Jhmolik's Friends
τсω●John● JohntheGamer123
Hello, I am 12. I play Super Mario Maker, Mario Kart 8, Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, New Super Mario Bros. U, Super Mario 3D World & Nintendo Land. I'm selling my WiiU soon...
Macrolodge KingGamer44
makin' and playin' mario courses. but dk's ok too.
AlviTube™★ alvaro_tablachos
octoBea☆ Bea146
hola me llamo Bea soy de España ,soy muy simpatica,os voy a decir de los juegos que tengo del que menos me gusta al que mas.Pacman,la lego pelicula,mario kart 8,Wii U Party y mi FAVORITO splatoon.Si me sigues te sigo.Busco gente para hacer combates privados[gente española].
jordan gwpfamily
i love hippos and mario plushes and mario games and steven unevers and ninjago. i like luigi more. i have horibule spelling. i'm 9. i'm a girl. i like lps and mlp and spk. my fav su carictor is amathist. my fav ninjago carictor is zane. and i'm a tom boy if you cudent tell.
skaizen Fabien91700
Hey ! Salut les gens j'aime la wii u je me connect souvent j'suis un collegiens mes jeux préferer en ce moment sont call of duty black ops 2 minecraft assassin'screed black flag et splatoon merci d'avoir pris le temp de lire ce que j'ecrit ou publie quelques folow serai cool bonne journée
Angel ViridiFromNature
Hey guys. I'm Angel. Age: 14 Favorite color: Blue Favorite hobbies: Draw, listen to music, video gaming, dancing, and playing Roblox Favorite characters: Toon Link, Toon Zelda, Tetra, Ness, Lucas, Ice Climbers, Baby Luigi, Kirby, and Tiff Languages: English, some Spanish (learning Japanese) ♥ Status: Taken Thanks guys for 1070 follows! Online: () Offline: (•) Sleeping: () At School: ()
Alex 5 arthoxha
Hello im Alex 5. You can call me Alex. If you want to be my friend check my profile. You can follow me on Super Mario Maker,Just Dance 2015,Mario kart 8, Super Mario 3D world,and wii sports club.You can follow me on other games soon. Be nice to other people. if you are you can chat with me just look for my posts. Look out for bullys and hackers report them if their being mean or hacking. Bye!
AyeItzAlex Jasta2012
Andy TaumpyTearrs