίς ιίιγ•♡☆ †§⇔I have Reasons why i dont want miiverse close⇔§† £™¤ί παvε α Νίητεηdο 3DS Ι D:Andrea099¤™£ —¶1:For talk with my friends¶— #$%2:For Draw%$# º*{3:Do Pixelarts}*º &*#Please dont Close miiverse...#*& ^!@⃃:Adramelle DAYAMARAYA AnaMaria-Almeria MiriMane magdybros@!^ *.`...`.* My Kogama:-_-Lily-_-
emet jbecker_25
jack jackbucc0403
i am jack my dog is the best. i like hitting people in the nose. i'll getcha watch out
itachi◆ frc2000
cc tous l'monde jm'appele cedric et je suis un grand fan de splatoon et si vous voulez faire des match privées avec moi enter mon id et envoyer moi un message
Shadow mudkipshiny
Hello there :) miiverse is coming to an end soon bye everyone :')
creeper Q. Creeper_Queen777
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!! I love followers, and cookies. lots of cookies. cookies... and my big sister, (wolfsparky) if you follow me, I will love you forever!! :) (I hit my max followers...) biiiiiiiiiiiii!!
Jackson HogwartsHound
Oc#1: Jackson Evergreen. Brown/black hair shaved similar to Tyler Joseph. All blue eyes, no pupils . sharp fangs, white sweatshirt, black jeans, white converse.Energetic, but kind of a jerk and loves breaking rules He is very smart-kind of Scottish accent. 5'8'' has grey wings under his jacket I love Rp and NITW and BATIM #MAEBEA ☆★OUT OF POSTS★☆
CO∞Kenopix MarsMatteo
Hi , everybody Thanks 5 0 0 followers ! j'aime surtout : Bah... tout en faiteuuuh '-' je pourrais dire quoi ? je sais abonne toi oui toi ! sinon tu seras content ou mécontent de voir mes messages bonne visite de mon profil ! (#E ♡) (#S ^.^) (#Y )
Mewsa Zack.PAnimelover
Hello Viewers! I am Lord MewSa. I am an Average Pokemon. Anyone seen Samus or Megaman? I didn't of course! By the way, You must Follow me, and you'll be safe.
PøupøucΕ poupouce2004
salut je mapelle poupouce splatoon c'est le méiller jeu wii U. Svp je cherche jouere a splatoon et pouquoi pas une team aussi ;-)
Thxful4MV funny35
[*Ηεγ· Ναмε΄ς Sнιяαι· γφυ Ισσκ Ιικε γφυ ζφτ нυяτ ƒяσм α ζяεατ ƒαΙΙ·] Heheh..wait..aRE YOU A HUMAN?! I DESPISE HUMANS!! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!.. Heh, I'm just pulling your leg. Nice to meet ya. You look nice. Want me to show you around Hotland? Out Of Posts: No [√] I might yeah-bomb..(>->) I can't follow all of you fabulous people ;×; I'll try to though ;♡;
meowvelous daddygolfpro
Hi,I'm Meowvelous/Purfection(Blastzonejcb)/Jcb(Xareoz. I like creepypasta,Vocaloid,Anime,Manga,Singing etc. Check out Brianna,Lilia,Octo~Eli,Savannah, Preston,bc,and That1Asian.
abby vocaloidfan456
all right.i'm also xareoz,blastzonejcb.and daddygolfpro.i didn't choose that last name,but the profile was abandoned,so i claimed it and changed the mii.
BFF:JBIAGI jonah1x
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PeterN Nitro-n-Green
I have a dirty sense of humer. I love puns and memes. I'm 18. I suck at spelling. I love art. thats about it ... yeah
QwQ BabiiAsh
0w0 What's this? 3 years and this place was so fun! thanks to my 600+ followers~<3 I'm definitely gonna miss some of y'all uwu
AJ kungfu187
Hi I am a gamer and I really love playing Super Smash Bros on Wii U and 3DS. And if u want to battle me, LET'S DO IT!
Smolbean. IloveTommychan
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alex snook725
im a vary nice guy i like to do pranks on peolpe sometimes i hafe 2 best friends there names are wyman and univers you should go friend them. i like battle mini games im relly good at pvp my favret game is call of duty. i sometimes play tubil.im good at glide and if you want frend me and follow me to. my favorite youtuber is romenatwoodvlogs you should go check him out he jest hit 12 mill
Maddie ._. maddie237
Hello.... I'm Maddie and Im 15 years old. I love to draw (even though I'm terrible) If you need to talk to someone I'm here, shoot a friend request♥ I don't bite I promise Most of the time.... :p
★hannah★ doubleobutters
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Jcb blastzonejcb
Feel free to freind request me,but no wii u chat for ppl i don't know irl . I love,vocaloid,anime,singing,rp[roleplaying],writing,and most of all...nekos Check out my best friends: Lilia Brianna Octo~Eli Savannah Preston
DarkDarla marlua
Set out to destroy Miiverse I got captured again but I'm back but it seems I'm a little too late.What will I do now? "What they don't understand, they fear inside, what they don't understand, they try to hide"-You can't hide from us Shinies I'm looking for:Finneon, Bagon Clans or teams I'm in: team shiny(leader), Rebel-born(clan member), First order(clan member), Team mew(clan member)
Mr. Saturn BoIngZoOmDInG
Please don't poke my face again. I'm an alt created by one of those strange NSLUC users. Which means that I am made of dank memes and salt and stuff like that. So... yeah... go do something else okay? I can't think of anything interesting to put here...
Megan Teddibearmojo
Waddup homeslices I love YouTube, Gravity Falls, Over the garden wall, Harry Potter, memes, pop-punk. The list goes on!! Also, don't check my posts from 2 years ago. I was 12 and thought I was cool but I was unfortunately so wrong!!
Trıple majorgamerguy
Hello, I'm Michael. I don't come here often, mainly once in a couple months to Roleplay. Not much about me needs to be said then. Just that I'm an angsty 16 year old nerd who has been through a lot. I'd appreiate those who think before posting, though you don't find much of those on MV. "Name one genius that ain't crazy". -Kanye West
Jack swordsman899
Name's Jack, few things I like,to play video games,sing,lift,and play cards.I like other things,don't like others not gonna get into much detail.Anyway,a few more things,i'm usually a nice guy,but also a bit off,well that's it,I think,anyway,later
Mll Kong Vavalol456
I have ran out of posts. I will be back tomorrow, THIS time I will not be defeated by the post limit ever again.
DD★super2k Superboy1230
friend me pls
Silver silverblaze00
"Give up your life of crime!"- Hold on a second, why is this still here? Miiverse is ending. Maybe you should go do something like contact how you'll meet up with your precious friends and say your good-byes instead of reading this. I'll just be collecting my stuff and leaving shortly. Oh yeah, almost forgot I am NOT a hedgehog nor a furry...
しゅうちゃん99 papasan568
こんにちはしゅうとです、ゲームはプロです。 FNAFが大すきです!フォローしてくれたら必ず返します!ぼくが好きなYouTubeバーはFNAF.TVです!はるぼん(メイン)さんと同じです!!
Strange man that says "nice nice" a bunch.