Users Jhmolik Is Following
Hudson awesomerobotguy
I'm Hudson, AKA Burnt Toast. I LOVE playing video games. I like retro games, so much so that I got a New Nintendo 3ds so I could play Earthbound and other SNES titles on the go. I also have a switch! My best friend is Joey, AKA Airitech. You should follow him on Miiverse. Keep on gaming!
PSYCHO fwrdgdrtsstchsej
hi i just joined miiverse and am very confused of why it is ending so i am trying to get as many followers as i can. i am 12, love 2 rap , i don't have but 4 games and sadly home schooled. followers are excepted
MiiU BlackWiiU.0
hey friends and followers, well like a lot of... things, Miiverse is coming to an end. i did manage to have fun posting my game experiences and reading about others. i hope the last few days are just as enjoyable, and who knows maybe we will meet again on the Switch, or one of the many other video game forums... just to be random, i will follow anyone that yeahs my posts.
saoirse rainbowsa
if you guys can see this:( im sorry that i cant post i WAS not avalailible to miiverse ask sierra what happend to me she knows and i am at washingtion gorgia by the time you can see this i love ya'll and hope you can have a nice day and i still play BOTW W/DLC by the time i am back from washington gorgia miiverse will be closed have a good time in miiverse bye
Macrolodge KingGamer44
makin' and playin' mario courses. but dk's ok too.
jordan gwpfamily
i love hippos and mario plushes and mario games and steven unevers and ninjago. i like luigi more. i have horibule spelling. i'm 9. i'm a girl. i like lps and mlp and spk. my fav su carictor is amathist. my fav ninjago carictor is zane. and i'm a tom boy if you cudent tell.
John's Alt JohntheGamer_Alt
If my name wasn't obvious enough, this is my alternative account.
Myy Mario9955
Welcome to my Miiverse account. This is where I post about Wii U-games. I have another account (Myy100) where I post about 3DS-games.
τсω●John● JohntheGamer123
Hello, I am 12. I play Super Mario Maker, Mario Kart 8, Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, New Super Mario Bros. U, Super Mario 3D World & Nintendo Land. I'm selling my WiiU soon...
Tamera Zyvolexia
John qqqq0q
かなわん whileimautomaton
これまでのあらすじ: 2016-10-29 ロングブラスターネクロで塗りカンスト達成 2016-08-21 ロングブラスターネクロでS+到達 2016-07-02 ロングブラスターネクロを使い込み始める 2016-07-01 無印ロングブラスターで塗りカンスト達成 2016-06-26 無印ロングブラスターでS+到達 2016-03-30 無印ロングブラスターを使い込み始める 2016-02-17 ロングブラスターカスタムで塗りカンスト達成 2016-02-13 ロングブラスターカスタムでS+到達 2015-11-01 ロングブラスターカスタムを使い込み始める 2015-05-28 Splatoon購入 2014-06-10 E3出展映像を観て衝撃の余りWii U購入
ほしねこ hoshinekofire
マリオカート8、スマブラfor(WiiU)、マリオメーカー、マインクラフト をプレイ中です 毎日21:00頃から2時間程オンラインで遊んでます フレ戦も誘われれば積極的に参加するので 誘ってくれてもええんやで(^.^) フレンドリクエストはくれば基本的に承認しています お気軽にどぞ~
Fant's(PV) FantsPV
Profile comment hidden by admin.
AlviTube™★ alvaro_tablachos
Chifufani PierceMyVeil093
Game Systems/Consoles That I Have: WiiU, Wii, 3DSXL, PlayStation4, Xbox1, And Xbox360. Games I Am Currently Playing: LittleBigPlanet(PS4), Splatoon(WiiU), Yoshi'sWoollyWorld(WiiU), HappyHomeDesigners(3DS), AnimalCrossingNewLeaf(3DS), And CovetFashion(Phone). I Have Lots More Games, Just Playing The Ones That I Listed. Feel Free To Add Me, And Join Me On Any Game And Console. P.S. I Love TLOZ.<3
Secreturtl SecretTurtles909
I love Mario games Follow For Follow I'm In SC Clan! Check out SC Treecko, SCKoopamLG,Pixel, Megan2.0, and any of my followers! I'm SCTreecko and Koopa's Sister
Viola Alisami90
Hi guys, I'm Viola! ♥ ♪ I LOVE Adventure Games such as '' SUPER MARIO '' and Action Games such as '' BATMAN '' and many more! My Play style is Always 100% Walkthrough! Here are some important facts about me you need to know! :) Born: September 29th, 1990 (Age 27) Gender: Female WARNING: I Don't Accept Blank Friend Requests! If You'll Send One, Write Something Or It Will Be Rejected Immediately!
Dari3KND dari529
Hola, Chicos, soy Dari. Acepto solicitudes de amistad en la medida en que no esté en el límite máximo de 100 amigos (no borro a nadie salvo fuerzas de causa mayor) Si me sigues, te sigo, es ley. Saludos.
octoBea☆ Bea146
hola me llamo Bea soy de España ,soy muy simpatica,os voy a decir de los juegos que tengo del que menos me gusta al que mas.Pacman,la lego pelicula,mario kart 8,Wii U Party y mi FAVORITO splatoon.Si me sigues te sigo.Busco gente para hacer combates privados[gente española].
♩♪♬" It's kinda funny how life can change, Can flip 180 in a matter of days, Sometimes love works in mysterious ways, One day you wake up, Gone without a trace, I refuse to give up, I refuse to give in, You're my everything, I don't wanna give up, I don't wanna give in, oh! So Everybody Sings! ONE LOVE - for the mother's pride! ONE LOVE - for the times we cried! ONE LOVE - gotta stay alive! "♩♪♬
Erl Erl-Xtb
I'm that Mario Maker that no one knows. I made those hard traditional-ish levels you never played I don't care mich about Miiverse anymore. It won't be on the Switch. But I will. The only reason to friend me here is if you want to friend me on Switch. If you want to friend me on Switch, friend me here saying "friend on Switch", because we cannot share friend codes on Miiverse
Veronica Lexiathecat
Hello, my name is Veronica and I'm 18. I've been playing games all my life. I'm mainly a cartoon artist, but I have well rounded experience with various art media. I have a Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, and a New 3DS XL. I love Paper Mario (first 3 games), Kirby, SSB, Pokemon, Xenoblade, MarioKart, etc. My two favorite pokemon are Gallade and Gardevoir and my main in SSB4 is Bowser. ^u^