JJ's Yeahs

Comment on JJ's Post


07/06/2017 1:49 PM

Inklbot Art Academy and Murch were revealed a while back.

Comment on JJ's Post


07/06/2017 1:23 PM

As someone who loved the Rapid Blasters and the Pro versions I'm super hyped to see a Luna styled version of faster fire rate but shorter range. And Port Mackerel looks so good now. It was one of 3...

Comment on JJ's Post


07/04/2017 9:21 PM

Ayye nice run and I see what you did there! xD Happy 4th!

Comment on JJ's Post


06/13/2017 8:48 PM

is not* if mhw is bothering some ppl THIS much just don't buy it lol. Sheesh.

Comment on JJ's Post


06/13/2017 8:47 PM

Also just cuz a game may share similarities with another game but have a different title (which tons do) doesn't make it any less of a game or not said game. That's like saying mhs is a mh game des...

Comment on JJ's Post


06/13/2017 1:45 AM

It is a mh game lol or else it wouldn't be called mhw xD. It irks me when ppl say something isn't said game just cuz its different. That's like saying botw isn't zelda yet it is.

Comment on JJ's Post

Afro Puff

05/27/2017 6:07 AM

JJ Mah boi You're getting xx now No argument I will find you Mah boooooooi

Comment on JJ's Post


05/27/2017 12:06 AM

Seriously though, my 2 rumor based problems with online Switch gaming revolve around using my smart phone to get basic functionality out of it and paying for peer-to-peer, which stinks. But I got t...

Comment on JJ's Post


05/26/2017 11:50 PM

I can see why a lot of people would prefer the game on the 3DS or see it for The Switch as a money grab. Frankly, I am "ok" with gameplay on the 3DS but the switch's screen is way better in mobile ...

Comment on JJ's Post


05/26/2017 1:33 AM

PLEASE OH PLEASE! MH XX for the Switch will give me something to play during the lean times just like 3U. No way I'm gonna milk virtual cows!

Comment on JJ's Post


05/26/2017 5:45 PM

Doubt there will be new features as far as core gameplay and monsters goes. Its just a simple HD port.

Comment on JJ's Post

New Icarus

05/26/2017 3:27 PM

As long as transfer works I'm sold. Also I heard there is new fetures, maybe a few new monsters or something else. What I want monster hunter to do is to put back split screen arena so the game can...

Comment on JJ's Post


05/26/2017 2:29 PM

I hope that DLC weapon transfer bug exists, them turning into Atoraru-Ka weapons was funny.

Comment on JJ's Post


05/25/2017 3:26 PM

Lmao epic screenshot Its stuff like this that makes me want to record my mh play m e m e s

Comment on JJ's Post


05/17/2017 7:27 PM

Fans: We want new enimies! Nintendo: Okay! (Gives us octarians in bowling balls)

Comment on JJ's Post


05/14/2017 3:30 PM


Comment on JJ's Post


03/03/2017 2:50 PM

Fish Can Expire... But If You Kill Them With a Ice Arrow, They'll Last Longer, But Won't Heal As Much When Eaten Frozen. (Many Animals Can Be Killed With a Ice Arrow To Get a Frozen Version)

Comment on JJ's Post

soccer ath

02/05/2017 6:10 PM


Comment on JJ's Post

Afro Puff

02/01/2017 6:34 PM