good night see you tomorrow. bye
Chomper's Yeahs

no, i said im gonna be doing at most 3 requests , and id be choosing the requests that interest me most first. Im sorry i couldnt get to yours but i said i wouldnt be doing everyones.

1 Name: Crash genger:♂ like: crash bandicoot, everything hate: Dr. Cortex, evil stuff Friends: Red, Salmon
I like to play Kirby and Yo-kai watch they are the best games ever!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Chomper the pi...
I like to play Kirby and Yo-kai watch they are the best games ever!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Chomper the pikachu I love pikachu!!!!!!!
I have a favorite pikmin O.C called Raw,he is a Bulbear
PLZ Follow me (*ω*)
Its because I want to noticed all the time and I dont want to be N.N.