A little under 3 hours left until the Miiverse apocalypse.
This post contains spoilers.
It’s getting awfully sentimental around here. Not that I haven’t been participating in sentiment I just never though a group of people who met on a failing console’s social media experiment would g...
"Thanks, Link. You're the hero of Hyrule." -Zelda 2's ending And you, Justin86, are one of my favorite Miiverse users. I won't forget you and your quotes.
The Legend of Zelda Series Community
Our friendships that we have formed in this community shall never diminish. As for all these inappropriate posts...I say good riddance to them!
The Legend of Zelda Series Community
Well guys, it's been a great few years. My final count for Miiverse followers is 1,720. This is likely my last post on here. Farewell fellow Miiversers! I will continue my quest. Perhaps we will me...
New Super Mario Bros. U Community
Back where I began
This is it folks, the end is almost here. I'm sad to see it go, but it is what it is. If I do end up somewhere on the internet, it'll probably be MVHaven. I've bee...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community
I’ll talk to ya’ll later my dearest friends. I will never forget ya’ll.
This is my last post with this account before Miiverse ends, due to the 30 post limit. Check some of my recent Play Journals for more concluding posts! Also, ask the bird that is blue about "coolje...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community
Miiverse. It's been an amazing 3 years on here for me, ever since I first logged in just to browse and was too scared to comment, to making random posts and being delighted that people responded, t...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community
Six hours yet remain, NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE (I have grown weary of explaining time zones to people.) Also, yes, I have yet to abandon this planet before the 'Death Star' enters firing range. (I...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community
One thing’s for certain, I definitely won’t miss all these spam and inappropriate posts...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community
Today is last day for Miiverse, huh? I'm sorry for not being on here as much recently, but I appreciate all the friends & memories I made on here. It's been a great time. See ya everyone!
The Legend of Zelda Series Community
God bless ya’ll. No matter what happens, ya’ll stay strong and keep going. Ya’ll will always have my support! While this place falls, ya’ll rise up and show life just how strong you are!
I have been a Nintendo fan for about 25 years and that will never change. My favorite series is T...
I have been a Nintendo fan for about 25 years and that will never change. My favorite series is The Legend of Zelda, which I have played for 17 years now. I am also a huge anime fanatic.
Some other Nintendo franchises that I enjoy are Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Fire Emblem, and Super Smash Bros.