That's crazy!
Benjamin's Yeahs

@Benjamin: Who said we're arguing? I'm just telling you about my experiences. And you're telling me yours. That's all. You have you're opinions, I have mine. Simple as that.

@Benjamin: Yeah, mainly the outfits and hair colors! As for their bodies, they've got the same figure and "curves." If you get my drift.

20 Yeahs and i will tell an embarrassing secret about me i would only on a site that's about to close.
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Hey everyone. With Miiverse ending in under a week, I have one final question for all of you: What gaming accomplishments from the Wii U/3DS generation are you the most proud of? Let’s celebrate ou...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

I guess it’s finally time to say goodbye… This day came faster than I wished, but I just want to thank everyone I’ve come across here. I never expected to get over 1,300 followers! I’ve made so man...

Editorial: Farewell and Thank You To quote two of my favorite video games of all-time: I don’t want to say goodbye, but whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. My three and a half...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

I have a Zelda related project I’ll be working on throughout the course of November once this place shuts down. If you know where to find me you’ll be able to join and see me log my first game sans...
Zelda rocks. So do Gorons.