OMGITZJosh's Followers
beatrice beafrancyteovale
This user's profile comment is private.
Zed gianlumorgan
LET'S BE FRIENDS!!!!! :-D I love playng: Mario kart 8 Mario maker Splatoon Minecraft Almost 400 followers and 80 friends THANKS! :-D GOODBYE
ショボーン#しゅう♪ uuchan06
プロフィールコメントは、運営者がスピランをする前に、非公開にし、そしてスピランに、はまってしまって解除し忘れていて、未だに非公開に設定されています。 kaukauメンバーに、気軽にぜひ入ってね^^>< みんなで[それなロゼナ]を流行らせて。流行語大賞にしよう! 顔ポチ!なにそれ?まーいーか((ポ〇モン^^>> フォロー??アデュー 100パーかえします。 ホテルニューウアーワーア~ジ~←はまってます^^ 2017年8月10日(自分調べ) 年.25さい マリメ歴1.5年ぐらい? スプラ歴1年10か月目 マリカ歴2年ぐらい? マリメのいいね数 235 スプラのランク S+ ここまで見たらフォローして
ink boy codybr0103
splatoon prankster and glichs play splatoon with me
Optimize supersegakid
Hi guys it's me Segakid. And I like playing games like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Sonic, Minecraft, Splatoon and all great games. I'm also pretty good at video games and it will be great to meet you all. Best friends: awesomeroxz Xmaster1 ˘\(^♡^)/˘ (·˛·) (îσî)
*_ねむりん_* tokimasa_y
««««««««««コンニチハ»»»»»»»»»» 顔ポチありがとう!! もうちょっとやさしk((殴蹴 自己紹介 叶愛 (かのあ) のあって呼んで!! 年齢 まぁ10代!! 性格わりと人見知り Mって言われてる 性別 ♀ 好きな遊び はないちもんめ おいかけっこ ブランコ **************** 姉⇒のんのs パルs 双子⇒のぇ.*○ 彼氏⇒ころいか **************** いつか埋まるかなぁ #st入ってます。チーム人数 14人ぐらい? 好きだったドラマ コード・ブルー 脳スマ 謎ディナ 逃げ恥 コードブルー藍沢先生かっこいい... フレンド荒らしたらブロッコリー投げます よく方言出ます。 テレビ電話はしません チャオチャオー!!
Brady braedg
Miiverse will be closed in 11/7/17.
ChaseBun SuperChase63
Hello!! I am Josh Grant's bro Chase! (ThiswascreatidbyJoshbutit'sforme=)) I hope you enjoy this profile!! I am cool
(o^o) renzo0225
BRUH oh did not see you there my name is renzo im good in tumble in mincraft im a nice friend so Lets be friends see ya bye that was my profile. why are you still LEAVE NOW
Pawel Pawel2015
adieu adieu sos sos sos sos
Lil P LeeBrittany1988
Oscar B0bTheMini0n
Hi, Old Chaps! I'm Oscar P! I'm 11, and making a spiffing whole series of worlds in SMM! Queen and ABBA are my favourite bands. My best friend is superleo-uigi. I don't friend. I'll miss you all. *Bohemian Rhapsody plays* I'm a huge Nintendo-retro fan, you know, so By George, start up your SNES, get out your Gameboy, click your Switch and put on the tea! ~Oscar "All posters post posts!"
HASSAM pacmario77
hi my name is hassam and welcome to my profile i can speak spanish too because im mexican and now my favorite followers nogla 64 parappy marlayia elmore a andres vannesa b this is diana mya erika and mario
Enamel shou-3dsid
landon landondeancook
Hi Im Landon Im a big gamer I love minecraft, skylanders, mario, call of duty, terraria, and my favorite gamer, Stampy!!!
Cale☆Cake★ BorisBatim
*Proceeds to scream like a maniac* You poked my face! Anywho, thank you guys so much for 250+ followers, I can't believe you enjoy my trash that much.☆ Follow my peeps↓↓ Blucario Red ★11 ☆Online ★Taken ☆Palapa ♪☁︎♧♨︎♧♨︎☁︎★♧♧♨︎☁︎♧♥︎♤♢♨︎★☆♡♡♪ ضصبشيسقثذظدزلفابغرتعهورىمنخحجةكًًًً ৌোেংমনলৈিাুূীসশপবরযকগহতদজচটড্য ЯъвтеруюпоиащсшдлфкгйхзчьмцнжбᏯᏔᎧᏩᏯᎿᏜᏀᏍ ᎦᏝᏓᎭᏌᎳᏆᎹᎾᎥᎡᎤᎢᎣ 是說明他愛上帝也很難想像空間結構調整的失業率參考消息了?有限責任
どうもゆるみんです! ■好きな○○ 【ボーカロイド】【SMAP】【ONE OK ROCK】【文豪ストレイドッグス】 【テニスの王子様】【夏目友人帳】【ジブリ】【2.5次元ミュージカル】 【住野よるさんの本】【太陽の子】【告白】【ドストエフスキーさんの名言】 【物件を見ること】 ■好きなボカロキャラ ■好きな曲 1.VY2 1.20/20 2.鏡音レン 2.霊能者の繁栄と衰退 3.歌手音ピコ 3.マインドブランド ■フレンドへ 名前も顔も分からないフレンドの優しさにどれだけ救われただろう 何もないけどフレンドへの言葉(おくりもの) ■これからフレンドになりたい方へ 私のワールドをマルチでやることは、ほとんどないです。やったとしてもブロックを置けないように、壊せないようにしてあります。(マインクラフト) 2017/11/03 更新
Skye Twikipopa
Hi! Im Skye. i like reading (Harry Potter is amazing!! XD)My fav games are splatoon lego city undercover and super mario 3d world!! i also like lego!!! :-)
fakahashi♪ 0023katsu
rahul-dad rahul_negi
Hi I play Mario Kart 8 and Minecraft. In Minecraft I like trolling my friends. I also like building and playing survival worlds
lizzy Tween103
Thanks for 200 followers, here's a little info about me. Age:14 Siblings:11 Gender:girl Busy?:most of the time. (I can't wii u chat sorry) Thank you!
david™ Mariobros250
Hello, my name is david and I hope to become a future professional smash4 player when I get older. I am 14 and currently am only good at smash4 for 3ds. Friend Request me if you want to play smash4, anything, or you are just bored. Current Favorite Games: Mario Maker Smash4 MarioKart 8 Splatoon Contact me at anytime and I reply quickly. I am about to move on with life's journey so, Bye for now!
Blue_David DavidV7
tchad kilmaxmayzer
mario mariol2005
games zijn leuk
Chris PhamtomXJR
Helo miiverse
Kri katzemia2
Ich will Freunde
Mommy Robynsonfire
minecraft yaaaay
goku ssj 3 juancamolly
hey cuanto tiempo ..... no os voy a mentir estoy un poco deprimido peroooooooooooo no voy a irme nunca mas yyyyyyyyyyy me gusta : reir , tener amigos y mucho más , me encantan los animes uno de mis amigos que mas confio es lobito ok ,seguidme y os sigo my friends , mis youtubers favoritos son : elrubius , fernan , german , town y muchisisisisimos mas ok que tengais buen dia :) XD
«łδгį»SS zarniah
hi im a tomboy IFOLLOW FOR FOLLOW oh and by the way if u wana start whith me il report block or do both im also in the ss clan stands for( squid stars ) - co leader ME - leader SS ALEX - by the way im the one that kicks and adds people to the clan feel free to find me around miiverse i like to talk with people on miiverse yes to allF.R thanks for following♥ yay switch is out but dont have it lol;(
Duo-Face epic9997
Hi, my name is DuoFace, my top face is Chad, my bottom face is Rick, Mostly, i play SMM and Fire Emblem and I LOVE a good challenge as long as it's not so insane that Rick rages XD. Oh, and i, Chad, beat New Super Luigi U in less then 2 Hours and no game overs (in other words i'm a video game pro, not sure about Rick though...) Happy Gaming!!!! -DuoFace P.S. I have another account, DuoFace3D!
Lauren coolcookfamily
This user's profile comment is private.
Sumboldore HarleyQuinn4PC
Hello there! Welcome to my page! I love Minecraft! I adore Splatoon!! I play Mario Maker. I do not take requests. I cannnot do Wii U chat. Current follows: [76] THANK YOU FOR 60!!! (Unlocked: Viewing of friends, following and followers) I'll enjoy my day, and you enjoy your day! ^.^
juju 5295jm
pokemon go go go juju out
ςнσ¢кщдνε★ MARIOYEH
Welcome to the remains of Wave's Miiverse. If you read this I am no longer on the site or responding to last comments. THANK YOU ALL FOR THIS WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE! Games I play are Mario Kart 8, (7.5k RVR) 7, (6k RVR) and Wii, (7000 vr) Splatoon (B+Rank) and Mario Maker on Wii U (4 medals) My dream job is music mixing and developing. I also like playing music!
tink Deshyrian
Hey everyone! I am 7 years old. I like to play scribble, mario cart and lego avengers. Follow me and I'll follow back!
zANdeR zander_fab
heya guys Im zANdeR games I play: New Super Mario bros U + New Super Luigi U Super Mario Maker Minecraft Mario kart 8 Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze Super Smash Bros. join my clan the blue-blooded warriors Sister: Victoria I don't do wii chat I ♥ Undertale follow 4 follow remember friend and follow guys! see ya :) Don't look at me like that... you're tr4sh bro
Pac-Man48 WolfMaster61
Sup It Pac-Man48!!! Follow me and friend me to have much fun!! Well my favorite games are: Mario, Zelda, Pac-Man, and Minecraft! Console:NES, SNES, Wii u, Nintendo 3ds! Name: Call me 'pac' Age: Uh... Nope Sports: Basketball! Final Message: Bye Friends!!
elvus loppop123
Hi bros it is a great way to meet you all let's be friends.And follow me plz.Let's try to get to 100k.I NEED MORE FOLLOWER'S PLZ.
Morgan bobandcat
chris jrteam02
My name is Josh Shaun John Grant and I am a awesome player, just not good at kaizo and stuff like...
My name is Josh Shaun John Grant and I am a awesome player, just not good at kaizo and stuff like that. I,m 9 years old and good at SMM. I would like to have as many friends as I can.
Electronic Sisyty (Its is my NEW clan Thing.)
Youtube Video- Meme Machine #Joshmakesameme
Just ask me to join ES
[Sonic Land In Progress]