Users OMGITZJosh Is Following
*_ねむりん_* tokimasa_y
««««««««««コンニチハ»»»»»»»»»» 顔ポチありがとう!! もうちょっとやさしk((殴蹴 自己紹介 叶愛 (かのあ) のあって呼んで!! 年齢 まぁ10代!! 性格わりと人見知り Mって言われてる 性別 ♀ 好きな遊び はないちもんめ おいかけっこ ブランコ **************** 姉⇒のんのs パルs 双子⇒のぇ.*○ 彼氏⇒ころいか **************** いつか埋まるかなぁ #st入ってます。チーム人数 14人ぐらい? 好きだったドラマ コード・ブルー 脳スマ 謎ディナ 逃げ恥 コードブルー藍沢先生かっこいい... フレンド荒らしたらブロッコリー投げます よく方言出ます。 テレビ電話はしません チャオチャオー!!
Brady braedg
Miiverse will be closed in 11/7/17.
ChaseBun SuperChase63
Hello!! I am Josh Grant's bro Chase! (ThiswascreatidbyJoshbutit'sforme=)) I hope you enjoy this profile!! I am cool
Jos 2 WolfFileALT
Hi! This is Jos' Alt for when I'm out of posts. I also use this for SpongeBob sketches. (Normal Account: WolfFile12)
Pawel Pawel2015
adieu adieu sos sos sos sos
(o^o) renzo0225
BRUH oh did not see you there my name is renzo im good in tumble in mincraft im a nice friend so Lets be friends see ya bye that was my profile. why are you still LEAVE NOW
Lil P LeeBrittany1988
Oscar B0bTheMini0n
Hi, Old Chaps! I'm Oscar P! I'm 11, and making a spiffing whole series of worlds in SMM! Queen and ABBA are my favourite bands. My best friend is superleo-uigi. I don't friend. I'll miss you all. *Bohemian Rhapsody plays* I'm a huge Nintendo-retro fan, you know, so By George, start up your SNES, get out your Gameboy, click your Switch and put on the tea! ~Oscar "All posters post posts!"
HASSAM pacmario77
hi my name is hassam and welcome to my profile i can speak spanish too because im mexican and now my favorite followers nogla 64 parappy marlayia elmore a andres vannesa b this is diana mya erika and mario
Hey, I'm E_X_P_L_O_SION9/BurningInBlueFlames7, I enjoy watching YouTube, playing games and acting! That's kinda it...
★ŸțÉģ9★ simpleminds-1982
#BOOSISTHEBEST!!!! U GUYS R AWESOME!!! I don't do Wii U chat :P I don't accept friend requiests anymore MM People Remaining 22/22 And Finally I follow back people who follow me Oh, and this !NRUTER YAM I TAHT SREWOP TNEHCNIA EHT KLOVNI I !NRUB OT EMOC SAH EMIT YM ,LTOLOXA
Enamel shou-3dsid
landon landondeancook
Hi Im Landon Im a big gamer I love minecraft, skylanders, mario, call of duty, terraria, and my favorite gamer, Stampy!!!
Theo XxLegitLinkxX420
Hi! im a 15 year old guy who just trying game and mingle with people
DJ Morris morris202
I will follow everyone! New post every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and sunday. usually. favorite game ↓ splatoon mario kart 8 minecraft super mario maker art academy BFF preciousvega, fourbrothersfun (←duh) 123445Mario, Luigi123565, Thejuanito and Mcquienwii. I don't actept friend request for no reason!
Cale☆Cake★ BorisBatim
*Proceeds to scream like a maniac* You poked my face! Anywho, thank you guys so much for 250+ followers, I can't believe you enjoy my trash that much.☆ Follow my peeps↓↓ Blucario Red ★11 ☆Online ★Taken ☆Palapa ♪☁︎♧♨︎♧♨︎☁︎★♧♧♨︎☁︎♧♥︎♤♢♨︎★☆♡♡♪ ضصبشيسقثذظدزلفابغرتعهورىمنخحجةكًًًً ৌোেংমনলৈিাুূীসশপবরযকগহতদজচটড্য ЯъвтеруюпоиащсшдлфкгйхзчьмцнжбᏯᏔᎧᏩᏯᎿᏜᏀᏍ ᎦᏝᏓᎭᏌᎳᏆᎹᎾᎥᎡᎤᎢᎣ 是說明他愛上帝也很難想像空間結構調整的失業率參考消息了?有限責任
Skye Twikipopa
Hi! Im Skye. i like reading (Harry Potter is amazing!! XD)My fav games are splatoon lego city undercover and super mario 3d world!! i also like lego!!! :-)
rahul-dad rahul_negi
Hi I play Mario Kart 8 and Minecraft. In Minecraft I like trolling my friends. I also like building and playing survival worlds
daisy mmrutherford
hi, my name is daisy and i am 11. i love super mario, the legend of zelda and splatoon. i love to draw, so most of my posts are drawings. i currently like playing splatoon, so if you want to find me take a look on the splatoon community. -you can stop reading now. -seriously stop. -why are you still here? -Bye. -seriously though, R.I.P. miiverse.
Lucas CrazyHunter12345
MEEM SK MasterAtMadden
Miiverse 2012-2017 Trashpost quality ecks dee/8 Check out MEEM Kong Former President of NSLUC Founder and leader of the Off Topic Party (OTP) Owner of North Dakota, South Dakota and Nevada oh snap, I’m a part of the TFAO. yo boi spicy
mario mariol2005
games zijn leuk
Chris PhamtomXJR
Helo miiverse
Mommy Robynsonfire
minecraft yaaaay
goku ssj 3 juancamolly
hey cuanto tiempo ..... no os voy a mentir estoy un poco deprimido peroooooooooooo no voy a irme nunca mas yyyyyyyyyyy me gusta : reir , tener amigos y mucho más , me encantan los animes uno de mis amigos que mas confio es lobito ok ,seguidme y os sigo my friends , mis youtubers favoritos son : elrubius , fernan , german , town y muchisisisisimos mas ok que tengais buen dia :) XD
Lauren coolcookfamily
This user's profile comment is private.
Zack Wolf BoshiMan
Yo, how are you guys doing today? You know that I'm a wolf, so… Don't mine it. Thank you, now follow me. I don't use Wii U Chat. Sorry guys… Your still here? Go home! BYE THEN!
tink Deshyrian
Hey everyone! I am 7 years old. I like to play scribble, mario cart and lego avengers. Follow me and I'll follow back!
Pac-Man48 WolfMaster61
Sup It Pac-Man48!!! Follow me and friend me to have much fun!! Well my favorite games are: Mario, Zelda, Pac-Man, and Minecraft! Console:NES, SNES, Wii u, Nintendo 3ds! Name: Call me 'pac' Age: Uh... Nope Sports: Basketball! Final Message: Bye Friends!!
elvus loppop123
Hi bros it is a great way to meet you all let's be friends.And follow me plz.Let's try to get to 100k.I NEED MORE FOLLOWER'S PLZ.
Morgan bobandcat
chris jrteam02
zANdeR zander_fab
heya guys Im zANdeR games I play: New Super Mario bros U + New Super Luigi U Super Mario Maker Minecraft Mario kart 8 Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze Super Smash Bros. join my clan the blue-blooded warriors Sister: Victoria I don't do wii chat I ♥ Undertale follow 4 follow remember friend and follow guys! see ya :) Don't look at me like that... you're tr4sh bro
Dr.Pootis btw1920
Hi, I'm Brody Xmas. Please yeah my posts and follow me. I like yo–kai watch, and super smash bros, and tri force heros. I also have a Wii U miiverse account. I'm Brody Xmas, Friend ID bwright05. I had to make a new miiverse account on my "new nintendo 3DS XL."
★s★potatos Potatoes2477
hello there im potatoes!!nice to meet ya!i am one of the leaders of the Alpha's,my catchphrase is "POTATOES!!!"and well i hate walls!my favorite color is blue,i like games like pokemon, yo-kai a kind and sweet person and i enjoy helping and cheering up others i like to spread joy and make people laugh and i try with all in my power to stop bullying wherever i see it.well have nice day!
Blue_David DavidV7
Blue_David The_Dimond_kid
ςрîгîτ freedyvr
Hey, thanks for reading this. Like, I mean it. It's Jayden, and I'm back for the final stretch of Miiverse. Just to say goodbye. I really liked it here, to say the least... I'm just a guy who likes video games and other stuff. Not like that's important for my socially awkward life. XD But anyways, I draw occasionally on here. Friends-Hailey,Gracie, Aura, Blurrø I'm 0N P0KÉM0N AMÎN0 AS Aries808.
Serenity 9rumpy_cat
Im nice and funny and im not a bully. Bullying is just so wrong why do it? I love looking at good drawings there are so many good drawers like Mint,Sama,andIceprincess send them a friend request follow me to make an adventure. I cant send friend requests so please dont try but i will be your friend without any friend request!
My name is Josh Shaun John Grant and I am a awesome player, just not good at kaizo and stuff like...
My name is Josh Shaun John Grant and I am a awesome player, just not good at kaizo and stuff like that. I,m 9 years old and good at SMM. I would like to have as many friends as I can.
Electronic Sisyty (Its is my NEW clan Thing.)
Youtube Video- Meme Machine #Joshmakesameme
Just ask me to join ES
[Sonic Land In Progress]