Jordy's Post

New SUPER LUIGI U Community


35 minutes ago


25 minutes ago

your drawings are amazing!

New SUPER LUIGI U Community


51 minutes ago

I think a sign that I'm quite a slow individual is the fact that I literally got the idea to have a special following list on the last day of Miiverse.

New SUPER LUIGI U Community


54 minutes ago

I guess the 'SUPER LUIGI' in the community name is to ensure that this and the Americas version of the NSLU community aren't mistaken for each other.

New SUPER LUIGI U Community


58 minutes ago

The worst thing about this situation is not knowing where everyone (I know, and in general) is. I don't fully feel comfortable posting here at this current time, but I think it'll have to do for no...

New Super Luigi U Community


2 hours ago

One of the ways I'm going to spend MY time left on Miiverse is to look back on all the users I have been FOLLOWING in this time. There's lots of people on that LIST, but it's still cool nonetheless.

New Super Luigi U Community


3 hours ago

In this situation, I can do nothing but watch as the chaos ensues. Solely beause I have nothing to say at this time, and am saving my posts for later.

New Super Luigi U Community


6 hours ago

I think I'll most likely regret staying up until 5am when I wake up (less than 2 hours later) in the morning, but it'll be worth it to see the last moments of this community, and Miiverse as a whol...

New Super Luigi U Community


9 hours ago

I view Miiverse as a delightful stepping stone rather than a final destination. I have definitely enjoyed my time here, but moving on is best in the long run. As a sign of respect and to show how m...

New Super Luigi U Community


10 hours ago

When I was standing outside the library earlier today (at ~11am), I heard someone in a group talking to Siri (I wasn't eavesdropping, though, it was literally the only thing I could hear), and they...

New Super Luigi U Community


19 hours ago

Even if I don't respond directly, the 'Yeah!'s I give comments is to show that they have been seen and are appreciated.

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

If I sleep too soon, I'll almost certainly miss the final hours of Miiverse, but if I stay up until the end, then that will give me less than 2 hours of sleep (5am-->6:45am).

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

I don't care about how many 'Yeah!'s a post of mine gets (but all are appreciated), but it's the fact that a post of mine was buried my meaningless spam.

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1 day ago

Same as Laurz.

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Of course this would happen just after I post the drawing on here that I spent at least 2 HOURS making.


1 day ago

i saw it don't worry my guy

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Personally, I find it kinda odd that Nintendo felt the need to mention that they CURRENTLY have no plans to have a Miiverse-like service on the Nintendo Switch.

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New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

The 5th anniversary of Miiverse is on the 18th of November. The 18th of November is a Saturday. I don't see why Nintendo couldn't have waited until then to end Miiverse.

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

I know we still have about 2 days before Miiverse is closed, but I just want to offer a sentiment. Thank you all for making me feel welcome in this community, which I am able to post in comfortably...

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

I think we subconsciously remember bad things longer than we remember good things. That would explain why I can remember nothing I posted in the entirety of 2016, yet I can vividly remember when I ...

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

If I, a person who is shy and secluded when it comes to conversing with those I am not familiar with IRL, have actually been able to comfortably talk with other people on here and made friends, the...

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

How about Lloyd in Space, Robotboy and Flapjack?

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

To try and divert from these shenanigans, who else remembers the cartoon Recess?


2 days ago

I do! The 5th grade special was great!

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

I'm just one person, so my words will most likely have absolutely no effect, but I wish this whole situation regarding MM57s would stop. (But of course, given the internet's occasional tendency to ...

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

It's not so much the content posted that surprises me, it's the fact that, of all the places it could be posted, it was posted on Miiverse.


2 days ago

I mean the Mii of the Web was... Certainly something.

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

To be honest, seeing people who made innocent posts before randomly pulling an MM57 on here fills me with this unexplainable feeling of shock and disappointment.

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

I feel like, whenever I want to draw on paper, my inspiration fades almost entirely the moment I actually try to draw.

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

I hope the Miiverse logo doesn't permanently try and show that I have notifications for it on the home menu after Miiverse closes.


2 days ago

Lol I hope it does