Liverwurst's Followers
DSA»Tricky trickydee123
Hi there! Trickydee is my nickname! my real name is mayce. I was born 30 Dec 2004 so now im 12 and love video games and water guns and the beach,planes,candy,skatebording, also my three fish called crush and tango and pom-pom! and puppy luna and please friend me! my rank is[ S 87 ] on splatoon my favourite special is the inkzooka!^_^ and im friends samu a hacker! And please be my m8 Thankyou. ^^
TheRubster TheRubster1000
emo here
ヨッシー yattotto190407
Can canemde
Daniel yt daniel.l.jensen
スピラン#MUMU# mitsupi
こんにちは Hello スピラン#mumu#だよ 自己紹介しまーす(^O^) 性別 あなたの想像でおまかせします(笑) 年齢 プライバシー 好きなyoutuder fate はじめ 明日香チャンネル スマホの機種 iphone だじゃれ むむっ!(mumu) ごめんなさい(-_-;) ムムムチーム作りたいと思います ムムムチーム入団お願いの投稿で共感してくれたら入団OKです メンバー Yeah Angel カックン_+) ☆ゼゼ☆ ムムムな太陽♪【∞】 ムムムチームでやること お互いのコースをやりあったり コラボしたりします Wiiuの色 黒 では入団お願いしまーす(^O^)!!!
Airy tvaldez84
Nouaman Nouaman1997
I am good with Mario Kart 8 offline and online. I am good with Super Mario Maker. I am good with Super Smash Bros for Wii U.
Christian bensonemery
Connor svydrzal
tensordyne tensordyne
Yolkling Yolkling
Bobbyville bobbyville
I love all sorts of games. Currently playing on Wii U, Windows gaming computer, PS3, and 3DS. I've also got Super Mario Maker. To access my levels, search for this one (EB7E-0000-006E-C489).
Eric Rocketman123456
Eric, Nintendo fan for ages did lots of originals Atari,NES,PS1. Mariokart, Mario maker and Smash bros player among others nowadays (destiny\diablo). I mostly like retro games shooters and platformers. If you see an open game in kart, brawl or others feel free to hop in. Other elders out there feel free to add me.
colin homeishere
Tomas tomasahlin
I started to play Nintendo in the 80's. Grew up with a Nes and later a SNES. Since then I've gotten a N64 and later a Gamecube. Handhelds? yes! The original game boy then I got a couple of gba systems. Before getting the 3ds I also had a DS. To this day I mainly stick with the retro consoles but on occasions I pick up the 3ds.
olson2007 olson2007
My favorite game so far is Super Mario Maker. I have 33 amiibo. My favorite character in Mario is Toad. My favorite Wii U Game is Super Mario Maker. I have Super Smash and Mario Kart on Wii U so I can play online. I will upload more courses in Super Mario Maker and stages in Super Smash Bros. My rarest amiibo is Gold Mario!
Joey tomatojoe95
ただいまおかえり kei-09mar
SLA83 SLA_83
Yonathan Bulldogjude
Hello, my name is Yonathan and I have been a loyal Nintendo customer since the release of the NGC. My favorite hobbies are studying and playing the trumpet. I love watching the Celtics, Ravens, Hamburger SV, & the Orioles! My favorite singers are Emmerson Nogueira, Celine Dion, Peter Cetera, and Christopher Cross; my favorite bands are Toto and ABBA.
Snarkii JoeSnarkii
Denis 622676db
Wesley WiinesU1515
pj nintenbros24
Peter G. Whowaba
what up yo
Davis Charleston13
Nolan Lucky4127
My name is Nolan and I am The Penguin of the Tenors! I enjoy playing Saxophone and gaming. My favorite game series are The Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, and Super Smash Bros! (I enjoy Mario and Kirby, too, of course. :P)
Titou2B Titi041B
loogaroo TheLoogaroo
Warhog Warhog787
Björn faxanadu78
Aspiring Super Mario Maker
Sergio SergioP.Wolf