Users JonnyN Is Following
Serch Slashser
Thanks for hitting my face!... I guess... I'm your average 21 year old videogamer, amateur artist, and uncreative profile commenter... If you like what you see hit that follow button, I always try to make people laugh with my silly bad drawings, and my occasional decent drawing! I also make Smash Bros. Character splash cards! Who knows? Maybe your favorite video game character will be featured!
Gabriel Tweack
Hi! I'm Gabriel, and I enjoy Nintendo games! They are awsome!! At the moment, I'm playing a lot of the Wii U(sometimes Wii) games I have, such as Rayman Ledgends, Pikmin 3, Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush, NSMBU, Amiibo T&P:NCH, Splatoon, and Super Mario 3D world. My top 3? NSMBU is an honerable mention, 3 is Kirby: Rainbow Paintbrush, 2 is SM3D world, 1 is SPLATOON!! They are all so much fun!
Æ★Abdallah AbdallahSmash026
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InkMatthew Matthew3030
I'm going to miss miiverse. "This game is epic. Especially the hub and charas" ~ My first ever post.
Andy andypandy
Erika NintendoErika
I’m Erika, your Miiverse guide. I'm here to provide you with all Miiverse-related news and updates, so feel free to follow me! I love to play puzzle and adventure games and I'm pretty good at them, I think ;). My favourite character is Captain Toad, just because he’s so adorable! I look forward to seeing your posts and drawings, and I hope I can help you all out in Miiverse! Happy Miiversing!
Chris NintendoChris
I'm Chris from Nintendo of Europe. I'll be hanging out here on Miiverse to keep you all posted on events and activities around the latest games! Sometimes I'll talk about old games too. I can't help myself…
JDяαgδ14 TheJDrago14
My name is JDrago14 and I'm a Nintendo Gamer who's also getting back into watching Anime! I play many Nintendo games from a lot of different franchises. Usually, you'll see me active here but If I'm offline, Just know I'm busy dealing with Real Life Occurrences. If you like the content I post here, be sure to hit that follow button for updates. I'll usually be posting all my experiences here. :)
SmashGuide NintendoSmash
『大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ』シリーズのおしらせを担当しています。お気に入りのアイテムは"ファイアフラワー"と"どせいさん"です。 よろしくお願いします! Hi everybody! I'm here to make announcements for Super Smash Bros. By the way, my favorite items are "Fire Flower" and "Mr. Saturn".
bigJnyc bigJnyc
Nintendo my friends list is full we need an update to allow more friends then 100 aka the moneyman 37 year old Nintendo Vet since 1986 #teamluigi
MattTheMan Matty1996
Just a pretty standard Nintendo Gamer, a big fan of both Mario and Zelda. My favourite game of all time is Wind Waker closely followed by Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. That's pretty much all there is to say... Well, I'm also the Leader of the Tingle Fan Club! Tingle will convert you :P Finally, I'm the president of the Pink Gold Peach Waifu Appreciation Society. I'm the only member...
ρгσ☆Jαкε♂♪ Jakebailey
Hello guys. I'm a 18 year old Nintendo gamer who's been gaming since 2003. I collect playing cards, coins, and amiibo. I currently have 73 amiibo so far as of March 18, 2016. Rules: Be mean or annoying = Blocked Wii U Chat = Unfriended I cannot accept friend requests to strangers.
#MJScream MJFANatic
Miiverse, I'm 36, from Northern Ireland. Married as of May 12th, 2017! My children both enjoy Nintendo on 2DS & Wii U. Michael Jackson fan for 25yrs, the Greatest Of All Time! LFC fan, YNWA. Gaming HIStory... C64, Atari, Sega MasterSystem, SNES, GBA SP, Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, GameCube, DS lite. Currently own a (broken) 3DS XL, New 3DS XL thanks to @NintendoUK, Wii & Wii U. @invinciblekop ;-)
snyps busyleaf
Four quarters are better than one hundred pennies. My favorite Nontraditional Nintendo Wii U games: Darksiders II Monster Hunter III U Watch_Dogs Rayman Legends Bayonetta Sonic Lost World Wonderful 101 Lego City Undercover Assassin's Creed III Assassin's Creed IV Splinter Cell Blacklist Batman Arkam Origins Deus Ex Human Revolution Wii Fit U ZombiU I could replay these for years n' years. :-)
マリチャン NintendoMchannel
任天堂のマリチャンです。 気になるタイトルのコミュニティにお邪魔させていただいて 色んな企画を行っています。 一緒にMiiverseを盛り上げていきましょう! Hello, this is MariChan from Nintendo! I'll pop up in game communities in Miiverse on occasion to plan some events and activites. I hope you'll all join in on the fun!
Smikey Smikey
Serious game collector Owner of VideoGameLegacy Home to reviews, check lists, features, interviews, news & more They'll be a minimum of 150 reviews a year on the website covering all consoles past & present & all companies We won't accept friend requests on this account sorry.
Bruce Nnooo_Bruce
Hi, I'm Bruce from Nnooo. We made the award-winning escapeVektor, Spirit Hunters Inc and Blast 'Em Bunnies for your Nintendo 3DS, as well as the myLifeCollected series of apps, including myNotebooks, myDiary and myPostcards. We also made Pop Plus Solo. Our first game for Nintendo platforms was Pop for the Wii and we also published Cubemen 2 on Wii U and The Legend of Kusakari on Nintendo 3DS.
tomtenor tomtenor
i really appreciate anyone who yeahs me or follows me but my posts aren't always that funny. by the way, mario rules - bowser drools! :) WOOOO!!! keep on miiverse-ing fans!
T.Sugioka IS_US_Sugioka
I'm Taku Sugioka of INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, the director of Pushmo World/Pullblox World.
Chuck SG2ESw25Clr3A1
Alexony Alexony
Aryowin Aryowin
Zelda & Mario fan. Wii: Zelda TP & SS, Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Super Mario Bros, Paper Mario, Smash Bros, Trauma Center, Metroid, Mario Party, Wii Sports Resort, Play Motion, DBZ, Star Wars 1 & 2, Harry Potter (5, 6, 7), Guitar Hero, Wii Fit, Red Steel, Shaun White... Wii U: Zelda WW HD, Nintendo Land, Super Mario 3D, Wii Fit U, Just Dance 4, Trine, Rayman... Lots of Game Cube and N64 as well. :D
Amy NintendoAmy
I'm Amy from Nintendo. I'll stop by to talk about fun activities and pointers about fun games, so be sure to look out for me!
Zerodactyl Zerodactyl
Welcome fellow Miiverse Users! Account Made: Wii U's Launch Day Top Most Played 3DS Games: 1) AC:NL - 2367:41 2) MK7 - 1648:23 3) Pokémon X - 846:54 4) Tomodachi Life - 537:49 5) SSB4 (3DS) - 497:14 Top Most Played Wii U Games: 1) Ninty Land - 962:28 2) MK8 - 859:39 3) SSB4 (Wii U) - 623:57 4) Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing Transformed - 478:44 5) Wii Sports Club - 261:52
ggk3 ggk3george
Hi, I'm ggk3! My real name is George. I'm from Greece. I play MK7 online and post teasers! You could check them out! I am also a great Ace Attorney fan! :D If you like my posts, feel free to follow me! This is my MK7 community code: 66-5591-3272-3372! You could join!
SnowydayUK SnowydayUK
I like the Wii U and my Pikachu 3DS XL and my Nintendo Switch and I cant wait for E3 2017
ハヤシダ NintendoHayashid
任天堂の林田宏一です。 進め!キノピオ隊長のプロデューサーです。 スーパーマリオ3Dワールド、ファミコンリミックスシリーズ、スーパーマリオ3Dランド、スーパーマリオギャラクシー2のディレクターを担当しています。 Koichi Hayashida, producer of Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, director of Super Mario 3D World, NES Remix series, Super Mario 3D Land and Super Mario Galaxy 2.
Rhod DD_Rhod
Hi there! I'm Rhod from Dakko Dakko.
Ali-A TheRealAli-A
Julio Julio_EnjoyUp
Hi, I'm Julio, Game Designer of Abyss, ZombieBBQ, 99Bullets, Rock'N Racing Off Road... feel free to ask me any comment about our games.
kdot CoLiNieS
Hello everyone! You may know me from youtube or twitch! If you want awesome nintendo videos and streams, look no further!
RoadRunner WAYLANDERslayer
Peer-IGN Peer-IGN
Sorry, folks -- friend list's full.
Martijn mreuvers
Official Two Tribes account. Codemonkey and co-founder of Two Tribes
Jools RenegadeJools
Creator of Mutant Mudds, Xeodrifter, and Chicken Wiggle. 🐣 Hi, my name is Jools. Nice to meet you!
WiiUStats XxTechGuy.OHXx
Welcome to ★Wii U Stats★ ! Thanks for over 2,770+ follows, I love every single one of you! I post stats sometimes... mostly just humorous pictures. →→→→→→→→→JOIN SMASH*ATTACK NOW! Don't be afraid to comment... Survived an accidental......
Fabien fabien619
BONSOIR !x) Moi c'est fabien(619), j'ai 15 ans Je remerci mes +5800 subscribers!!!!! Alors je vais vous remerciez un part un..merci, merci toi, merci!..bon!!!! Vous voulez faire + connaisance ? et bien..COMMENTER! XD Bonne Nuiiit !..XD..ok je sort→ Maggle, pelo, '-' OMG x)..
SSΩ Walker ZeldaFan3280
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+T☆ler+ TheDragonFly
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Hi, I'm Jonny. The Wii U is sick Idc
Best Wii Games:
Super Mario Galaxy 1 + 2
Zelda Skyward Swo...
Hi, I'm Jonny. The Wii U is sick Idc
Best Wii Games:
Super Mario Galaxy 1 + 2
Zelda Skyward Sword
Mario Kart Wii
Goldeneye 007
Got a Wii U 21/12/12
Nintendo are underrated!
(Please friends; No Wii U chat)