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Hi! Im Johanne. I mostly play mario maker on this account. I got six times on the level rankings...
Hi! Im Johanne. I mostly play mario maker on this account. I got six times on the level rankings. I also got once on the Maker rankings. Tournament winners: Kong and BCH. Thank-you for 120 followers! Enjoy my profile!
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Comment on Johanne's Post
10/24/2017 3:15 PM
Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker
10/21/2017 4:33 AM
Yay! I beat another Panga Level!
10/18/2017 7:41 PM
Hey, thats me in the world record picture! I respect that picture a lot more now. R.E.S.P.E.C.T
New Super Luigi U Community
09/16/2017 3:13 PM
Theory: Is every single food secretly a JELLY-FILLED DONUT?!
In-Game Nintendo Land Community
08/20/2017 5:29 PM
08/23/2017 11:30 AM
Drawings Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community
Big Boy
08/02/2017 4:58 PM
Drawings YouTube Community
08/01/2017 3:25 PM
08/01/2017 3:42 PM
“You guys know where to get C-batteries? THE OCEAN! OHO! *C O U G H !*”
Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
08/01/2017 3:19 PM
3dsxl and oot is now mine c:
In-Game Art Academy Community
08/01/2017 11:35 AM
★Splatoon 2★
08/01/2017 2:03 PM
Drawings Splatoon Community
Au Revoir
08/01/2017 2:10 PM
Last Mii
07/30/2017 9:19 AM
I'm Raidman DA!
07/30/2017 5:46 AM
07/30/2017 6:05 AM
Who has hype?!
Play Journal Entries Minecraft: Wii U Edition
07/30/2017 6:36 AM
Ooh! The Nether! I'm scared! Err... time to go back!
Hi! Im Johanne.
I mostly play mario maker on this account.
I got six times on the level rankings...
Hi! Im Johanne.
I mostly play mario maker on this account.
I got six times on the level rankings.
I also got once on the Maker rankings.
Tournament winners: Kong and BCH.
Thank-you for 120 followers!
Enjoy my profile!