Jordy's Followers
Sad Adam AdamAwesomeness1
Wow... I'm Really Sad That Miiverse Has To end...This is My Last 2 Hours Of Being With You all. I Hope that you all have a good day For the end of Miiverse... Bye T-T
Pippy Candy_Spaghetti9
(Hello! So, You May Recognize My Name, And/or Mii. And I Can't Reveal Myself, Anyway...) Miiverse Will End, Some Of The Best User Listed, Will Go Down In Memory: David: Attempted Savior Of Miiverse. Dj-Pickle: Was Very Dedicated To Saving Miiverse. There's More. Pt. 2, Coming Soon… Anyway Follow Goals: 50: Done. 100: Done. 150: Done. 200: In Progress. Info: •I Love Mc Now, Bye! ˘³˘ ~♥
Ноsе Wатеr shgamer118
When I first saw the love light in Your eyes I dreamed a world held not but joy For me And Even though we drifted far Apart I never dream But what I dream Of thee I love you As I never, loved before Since I first met you on the village green Come to me Or my dream of love is o'are I love you, as I loved you When you were Sweet When you were sweet Six teen ♥
Ahmad Adel Ahmoody2015
I love video games I have a GameCube, Wii, Nintendo 2DS, New Nintendo 2DS XL, Wii U, PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC Windows 10, and an iPhone 6s Plus. Nothing here I assure you there is nothing here. Really there is nothing here. Free Cookies!
Anime K kmm2004
This user's profile comment is private.
Gwendolyn gw1.56p
X, watch youre weaponry next time. XD Talk to you soon ^^
Douglas TheObservantKid
chash sgt.flash.y
well i like video games im 10
★Mii★Milo★ RobotNinjaX
☆Mii☆Milo☆ ~Anime, Manga, Comic book and retro game collecting. {Computer Animation/3D Rendering} {Independent Games Development.} Nintendo+PlayStation Fan ☆It all started with the N.E.S. in 1985 for me Thank You Nintendo™!☆] I play on multiple consoles/handhelds that play video games but my Nintendo consoles/portables are #1. Nintendo Switch! Miiverse I'll miss you it has been fun. :(
zumbula eleonoramlv
i have no real friends pleas be a real friends
Țегпψ(•ω•) Scrubypleb
ayy im back i guess hi im terny just your normal lonely 13 year old who likes memes i like osomatsu san,jojo and FOTC n that i have no idea anymore meeeep
Caleb BrightGalaxy
Mr. BlueBird: MachineOfMeme a CLOSED uniVERSE: BrightGalaxy A DISsing ChORD: BrightGalaxy#1073
RobiN!! SpruceGoose15
A crazy Ylissian who loves Robin, Takumi and N I'll change my profile comment to respond to comments and stuff. Thank you, friends. You've made me feel like family. I love you all!! I'm not allowed anywhere else. "This is it, Robin. Our final battle!"~Chrom Thank you guys for everything. This was a wonderful experience. I'll miss you, my friends.
Emerald Emerald12082
I'm new to miiverse but I'd love to play minecraft or smash bros with someone. Just show me how to join a multiplayer server or whatever and I'll join you ^.^
MLG★Loser♂ kevins5658
hi splatoon player here wanna play comment on one of my post to play so splatoon
Kaden nachos100
"Toast is good but, Toasty is even better,"- me I'm a Christian. ACNL Dream address: 5F00-0013-81D6. (Perfect town) MK7 VR: 2.7K MK8 VR: 3.8K Splatoon: Level 26, B- Favorite Games: Animal Crossing games, Super Smash Bros, Mario Maker, Splatoon, Yoshi games, Mario Games, BotW, any Pokèmon games and MK. I like to make new friends but I don't do Wii U chat.
Itachi itachishadow
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ぼーーー 1waxdr
λςțŕő Radiomelon
Hi! My Name Is Sleepy![not in real life] I Like To Play MC! Shout Out To Panflip. Shout Out To Marcraft09 Shout Out To FourAndChange Let's Try And Save Miiverse!!! Well That's All Have All Have An AMAZING Day! miiverse ends tomorrow...
Jake Jake1st
Always willing to help anyone at all. Real name is Jacob. Love terraria, any mario games, and pokemon games too. If you need help just ask.
Chloe Paw12345
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -<{G O O D B Y E M I I V E R S E }>- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jordy Tjj102211
Zack zalokate
jrod terrian32
sup people
belle izziesalin123
i love pokemon and tomodachi life
ItsBlue05 YoloFroyo2.1
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Aaron achtay0120
Grimlife21 grimlife21
i like to take pics of games and make jokes out of them! plz share and like my posts because then nintendo will promote me, give me free games and then more pics for you guys
Samuel FlamingSpider
Soup! I like chicken nuggets!
Lucy LuciaDVGM
Hola como estan mi nombre es Lucia tengo 10 años de edad y aqui les dejo unas cosas sobre mi...mis juegos favoritos son: Mario Kart, Super mario 3D World y Nintendo Land espero que les alla gustado mi perfil (LOL)
cool guy coolestsauce780
kenken kingofmyworld01
ελεφθέριος uyoi123
I have minecraft on the wii–u!!
Matthew Matthew105
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Derpster Alt.ChrisLopes
Milaη.M★ milanray
Hey Guys! I'm Milan! I am a typical Gamer, Vlogger, and Youtuber. I have many nintendo, sony, and microsoft consoles. I like sports, especially Baseball and Basketball. I live in Toronto, Canada and I like the Toronto Blue Jays and The Toronto Raptors. I have no clue why I said all that, but whatever. See you guys onthe Flip Side! Bye!
david™ Mariobros250
Hello, my name is david and I hope to become a future professional smash4 player when I get older. I am 14 and currently am only good at smash4 for 3ds. Friend Request me if you want to play smash4, anything, or you are just bored. Current Favorite Games: Mario Maker Smash4 MarioKart 8 Splatoon Contact me at anytime and I reply quickly. I am about to move on with life's journey so, Bye for now!
Judy~poody judemac7
hi i'm jude you but can call me judy poody as you can see it seems that i'm a miiverse mii just like you! i'm just a mii that is calm and you can friend me if you want to i'm 13! and thats it so see ya if you can! ;) R.I.P. MÊMêverse
Aiden Aiden07R
Goodbye Miiverse... It was a fun 5 years posting on here. :( Hello everyone, I'm Aiden! Here I post my thoughts about games and Super Mario Maker levels. Some of my favorite things: Game: Kirby: Planet Robobot Series: Kirby Color: Orange Character: Kirby & Magolor -Aiden
nick marionick1
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This is a separate account for my 2DS.
Jordy247 is my ...
This is a separate account for my 2DS.
Jordy247 is my main account.
Every drawing made and every 'Yeah!' given from this, and from my other, account is manually done.
The 'J' for my drawings means that I personally hand-drew the image, but did not make the original resource for it.
(I created the "I'm pretty sure no posts are going to be copied today." 'meme', and I'm proud of it.)