Users JJ Is Following
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
Ralar Ralarssenth-JPN
This is my japanese n3ds profile!
LaDarion ladarion15
I haven't updated this in ages lol. Let's just say this profile is not entirely dead, but lately it has been pretty much, DED. I don't know why I don't post here anymore, I actually lik Miiverse, and I miss all you guys here. Dead profile. Will try to revive. Might be successful. May have a post about something this week(MAYBE). And with that, cya in another 2 months <--- Joke(Or is it?)
Lady Lepus Asbeel91
★Hello and welcome to my profile★ ★My name is Michelle. ★I'm 25 years old ★I ♥ drawing ★I ♥ animals ★I ♥ bunnies and rabbits ◆No drawing requests ◆No WiiU Chat ◆No blank friend requests ♥Thanks for all the support♥
Amy NintendoAmy
I'm Amy from Nintendo. I'll stop by to talk about fun activities and pointers about fun games, so be sure to look out for me!
Riku03 void03
I like to play games.
Liмø limovski23
Nulla è reale, tutto è lecito. Hi! I'm Limo! Nice of you to check my profile. I won't be accepting any random friend requests, unless you give me a good reason not to ignore them. Assassin's Creed 3 _limovski23 [prestige 14] Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate _I'mLeopard [hr 168] _Kora [hr 306] _DolceCuore [hr 8] Assassin's Creed 4 - Black Flag _limovski23 [prestige 7] Mario Kart 8 <3
Burring Baltergeist
Chloë Arizleopard
Well for a girl I'd say I'm expert at videogames. My favorite one or series is the Monster Hunter ones. I play all sorts of different kinds. Pokemon is another that I love. So any help need on MH I can easly help out. So yea. ~Flying Cows yo!
Fishie NekoFishieRobot
Virtue GM_Virtue
Game Art & Design Student GrandMaster V, of the United Red Land Knights. The U.R.L.K. is a MH Guild going almost a decade strong since 9/21/04. We have a FB group & a guild portals site. I love MH and am always down to hunt and help the community. All n all I'm an easy going gamer. I've done some Wii U art under my brothers account,"Crymsix" & I've started my new art on This account :]
CrazyBeast Gameboy25
Yo what's sup! Im CB and i love playing video games! Currently playing: Chaos Child Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth Bad Apple Wars Naruto Storm 1 (PS4)
Akemi Akemij
Well for one I'm me. I am a member of the Retsu clan. I love MH. All of them and I love to hunt. I like making new friends and helping out when I can. But be warned. Don't push or rush me for you will not get any help. For now (I'll protect you Yukki)- Yuno Gasai
PeyPey UryuIshida1
Howdy Captain Sirs! Favorite game is Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate! Always remember... Swiggity Swoctor, here comes the doctor!
Mike Oz MasterOz
Im 19 years old and a good guy to be around. I always respect others and protect whats important to me. If you see me around say hi cause youll have a good time with me! -Mike Oz the monsterhunter guide-
Hi, I'm Yuri from Capcom U.S.A. and I'm the community specialist on Monster Hunter. Keep an eye on the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and Monster Hunter Generations communities for news and fun activities!
—Lεδ★Zερ— Giselle
I will not be using miiverse anymore. No offense to anyone~I'm just focusing on some very important priorities. To all my followers & people on my friend list, I wish you all the best^.^
Tom NintendoTom
Hi I'm Tom from Nintendo! Whenever there's anything new happening to Miiverse, I'll be posting about it on Miiverse Announcements. I'll also be sharing tips and other Nintendo news that (hopefully) matters to you. I'll occasionally be popping up in other communities, so keep an eye out for me!
Baka-chan Browyn
Hi there everybody! I'm an artist n lover of Nintendo games! My favorite of them all being the Legend of Zelda series, runner up being the mario games. :3 I'm a nice n generous person so if you ever need help passing a level in anything that I've just so happened to have played, please don't be afraid to ask for assistance! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my profile! >w<
I'm a huge Monster Hunter fan, and love the series. If you have any questions just ask! Online g...
I'm a huge Monster Hunter fan, and love the series. If you have any questions just ask! Online games I play include: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, and Monster Hunter Generations.
I have recently sold my WiiU, and I am awaiting Splatoon 2's release in July.
Games I will own on Switch:
Splatoon 2
Legend of Zelda BoTW