Users Edgeward Is Following
Jackson HogwartsHound
Oc#1: Jackson Evergreen. Brown/black hair shaved similar to Tyler Joseph. All blue eyes, no pupils . sharp fangs, white sweatshirt, black jeans, white converse.Energetic, but kind of a jerk and loves breaking rules He is very smart-kind of Scottish accent. 5'8'' has grey wings under his jacket I love Rp and NITW and BATIM #MAEBEA ☆★OUT OF POSTS★☆
Nathaniel totodile1024
Hi. I am a Christian. I like Pokemon. Smash Bros., RPs, Fossil Fighters, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Fire Emblem, Monster Hunter, and several other things.
2D dab012
Hello im 2D and i have a strange cat friend who likes to eat lasagna garfield: do you have lasaga? PLZ GIVE ME SOME LASAGA OH AND ME NAMES GARFIELD theres not that much i have to say about my self my favorite games are super smash bros happy dungeon and many other games so yeah thats it about me goodbye you still here GIVE ME MY LASAGA!!!
Sakurai SakuraiMasahiroA
Hi, I'm the director of Super Smash Bros., Masahiro Sakurai of Sora. I'm working on the latest Super Smash Bros. game for the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS. *Our staff is translating my posts.
PeterN Nitro-n-Green
I have a dirty sense of humer. I love puns and memes. I'm 18. I suck at spelling. I love art. thats about it ... yeah
QwQ BabiiAsh
0w0 What's this? 3 years and this place was so fun! thanks to my 600+ followers~<3 I'm definitely gonna miss some of y'all uwu
AJ kungfu187
Hi I am a gamer and I really love playing Super Smash Bros on Wii U and 3DS. And if u want to battle me, LET'S DO IT!
Isaac ΩSI ShadowofLight999
Final Post count: 3828 Final Yeah count: 6873 Final Following count: 212 Lurantis still best PokéWaifu. It's been fun, y'all. Find me on :^( or Cedrus and soon Cii. I also have a Discordant, find it on :^(
Andrew! MookaAntoin
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★T●●N★J●Y★ saiyan_gxd
★T●●N★J●Y★ is back! overwatch has taken over my life ďā : TJ3star ť : tj3star see you there ;)
тео SSBM_Teo
bushido brown don't wipe his own asś
♪Pinkitty♪ facemen3535
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Vίηcεητ Dragon2nd
Hello ! My name's Vincent, I'm 16 year old and I am a French Mario Kart and Pokemon player !
Trıple majorgamerguy
Hello, I'm Michael. I don't come here often, mainly once in a couple months to Roleplay. Not much about me needs to be said then. Just that I'm an angsty 16 year old nerd who has been through a lot. I'd appreiate those who think before posting, though you don't find much of those on MV. "Name one genius that ain't crazy". -Kanye West
Bessie AmiiboWars
I have many unpopular opinions and I am triggered easily. Shoto Todoroki is the precious! I love Undertale and you shouldn't judge me for it! Nor should you judge other Undertale fans! I'M GONNA FIGHT THE SUN!!!! ♥Callie is best waifu and Squid Sister!♥ Staaaay Fresh!
~Dana~ danastarr02
Awesome people I'd like to thank: Tanna, Mercedes, Luma, Puff, Alexandra, KidProdigy, Λndısıt, GOOM, ‡Shy guy‡, Sarah, RoadRaven, RK, RunneR, Bowsergirl, Theresa, Betty, Jilly, Hamza, Sir, ShelbyYuki, Luigi-GS, Bluepanzer, Kevin, Logan, √Alex², A.J, Kitty, BJCC, Jack, Peacock, Lumy, Steven, Shadowolf, and Artisquid.
Mll Kong Vavalol456
I have ran out of posts. I will be back tomorrow, THIS time I will not be defeated by the post limit ever again.
Silver silverblaze00
"Give up your life of crime!"- Hold on a second, why is this still here? Miiverse is ending. Maybe you should go do something like contact how you'll meet up with your precious friends and say your good-byes instead of reading this. I'll just be collecting my stuff and leaving shortly. Oh yeah, almost forgot I am NOT a hedgehog nor a furry...
Sonic Daisylover12
Im sonic the miihog! XD i like sonic gamez (no durr), mario, pokémon and kirby. Other things i like are anime and anime games like Hetalia and Hatsune Miku Project Diva i ♥ to RP with sonic im really a ♀ btw im a drawing freak, guilty~ I ONLY DO FRIENDS WHO PLAY GAMES WITH ME OR I KNOW! SO IF YOU WANNA FRIEND ME FOR WII U CHAT THE ANSWER IS NO
Celeste Snowbuddies3
Hi hi! I'm Celeste, a 15 year old gamer girl with Autism. Clan: *ºtruelyHΞXDº*. Favorite Youtubers: Scribble Netty, Jacksepticeye, and Markiplier Favorite Game: The Last Story Tumblr: I'm not saying. (I have Tumblr, but I'm not telling you my username.) Note: I LOOOVE CAKE!! (~ρ~)
YeahBaeBae PizzaByTheDozen
Hey there people it's me the amazing YeahBaeBae! ^-^
Mr. Saturn BoIngZoOmDInG
Please don't poke my face again. I'm an alt created by one of those strange NSLUC users. Which means that I am made of dank memes and salt and stuff like that. So... yeah... go do something else okay? I can't think of anything interesting to put here...
Nintenja J Jagger10
We Strike Swiftly In The Night Without Fear Of Plight Wherever You Go We Go For The Glory Of Nintendo. ¤=[-----------
ジョンくん (JD) ILikePie888
#MiiverseIsEndingAndMyLife$ucks I'm an all Nintendo gamer. I love everything about Japan and plan to move there and work at Nintendo. I'd most like to be on the creative side of game design, making the characters, story, game itself, etc. I'm always myself, and I always encourage others to be themselves too. (Be yourself!) ^.^ R.I.P. Iwata-san
Ira MinerKombat1556
Hiya. Nothing much to see here. I'm just... you know, here, n'such. Oh fine, wanna know something? I'm a human person who spends way too much time playing games and should probably get a job and/or a life.
Fawkes ForceBalancePush
"You're making my teeth itch!" ~Sheogorath Drem yol lok. It is I, Fawkes. I have another account, but it's connected to my older brother's Wii U. Things to know about me: I am a MALE. I'm 17 years old. I will only follow you IF I like your profile's content. I block most Yeahbombers (though, there are some exceptions.) I don't do follow-for-follow. And I truly despise the Undertale fandom.
Spoopy Boi Hugzrule
Oh, Krusty Krab, oh Krusty Krab, Oh how I love you, Krusty Krab Switch: 673573615316
Strange man that says "nice nice" a bunch.