Users Johanne Is Following
Charcho Greninja222222
Greetings, my name is Emily. Yes, I'm a girl. Nicknames: Percy, Charcho, Crow, Mew Machine, Emmy. If you see me mention the following names, I'm talking about my characters: Charcho, Takina(TOCK-EEN-AH), Percy, Cleo, Milo, Rowan, & Crow, Lyra. (Charcho & Percy are my fursonas, Crow is my superhero persona.) I really wish I had more room, because I would add much more buuuuut... I can't.Oh well.
Last Mii lauriandtodd
I'm inspired by MemeSenpai. Nintendo is cool and very rad! Really i'm the same person. I will give yeahs to you. So is that cool? CYA later!
◆ςς²πας NNasZai
¤Hey ladies and gents it is I Nas¤ ◆Teen Boy(14),Mixed◆ ♪Dancer and love music♪ ●Im lazy also, heh I just love to game● ■This is my 2nd acc check out my first @Reysera■ ¶I draw...its just not perfect yet...¶ (English and speak a bit of Spanish) | (• ◡•)|Así que supongo que desde tu todavía aquí, traducir esto(❍ᴥ❍ʋ) ☆And also love Anime ★
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
Luigi-GS LuigiGS
Hi everyone! I'm Luigi-GS Hobbies: - Play videogames (Super Mario saga and other platform too). - Draw in my spare time (when work and/or creativity allows me). - Outdoor sports, specially riding bicycle. Thank you everyone for your constant and valuable support.
♪♥♡!HEY EVERYONE¡♡♥♪ \,,/^▼^\,,/ ★☆thank you for all the yeahs, comments and follows!★☆ im Jessie! i love video games! hobbies? i love to draw and play the piano too! ★☆!thanx for stopping by!☆★ ps.NO wii u chat!! >:(
GARY.efc gaz.EFC
I would like to thank everyone on miiveres Big shoutout to..... Rileytron w, Daft banana kong, noah, glen, oscar, The boss, myy100, bruhhhhhh, daver7, david ,super kev and everyone else. If you still want to keep in touch gamefaque.. GARY.efc 01 Closedverers.. GARY. efc at the moment its called https://closed. pizza/why. My light SWITCH has a no on it. sw-3493- 4144- 3526 Thanks everyone .
Αηηιηα Pandora-chan_99
A chi piacciono anime e manga? Io li adoro! \(ΘωΘ Do you like anime and manga? I love them! <3 Age: 22 \('O ' )/ Favorite games: -Pokémon -Animal Crossing -Bravely Default/Second -The Legend of Zelda If you want to talk more about these things, I'm always happy! (*v* ☆~Alola Gang~☆
ClubTF ClubTF
This is ClubTF. *Check the comments of my fav post to find out how to join* A completely new way to experience AdamTF art, contests, Ask Adam, shoutouts, and SO MANY other privileges provided exclusively to ClubTF members.
AdamTF Fishleadam
Yo sup? The names Adam Thanks for 4000+ I'm a mutant fish with an ego the size of the moon. Few things bout me: 1 I NEVER accept blank friend requests 2 Please don't ask me to follow you (I get it too often. XD) 3 I don't Wii U chat 4 I don't answer questions outside of Ask Adam Make sure ya check out AdamTF_2 This is the fish, signing off -AdamTF
Shira Shiraur
Elf Dakota AlaskaSnowMonkey
"I don't Wii U Chat" Hello Everyone and welcome to my profile here you will see a lot of drawings based on different Nintendo Franchises and maybe even occasionally a Youtube related drawing, Favorite Game on each console .Super Mario Brothers 2 (US) .Link to the Past .Super Mario 64 .Luigi's Mansion or Smash Melee .Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 .Splatoon .Breath of the Wild or Arms That's all
Jordy Jordy247
(Note: Posts that are set as 'spoilers' are to make sure I fully avoid them.) Thanks for 1110 followers. ^u^ (Updated when noticed.) Hello! I am Jordy! ^u^ I make (tons of) puns! "What I have learnt on Miiverse is... What I have learnt on Miiverse is... BLANKITY BLANKITY BLANK!" Unless otherwise mentioned, I am temporarily inactive Mondays-Fridays between the times of 8am and 3pm (Both as BST).
†πσαн★άιτ† NV63NValt
Hi! I'm Noah's alt! You can find my main account at: NV63NV Sorry, I don't accept Friend Requests on this account, if you want to Friend Request me, do it on my main. I use this account if my main is out of posts. So...feel free to give this account a follow! I WILL NOT check notifications super often, so if I don't respond, that's why. Thanks for reading! -Noah Am I on my alt?: Yes [] No [*]
Andy Guru289VT
Hi! My name is Andy, and I'm addicted to Mario Maker! I currently have 11 medals, and am ranked around the 20s in the Regional Weekly Maker Rankings!
MacKenzie markusthegreat
I am the appendix of this community!
Rippeя12 GoodMKJack
I'm only active on weekends. Going inactive. Let me know if you play Wiimmfi or CTGP-R on MKWii! My clans: я¢м ¢ğς мк¢ P.S. I only yeah things that I think are funny/weird. Check them frequently! :) Please click fav. post.
Eidorian Ryoji-Bro
Hello, I'm Eidorian (AKA WhiteWare)! I am 17 years old and I'm a fan of Pokémon, Splatoon, Kirby, and Smash... I love to draw! I welcome you all to my Miiverse account where you can experience my fantastic drawings and posts! Anyway, NO Wii U chats please!
Leo LegoGuy777
MV★Aπdrew Andrew173
SW-5639-9164-9787 Thanks everybody for the great times here. I'll never forget you guys.
Riley W Riley_W_Alt
WAZZUP, IT'S YA BOI'S SECOND ACCOUNT! I'm just a goofy whatchamacallit surfin' on the Net! In Super Mario Maker I'm working on two Level Series called Super Mario Lost World, and Mania Remix! Go check 'em out! Clans: 3MM TCW (Co-Leader) GGG (Co-Leader) Guess I got proven right again... Thanks for the "Kind" Words. #EmperrySplatDoodies -Riley TheNativeWeirdBoi
Oscar B0bTheMini0n
Hi, Old Chaps! I'm Oscar P! I'm 11, and making a spiffing whole series of worlds in SMM! Queen and ABBA are my favourite bands. My best friend is superleo-uigi. I don't friend. I'll miss you all. *Bohemian Rhapsody plays* I'm a huge Nintendo-retro fan, you know, so By George, start up your SNES, get out your Gameboy, click your Switch and put on the tea! ~Oscar "All posters post posts!"
FLNgaming yventura34
SW-2740-1852-5420 Discord: FLNgaming#2563 DA: FLNgaming YT: FLNgaming Tweet: @SMproductions64 Amino: FLN If you like what you see, you can feel free to comment on my art. NOW BREAKING 1,600 FOLLOWERS! FOLLOW THESE USERS rosieandnatasha1(I love you^^) kitzscher147 Luigiguy77 B3thanyD0nn3ly_2 KirbyHilll101 PrincessIris1234 LoveYou12672 olafski123 WhatSerName45 manga123uk bubblebude2 NoviSad021
Revenge319 GlitchShowcase23
PLANS FOR MIIVERSE ENDING: * Reach 3939 posts by the time I'm ready to leave. (11/7) * Preserve as many friends on here as I can. (11/6) * Give a Thank You to all of my best friends/favorite users on here. (11/7) * ??? (Something emotional) (11/7) * ??? (Something long overdue) (11/5) +*★ T h e S u r p r i s e ★*+ Carpe diem.
markus mandysunny
I am the heart and brain of the community.
kdawg KDawg1978
Profile comment hidden by admin.
★Catty01★ TheQueenCrossing
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Raidman Nindoten
I'm a true Nintendo gamer since the NES era. I've played NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, WiiU etc.. My favourite consoles are N64 and the WiiU. WiiU is on my favourite list, cause of Super Mario Maker. SMM is THE BEST GAME ever! I'm a very passionate and dedicated Mario Maker. Feel free to check out my profile on mario maker if you have the opportunity. Thank you for gaming! :)
☆πσαн4мν★ NV63NV
Welp, it's the final day guys... Anyways, I'm Noah. I'm 13, Christian, and a T1D. Plus I'm a die-hard Mipha fan. I've made so many's sad to see it go. Favorite games: 1. Splatoon 2 2. Tomodachi Life 3. TLOZ: BOTW 4. MK8 5. AC:NL I'm a true NSLUC memer, so, yeah. My school schedule: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thanks for everything Nintendo and Miiverse. See you on the Switch! -Noah
KITKAT N.and.zekrom
I will leave you with this: You said you had a dream... that dream... make it come true! Make your wonderful dream a reality, and it'll become your truth! If anyone can, it's you! I hope to see you all again! Well then, Farewell!
みっつん 415papiko
スマブラとスプラトゥーンとマリオメーカー! DTMもちょいちょいいじくる者
Kendal kendalc03
Hiii~! I like drawing. a lot. I also like Mario, Zelda, and Splatoon. 3DS: squidsareoctopi ilovemybestfriendokaybye-
★MMP☆дďαм★ jrookstool
Hey, Its me Adam or you can call me The Rook. I make drawings ocasionally, and usually make Level Exchanges for SMM. Im a sports fan, and Love to workout and do Crossfit. My favorite sport is basketball. SMM Stats: 5.7K★'s Feel free to follow me and I will hit the follow button back, Its an instinct! Im a guy who likes to make people laugh. Thanks for the support!
★dragon64★ catnip1996
o(σ▼σ)v V for victory its neko64 im 21 and i injoy drawing my oc's alot some more then others depending on what im into at the moment i also really love Pokémon mostly dragon types mosty garchomp i also love anime like JoJo's bizarre adventures☆°•o(σ▼σ)o•°☆ bf:rizevock i have dyslexia oc's sonic:cotton cody lady koda joker main:niko dog:pom pom and others
ZjeroXytz WonderrOne
Hi! I'm ZjeroXytz ^ω^ Nice to meet you! <3 I'm just some ace girl who draws animals. :D My favourite games: • Pokémon • Kirby • Super Smash Bros. 4 B-day: 20th of October Have a nice day! ☆
C. Turtle CancerTurtle
I don't accept friend requests from strangers. G'day, I'm C. Turtle, known to my friends as Mel/Melody. The C. stands for Cancer, as in the zodiac sign. I'm transgender, so that's a thing. I'm a big fan of Rhythm Heaven, Smash Bros, Ace Attorney, and Professor Layton, and I love crossovers. My alt. is CTurtlesAlt, I'll use that when I run out of posts here, so follow me there too if you want.
Ditto Gizmoiscute
The end is near. ;( Go follow me on I have the same username on there. Yo, I'm...Ditto, the OTHER clone of Mew. The one that was supposedly "failed". I've been here since 2012. Previously, I had taken the form of a Pikachu. And for the longest time, my identity as a ditto was an uneasily kept secret. (I hope you can forgive my dishonesty.)
гамильтон² HamiltonDuh
Здравствуй! Hellø... I'm a барсук/badger. Please, støp telling me that the 'ø' is annøying ør crinġy... I'm just the 'o' killer I pøst søng titles frøm søngs that nøbødy knøws... «————————————————————» п---п (● ●) –––––– \_▲_/ \ \ _~_ \ ___\_______\ Everyøne shøuld be thankful før critique~ «————————————————————» Дø свидания/ Gøødbye
Hi! Im Johanne.
I mostly play mario maker on this account.
I got six times on the level rankings...
Hi! Im Johanne.
I mostly play mario maker on this account.
I got six times on the level rankings.
I also got once on the Maker rankings.
Tournament winners: Kong and BCH.
Thank-you for 120 followers!
Enjoy my profile!