Chomper's Followers
desrtmoose foxyprt2
あいりん b-pro1125
MemeSenpai V123t5
i draw memes yea and obviously don't take miiverse ironically But every follow and yeah is appreciated! everything is drawn on the 3DS yep (except mk8 meme) Miiverse is shutting down, and I'll be drawing on Splatoon 2!!! Next drawing: dunno when oh snap I yeahgive too i reallyyyy like green apple gatorade and choccy milk and women lol Next drawing? Sunday or monday
Jacob H jharrington15
Hi. I'm age 16 Birth: 4/4/01 Sisters: Audrey, Brianna, Gracie Please follow me! 5 days left My favorite Koopalings: Iggy, Lemmy, Larry, Ludwig, Wendy, Roy, Bowser junior, and Morton. I am a fan of Sonic, Mario, Bowser, and the Koopalings. I don't video chat. I take friend requests. I like roleplays. Friends: zion, JoshM.(20), etc.
☆Siren☆ lilmonkee2006
LET'S START THIS WITH A YANG! Hai!Im lilmonkee2006 A.K.A ☆Siren☆.My Goal Is to make as many friends as possible while becoming the best artist like no one ever was! I love to watch anime.A few favorites are RWBY and Kill la Kill.Please follow me for a follow back.Boi! :3 /\_/\ (. .) (___)S P.S tell me if you find any of the references I added.
Fizzy Chan FizzyDizzy2
Hi I'm Fizzy~Chan I was born on 12/16 My favorite color is Black Im really good at art for my age I like to sing and draw and paint and play video games! Im too young for a real relationship I try to be happy and I like to do things that are embarrassing to others to make people laugh I can do things like pushing myself into a wall or some and not be embarrassed. Now you know stuff bout me
old vip annefran
Slimerise slimerise
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EmilX EmilX192
read my comic idc. Hi, I like Kid Icarus Uprising, Zelda, Creepypasta, Creature Feature, Black Butler, undertale and jthm! Shooting for 1,192 followers. ♪shout out to Layla814♪! my miiverse sister!♪ STATUS: Miiverse nooo. D': taken by ε:Riuko:з ~ω~ R.I.P. Myrtle, died, Jan. 4th 2016 Frights of Fancy status: book 3's in progress!
Keimeon 2keimeon
Hay Poyo Poyo! I'm Keimeon and welcome to my profile! I love playing Kirby, Pokemon, and Yo-kai watch games!!! Especially Kirby games, Kirby is my MOST favorite character! So if you want to see some Kirby, Pokemon, and Yo-kai watch content please follow me. OH MY SWIRLS!!!!
a' oli,ver OliverEngstrom
Jarah whispersfriend
Why, hello there, my brothers in arms! I am Jarah. I do some very funny and meaningful posts. And sometimes my posts tell some stories. My favorite games are Yo-Kai Watch, The Azure Striker Gunvolt series, and anything Nintendo!
Delta!Sans aharri38
hey i am delta sans and i like to play the undertale alternet universes but my favorate one is swapfell and underswap. i like to tell jokes and i will show people more games in the future
huki Milan808
hello. it's me. again. on like my third account. ok sooo, i'm not very good at introductions so bear with me.([they/them]plz.) Sup.It's your favorite Huki. obey. just kidding, sooooooo anyway. Most of you awsome nerds like me know me as I is nerd( Ya you know, that user that all of a sudden just stopped doing anything. Ya, that meme trash. That's me. ta da. the reason why is the BSOD.
Emiliano.z mateoomegamega
if I get 3000 followers before the year ends I will do what ever you guys want.
WhatsUrFC? yatesbra002
lanah gandeel
★Hello! welcome to my profile. my name is lanah and i'm from Saudi Arabia. :) i like to draw and watch movies i love to run and i like to play sports. *–* I would like us to be friends!! ^–^ please follow me.I wish to get more then 500 followers. follow me and i'l follow you back :) ★★goodbye★★ Have a nice day ★★
marquillon marquillon
I love to play Smash U, Splatoon, and Mario Kart 8 My main: mr.creeper(who got permabanned) Rip Miiverse- 11/12/12 to 11/7/17
temmie valentine0707
group 1.bianca 2.presley/boyfriend 3.ponylover9 4.kawaii kat 5.★★TARIQ★★ 6.zoe 7.tylergamer 8.vanessa 9.undertale6 10.Neon Wolf 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. its called undertale ask if you want to join
Monkey Boy banansb-dog
Amy♪chat♀♪ Amy831207
i'm Love chat add friend,i'm 24歳 u have pkmon name? tell me plz my birday is 12/07 i never will not speak Japanese I can speak chineses and english
mia michelle5321
∞Justin∞ Justinc365
What's Up Gals and Guys! It's your Boi here, Justin! Learn about what happends on this Dank Profile... Weekly Requsets: Fridays Chat rooms: Anyday! Shoutouts of the MONTH: Stat, A.J, Ruby, Justin [there are more] and Moshi! If you need anything, Like with drama or a Conflict, ask me. And i will give you some great advice. Well peace Homies! (THIS ACCOUNT IS NOT ACTIVE)
********* ar6zwtgx
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SS+9999 ANkun123
みんなフォロワーよろしく みんなききたいことがあったらコメントにかいてね
SkyPlayZ NarwhalzRepic
Hellooooo~ Infinidagger returns! Do you know what he returns for? Another Infinidagger adventure!
Mac&Cheese wham78
hello my name is Mackenzie I like nintendo land and wii sports club and the lego movie video game and skylanders and mario kart 8 and lego batman 3 cars toons wii music club penguin game day wiisports resort wiisports skylanders superchargers super mario maker and lego dimensions.
Ashey PlushieFazbear
Hello! I am Ashey! Teh lonleh goat child!!! People still really like my art though......even tho it's bad...•ω• TINGS ABOUT MEH! YEY: *Crush: WHO KNOWS?! *Fav Color: RED! *EYES CAN CHANGE DIFFERENT COLORS! *No SOUL... Yesh I can do art requests!!! They might take a while to do though...... Posts: Yes (2lazy2change) ... DECEARING EGG!!
SkoopyMia Sw33tpea123
I am equivalent to a potato. and maybe hot sauce go away k bye then Hi WeLcOmE tO cHiLlI'S
Popee a13xam
Hello, everyone. I make drawings related to video games (you can request having a certain character drawn). If you follow me i follow you, and I definantly would like more friends, so feel free to send me a friend request, but please don't make it blank. Stay determined!
Parker coconut-cheese
"Ours is not to question why, but rather to pity those who seek what they desire in life, not knowing what they desire in the first place." ~Me *NOTE* My Internet is weird, so I may not post for long periods of time.
TravisLump TravisLumpIsBack
Hello the names Lump, TravisLump I'm just a squid kid who likes mother I'm a HUGE nintendo nerd Info about me↓ NO RANDOM FRIEND REQUESTS! Status: :^) Name irl: Erick, call me that if u want Birthday: 11/21 Online games: Splatoon, Mario Maker, and Smash Bros. Friends: Chibi-ling, NessLump4, Scooter, and Toreil, MiniMike, and xmas nick. Thanks for all your support!
CarolaPlay CarolVillareal
Profile comment hidden by admin.
kk_is_best KelseyAC
Hi my name is kelsey and this is my profile dob:1/16/2006 type:cowgirl age:11 favorite thing to do :read favorite thing to eat : pizza, tacos,spagetti and mashed potatoes with corn and meat. still reading :) u could be my friend bye now I almost forgot my best friend is MF★cloud♪☆
Cosmo meddy101
•★€няί§2 SMM-Chris
Hi im SMM-Chris! Welcome to my profile! Want to know was ↑ on it? Just keep tuned to it! Stay Fresh #Herobrine_Is_Fake_In_MC! B y e !
foxydaprt koopfu
Hey. Are you a stalker? No? Ok, then. Welcome to my profile! I like: Mario FNaF Myself Following FNaF lovers Drawing Bendy and the Ink Machine Tattletail Yo-kai Watch I hate: Art block Drawings labeled "spoilers" trashposting FNIA FNaF shippers FNaF genderbenders And if you follow me, I'll follow you. JUMPSCARE! REKT!
A.P.M. 571608
i love pokemon and yo kai wacth!
I like to play Kirby and Yo-kai watch they are the best games ever!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Chomper the pi...
I like to play Kirby and Yo-kai watch they are the best games ever!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Chomper the pikachu I love pikachu!!!!!!!
I have a favorite pikmin O.C called Raw,he is a Bulbear
PLZ Follow me (*ω*)
Its because I want to noticed all the time and I dont want to be N.N.