Liverwurst's Friends
Peter G. Whowaba
what up yo
Joey tomatojoe95
loogaroo TheLoogaroo
Wesley WiinesU1515
Nouaman Nouaman1997
I am good with Mario Kart 8 offline and online. I am good with Super Mario Maker. I am good with Super Smash Bros for Wii U.
Myst MysteriousAges
Davis Charleston13
DSA»Tricky trickydee123
Hi there! Trickydee is my nickname! my real name is mayce. I was born 30 Dec 2004 so now im 12 and love video games and water guns and the beach,planes,candy,skatebording, also my three fish called crush and tango and pom-pom! and puppy luna and please friend me! my rank is[ S 87 ] on splatoon my favourite special is the inkzooka!^_^ and im friends samu a hacker! And please be my m8 Thankyou. ^^
Tomas tomasahlin
I started to play Nintendo in the 80's. Grew up with a Nes and later a SNES. Since then I've gotten a N64 and later a Gamecube. Handhelds? yes! The original game boy then I got a couple of gba systems. Before getting the 3ds I also had a DS. To this day I mainly stick with the retro consoles but on occasions I pick up the 3ds.
Woody 2917 zooble-949
Hello XD
Warhog Warhog787
Sergio SergioP.Wolf
Björn faxanadu78
Aspiring Super Mario Maker
MissFit MsMissFit
Nolan Lucky4127
My name is Nolan and I am The Penguin of the Tenors! I enjoy playing Saxophone and gaming. My favorite game series are The Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, and Super Smash Bros! (I enjoy Mario and Kirby, too, of course. :P)
Donald Jack28090
Kevin Aqua_Express
Mario Maker is my main game right now. Let's create!