JonnyN's Friends
logan mayasetmaceo
salue les poto
Kim Kim16993
Hey, I'm Kim. I'm 22 & from Aus. My Wii U games so far are Splatoon, Nintendoland, Mario Party 10 & Yoshis Wooly World. I LOVE Nintendo games and am loving Splatoon. Most games I normally play on 3DS but I'm loving the Wii U! I also have a PS2, PS3, PS4, 3DS, Nintendo 64, Wii, Xbox 360 and 2 Computers. Add me as a Miiverse friend. Would love some buddys to play and chat about games with =)
preiwses preiwses19
ccou moic preiwses vous pouvez mappele soso mais mon vrai prenomc solene jespere que vous alle vous abonne a moi et jai 13 ans
aina linajt280502
Hi ich bin 14 :) Und ich spiele veschiedene WiiU spiele alle gefallen mir :)
Stan redstan
Jessie subzero123bob
My name is Jessie the 15 year old who loves art, playing on games and meeting new people. I also love a challenge and say 'bring it on' to any one or thing that challenges me, even if I win or lose i'll come back for more! My favourite games are: Mariokart 8 Splatoon Lego Marvel Super heroes Disney Infinity 2.0 Super Smash Bros Brawl+the new 1 when i get it. I don't do wii u chat but do message!
Alex alexdlrdlf1210
soy Alejandro.tengo 14 años.seguidme y os sigo
milo beastman1990
Martin Martinfanm8
Hello guys i am Martin! I am addicted playing games *¬* My game collection of Wii U games and pals is still small, but will hopefully grow, as i'm sure it will, i'm a diehard Nintendo fan! ♥ I like read and talk with my friends, i like listening to music and love playing videogames. Finally, i speak spanish and english language. Thanks for visit my profile! nωn *I DO NOT ACCEPT WII U CHAT*
arnud victorugodp1
Titanium Mum-With-A-Gun
I love playing the Wii U with my mum (Mum-Got-Attitude) I love my son and being a mum : }
Richi Zipro17
ziko zikolamlum88
my name is ziko and i love the wii u i have super mario bros super luigi u and super mario 3D world
jj11killa jjthegamer
This user's profile comment is private.
MirMoney MirMoney1990
JERRY gronkcom
cayd deadpole1
I am a nice guy dut i can get a dit mad some times i like lots of different games including the legend of zelde, mario and lego games. See you all letter bye for now.
flo flodu16
Ceej Kaskade1337
Ezbo MayorJemarcus
#MJScream MJFANatic
Miiverse, I'm 36, from Northern Ireland. Married as of May 12th, 2017! My children both enjoy Nintendo on 2DS & Wii U. Michael Jackson fan for 25yrs, the Greatest Of All Time! LFC fan, YNWA. Gaming HIStory... C64, Atari, Sega MasterSystem, SNES, GBA SP, Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, GameCube, DS lite. Currently own a (broken) 3DS XL, New 3DS XL thanks to @NintendoUK, Wii & Wii U. @invinciblekop ;-)
Jordan DarkYoshiRider99
I'm the Grand Sage/leader of The Shiny Wizards, we host shiny giveaways! ACNL dream address: 7000-2198-4068. I have a Wii U and 3DS and play Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Fire Emblem and many other games! My favourite Pokémon is Chimchar! I like Pokemon, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones and other stuff. My first post was on 06/12/13. Thanks for 1000 followers! :D
Squálli.P junus29
Hi! About my game preferences: I am a massive fan of platformers. Mario Galaxy & Super Mario World are very good examples. It is however the DKC series that has carved a special place in my heart. The soundtrack, visuals and challenge are what make it truly special. The Legend of Zelda series also deserves a special mention together with my love for racing games. Have a nice day!
Johnson JJtheRobot
jordon goldenkingcobra
Eveamu TheRunawayGuy
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*☆Jojo☆* joanna1977
This user's profile comment is private.
Nikki kalskopf
kevin kevinman1658
chris mcstrider1234
len lennonoloughlin
Lennon... support liverpool and republic ireland. here's my top 5 fav games im Currently playing most on, for any console. fifa,uncharted, starfox guard, mad max, gta
Billy Bob widsa82
Jordo honeydewYOGSCAST
Profile comment hidden by admin.
FrostyIV cavilers
Ash JetstreamSam
Oh boy, video games!
terry tezza86
love the wii u,have been playing nintendo since i got the NES aged 5, owned every nintendo home console since :) some of the games i have for the wii u are: nintendo land mario maker super mario bros u new super luigi u pikmin 3 zelda windwaker super mario 3d world lego city undercover mario kart 8 smash bros DK: TF starfox zero starfox guard zelda TP xenoblade cx in total i have 44 :)
Cory b1ain64
Alessandro Aletrainer90
Se volete diventare miei amici mandatemi pure la richiesta d'amicizia,io accetto volentieri anche xchè il mio traguardo è di avere 100 amici!!!!!!!!!!!!! 900 sii:31/10/2013
miles milesisgrare
I am a biggest mario fan and sonic i will be doing a let's play of mario luigi dream team sonic lost world rayman legands pikmin 3 animal crossing new leaf mabye i will post videos on youtube it's a massive mabye so click the yeah button
conartist conmanarmorgames
Kalpatron Kalpatron
Hello there! My name is Stefanos and I'm from Athens/Greece. I'm also a Nintendo gamer. Yahoooo! If you want to connect to other social networks like Facebook, please send a p.m.
MSG trent-mikey06
Hi My Names Michael My Life is really aggressive but my whole family is a good nintendo fan I really love smash bros a lot but hi and Bye
papito Nico732
im chilling
ほなザウルス raion1522
栃木県の中2です。 みんな気軽にフォローしてね。 ゲームは結構知ってる方だからいろいろ聞いてね。 ミバ友=No.10ハルカ カノさま なな まよいねありす*カノ なおちー△ń46▲ youtuberはけっこーしってまーす。 プロフィール 部活=バスケ 特技=え? なんもないww 好きなゲーム=COD:G 好きな言葉=にっこにっこにーwww 好きなキャラクター=にこにー
Eoin eoinski1
Hi im Eoin im 11 and from Ireland. This is my top 10 games from any console :D 10.WII Sports{WII} 9.COD:WORLD AT WAR {PS3} 8.Sonic Colours {DS} 7.COD:Ghosts 6.Sonic Adventure DX {Gamecube} 5.Nintendo Land {WIIU} 4.New Super Mario Bros{DS} 3.BATMAN Arkham Asylum {PS3} 2.Black Ops 2 {PS3} 1.Minecraft {PC & PS3} Bye!
~]0€ M~ Smurphy623
Hello and welcome to my profile page. I play Wii U, Vita, Xbox 360 and PC. I have 14 Wii U games in total, and I enjoy them all. It means a lot, whenever you follow me on Miiverse :). Here are some simple facts about me. Name: Joe (Smurphy 623) Goal: 30 Friends Favourite game: Super Mario Maker Favourite YouTuber: KSI and harrymain (BMX) Thanks for keepin Miiverse real and Stay awesome guys :)
Frommi Frommi
Session, oder was ? ;D My games: Assassin's Creed III, Darksiders II, NFS Most Wanted U, ZombiU, Batman: Arkham City, Batman: Arkham Origins
Nicholas MIIID05
hello, my fellow friends of miiverse! i'm hosting a hey arnold chatroom! anyone can join, but follow 2 quick and easy steps. 1. edit profile comment and add that you are in the chatroom. 2. comment on any posts with details, regarding of the chatroom. soon, i will host a kids next door chatroom (same directions apply). i almost forgot! no swearing! check my posts for details! btw, no wiiu chat!
gaming since the days of spectrum 48k... Love Monster Hunter... and Assassins Creed.... Hate pineapples.....
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Hayden Frog.Overlord
whales rule XD and NOM NOM BACON there once was myself the end meh I like reading so any good books that are english tell me I love anime : Currently watching Pokémon season 1 plz stop sending friend requests unless your good
Paolo Chen1990
Ingee Moexall
Let's play ;-)
Blaze Blazemaster
Teenage gamer, love gaming, tryin to buy the best games i can for the wii u. Feel free the follow me if ive posted somthin good. Thanks for yeahing me over 100 yeahs
Tristan Vincentdante
Bring on the Nintendo NX.
Ace strikerted
big fan of nintendo obviously. favourite games of all time: xenoblade, the last story and the fire emblem series. I don't use wii u chat
Prolence Prolence
As you may know, people play games because they like to have a good time. People play games because they like to forget the real world for a while. We also play games no matter the age. If somebody enjoys something you don't, please no need to bash them for that, right? Lets just do what we enjoy, play games and have a good time. Oh and also, if you don't like something, others might :]
Hulkino Fantacchius
toto Pistolero082
mai solo, sempre libero
Patrick nuevitas
nintendoland and black ops 2
Jardas jardas27
»★Jσ®dψ★« Jordy_Q_Dragon
Welcome to Miiverse! Top 10 Games: 1☆ Mario Kart 8: 10 2☆ Xenoblade Chronicles X: 9.9 3☆ Super Smash Bros: 9.7 4☆ Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag: 9.6 5☆ Call of Duty: Black Ops II: 9.5 6☆ Need for Speed: Most Wanted: 9.2 7☆ Mass Effect 3: 9 8☆ Hyrule Warriors: 8.8 9☆ Rayman Legends: 8.8 10☆ Yoshi's Woolly World: 8.8
Andrea Andr3a
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
«(ßíg-β)» Oden5150
Hey I'm Big-B (not fat). Nintendofreak, all around gamer. Looking for a challenge? You found one. When I'm not playing video games I'm listening to music or at a show (love rock'n roll and metal). Snow boarding or playing paintball. I like to paint, it relaxes me. I'm a big Star Wars fan. I like to get crazy and party (haha you know or you don't). I'd say my favorite book is the Bible.
Hi, I'm Jonny. The Wii U is sick Idc
Best Wii Games:
Super Mario Galaxy 1 + 2
Zelda Skyward Swo...
Hi, I'm Jonny. The Wii U is sick Idc
Best Wii Games:
Super Mario Galaxy 1 + 2
Zelda Skyward Sword
Mario Kart Wii
Goldeneye 007
Got a Wii U 21/12/12
Nintendo are underrated!
(Please friends; No Wii U chat)