Benjamin's Followers
hello new freind i hope we become really good freinds
Colin mii watsonfamilywii
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Sebastian vethulian
Get 2 know me... In case you didn't know... If you don't, well i'm suprised you came across this page in the first place My favorite games include: , Splatoon and Splatoon 2, Smash Bros and Pokken Tournament I can in fact draw and animate extremely well, so if you would like me to draw something for you I would gladly be open for suggestions.
RainAmeno Aquarius_A
♥Thanks so much for your many yeahs. Please come to my 3rd account (Yukkie1.23) too. ◆I accept friend requests but I don't talk in there very much. ▲Sorry, I will not reply to the old post, but thanks for your good comments. ★父のような有名な画家になるのが夢です。 れいん あめの
ÇĦяΐς chudson
Proud owner of a Nintendo Switch :))) HMU if you have one so I can add you as a friend! My favourite gaming series is the Legend of Zelda, I absolutely love Breath Of The Wild, and my favourite games to pass the time are Hyrule Warriors Legends and Xenoblade Chronicles. Have the COURAGE to seek the WISDOM that will grant you POWER Follow my Wii U account- Mr.Spock (Spock_Enterprise)!
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿ benneuman
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Just your average gamer! I left at 3/3/17. But it seems the BotW hype is wearing off... So I'm back! The LoZ is my favorite videogame franchise EVER, and I like hanging out in the Zelda community. (SS is my fave Zelda game.) I never post innapropriate stuff because the CoC should be followed! I am also a Christian and really like chatting with other friendly people! Especially about Zelda!
Ness hwas2701
allen allen03o
whats up ppl add me and talk to me
Jan Thorgil
(You may wonder why my final post is a frickin' spider from FE, well, it's a redraw of my very first post on MV. So, yeah, it's very nostalgic to me) Thank you to my friends. You know who if you are, so, to people who might wanna stay in touch, my ƒc 0748-3784-9977 Make yours on your profile comment, and tell me, if you wanna. òωó *ONLY friends. Sorry*
Jadon Jalline
I'm Jadon, some nerd who roams Miiverse. I do a lot of discussions, and like making in-game posts sometimes. Interests: Fire Emblem Zelda Xeno Musical instruments Computers Swords Memes Proverbs 3:3-4 “Let love and faithfulness never leave you, bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will find favour and a good name in the eyes of God, and man.”
Jake agentjake98
Nintendo, Sony; Zelda, Arkham Games, Sly Cooper, Metal Gear Solid, Uncharted, Shadow of the Colossus, Deus Ex, Street Fighter, Infamous, Journey, Okami, Dead Space.
Ronaldo bowser1559
Just a dude who plays a bunch of games such as Smash 3ds, Monster Hunter Generations, Shovel Knight, Dillon's Rolling Western and more. I'm 15 years old If I get really bored I'll make a post asking everyone to battle me in Sm4sh or hunt monsters. See ya later
Benjamin SleepyBoyBen
Hey, everyone! I like to use Miiverse to post about my gaming accomplishments, impressions, and anything else that I find funny or interesting. I've played almost everything Nintendo has to offer and I am looking forward to seeing what they have in store for us this year. I am especially excited for the release of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I hope to see you all around the Miiverse!
Amber Ambercool
Hi there world the name is Amber I am 14 years old favorite disney movie big hero 6 ( the character I hate the most is yokai ) favorite disney pixer movie inside out I am ok if you guys don't check out profile.
wesley 201591
Jacob ryanchoi03
SSJ2 Me scott0124
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NormalType Awesomeness0805
Hey guys my name is ment to be Normal Normal Type also here is a brief profile update Favorites YT: Ldshadowlady/Blitzkriger Color:Tealy bluey greenish Saying I came up with Stop throwing things:How to use it: Used when someone drops somthing Also go follow my friend MaciMooMoo32505 who is also know as Macimoomoo. :}
Blue J bluejgaming
Hi! I'm Blue J! Welcome to my profile ;) I love Nintendo, and almost everything about it (Who doesn't?)! Likes: -Mario -Zelda -Kirby -Pokemon -Drawing -Music Dislikes: -The Admins -The Redesign -School -Homework
dori dorichen
Hii all zusammen ich sage euch nur pokemon rumble world ist so cool das spiele ich von morgens bis abens
Alysa LittleStarfish14
Hoi! Ma name es Alysa i liek youtube, vidyo games (Undertale), Stevn univrs, nd Gravety Fals. i am a gost so u cant kel meh.
Hey i'm Dutch but i can speak English I play minecraft minigames online you can join if you want
Noah MisterGalaga
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BeckyBlarg BlargMaster13
Ξιεçłřĺć xX2cat234Xx
If you aren't Reptilian, You arent a human. LeafyIsBeefy. ... Jk, i accept all here. But seriously. Leafy rocks. Welcome to my profile! R.I.P my OC. and good riddance too. hi im the new electric. be sure to follow me at the nintendo id: 2cat234 MIDNA SHOULD'VE BEEN IN SM4SH >:C Midna is the one thing i wanted to be when i was 7. Also. I love speedrunning.
SEBAS sebasskywalker
I play Super Mario Maker, SSB4, and many more. I like yeahs on other peoples posts. Rules: Do not unfriend me or else once per month, I report or block your account!!!!! Unless I follow you. No Wii U chat!! No more hateful comments or else I will report your comment!! No useless friends allowed in my friends list Make shore everyone follow these rules. STOP REPORTING ME YOU HATERS! So have fun!
Elf Dakota AlaskaSnowMonkey
"I don't Wii U Chat" Hello Everyone and welcome to my profile here you will see a lot of drawings based on different Nintendo Franchises and maybe even occasionally a Youtube related drawing, Favorite Game on each console .Super Mario Brothers 2 (US) .Link to the Past .Super Mario 64 .Luigi's Mansion or Smash Melee .Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 .Splatoon .Breath of the Wild or Arms That's all
Robert 1ak966
Hi my name is Roberto Guevara and I'm 23 years old. I like to play Super Smash Bros, Pokemon, Mario, and etc. So I have 18 3DS games and 10 amiibo. Friends: Cai2, SallyDoll, Lord Vader, Eva, Katie and etc.
JJ richomiequanflex
hi my name is jeremiah
Samu samunwiiu
I play Zelda, Mario and Animal Crossing(and other games). I live in Finland. Dream Address's 7B00-0010-CD8D. Please don't Yeah Bomb me If you follow me I won't automatically follow you back I won't accept blank friend requests...
link Link_12345_Zelda
jake scarfy0026
hello random person looking at this.I like action rpg games and first person shooting games like Halo and COD
NeloWero DINOCOHudson
Arorah !! Acepto Wii U Chat si no contesto es porque estoy haciendo algo importante (? - I go to the english classes every Sunday - I Love Smash No se que mas poner asi quee... Pero qué necesidad Para qué tanto problema No hay como la libertad de ser, de estar, de ir De amar, de hacer, de hablar De andar así sin penas ♥♡¡¡¡Crash regresó!!!♡♥
sonic sonic29987
hi im sean im a zelda fan sonic fan and a mario fan i have a new 3ds xl and i like majora's mask
jullian misterjullian46
I like people to connet to me and playing pokemom cards and my legos and my 3ds
Zelda rocks. So do Gorons.