Justin86's Followers
Andrew S Andrew40
I've been playing video games since the NES days. I'm also into anime on my spare time (Blu-ray, Netflix, Crunchyroll). I wish I was more active at Miiverse, however in this current era we live in, there are so many games. I wish I have the time to play them all. Anyways, I'll miss miiverse since I don't use social network at the moment. Maybe I'll just dl Miitomo soon.
JD 3 cowboydog20033
Link Flashwing52
Hello Whats your favorite game to play? Mine is (for 3ds) 1. legend of zelda ocarina of time 2.super mario 3d land 3.Super Smash bros. 4.pokemon Y ( even though I've only played X :)) And for console (ps4) 1.star wars battlefront (I'm so excited for the second game) 2.Injustice 2 Oh I almost forgot, I love Kingdom Hearts. I have a new motto which is ICCUB try and figure what it stands for
KirbyDxFan jean212
Jàck JackFromYoutube
hi im am from youtube so my name is jack and im am 8 years old so i was born new orleans to ocala on 2012 so i really like games and be explore events!
Λ ƒoııошεг YourFollower
Welcome Bienvenido Bienvenue Karibu Bem vinda Добро пожаловать Benvenuto gratissimim Welina Herzlich willkommen
Ànt ianlucca2
noot noot noot hi guys welcome to back another miiverse but i hope you guys have good post and great time noot noot noot! glasses and kind of crazy and super fun and miiverse my best friends autmaton and daniel! but be cool and dont be mean or block me have fun on miiverse mom and dad is my awsome parents hve good time on miiverse
Midna yoshiandmario08
Hey guys it's me, Mordy. So some thing 'bout me: -I LOVE Undertale -I only have 8 IRL friends (But I make it work.) OCS Name: Mordecai Wears: Orange jersey and jeans. Notes: Mordecai is nice and laid-back but fierce when he needs to be. He was born with teleportation, healing, and shape shifting.
Diego Turron1
lol jajaja me gustaria ser buestro amigo
Maria maria4373
Yeah that post please ↑ Hello, I'm annoying! Obsessions: Queen, Zelda, GMM, VenturianTale, Splatoon, Roger Taylor <3 Siblings:6 Dogs:3 Homeschooled. Catholic. Crush: EVERYONE IN QUEEN #FreddieForLife! (I really like Queen.) Give RobiN!! A follow! Favorite Queen member: John Dea con! (Deaky) Roblox: CrazyDogLasy I'll miss you!! Deaky's dancing gives me the will to live.
GhostEthan AffableMan
Hi everyone!LegendaryDodongoBuster here.I am LDS, aka Mormon.If you have questions about that, you can ask anytime.I love Miiverse because I love talking about my favorite Nintendo franchise, LoZ!I love Smash Bros, Shovel Knight, and Splatoon!I like Navi, so there.I missed opportunities for woomy times.See ya at the miiverse migration or at the Haven.Lets make the most of our time. *Playing BotW*
Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
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munu asimmonds5
hello glad to see you. im munuand i love to draw i donnt go on miverse a whole lot but i love it. :]
Thomas buttface220
hey my name is Thomas i like link and pokemon games i own a wiiu and soon a 3DS and please please follow me
AL PepsiAl
I'm basically someone who happens to love Video Games (doesn't matter if it's by Nintendo or not), Literature, and Television. I also like partaking in discussions, whether it be a debate, theory or a simple conversation. The more civil the discussion, the better. I also would love to draw something. But I (unfortunately) don't have the skills or resources necessary to do that.
JohnnyTLP HyrulesFinalHope
It's been fun, Miiverse. Allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to all of those that have yeah'ed and commented on my posts and articles. Thank you to all of my friends, followers, and fellow gamers for the amazing memories! To quote Fire Emblem: Awakening: "May we meet again in a better life."
Joshua Mammotharmored
mackenzie mcarthur1235
hector chaps01
hello everyone
Timothy THockeyChamp1
Hey! What's up?
Zach bollmanzachery
Hi my name is zach i am 20 years old i play XBOX 360,XBOX ONE, NINTENDO 3DS and some PC games i hope i can be playing Nintendo Switch soon i am saving up money to get one
mikey ClausenMA
recycle people recycle hey its mikey here 10 years old legend of zelda is my favorite #savemiiverse nintendo whyyyy
9lo7h 9loo7h
I love zelda the waker .... and i dont now what i do
cameron natjace15
Wasup peeps cam here (AKA: minerr555) I play LOZ OOT 3D and it is definitely recomended for those who don't have. I also play Mario Maker so go check out my levels. I like pizza, LOZ, mario, anime, manga ( mostly YuGiOh ), and YuGiOh cards. ps. I have blue eyes, blue eyes alternative, dark magician girl, and odd eyes phantom. pss. #followmeefollowerses
Bennikobra b20e06n
Hallo leute herzlich willkommenbei menem Profil danke das ihr mir folgt und wen ihr mir nicht folgt dan folgt mir bitte ihr werdet viel spaß haben ich poste jeden tag auser wen ich krank . Jetzt kommt eine kleine info ubr mich. Name Benikobra in echt Ben Alter 11 Klasse 5 Bester freund dani Deutsch ★★★★★ Englisch ★★ Tahiland ★★★
Aubs TheNerdyNerd64
I am a nerd!!! MAY THE NERDS RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SquidKid Ryad2706
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iam.Calix™ saharaaa.28
John revjhp3
Dougal Phillipjhood
vbg iluminati789
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raji moshegrier1977
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Tomás tombrujo
Recently became a TF2 fan, I´m not that good at it, but is so addictive.
Bro BroEch2005
Just playing games, and loving life, if you wanna be friends just send a request, my favorite cartoons include but r not limited to: DBZ-Super , DBZ-Kai (Final Chapters), but I kinda like Naruto - Shippento <--Spelling might be wrong. I would love to have a few friends to just watch and talk to sometimes even Game With, thats about all, O yeah Zelda:Breathe of the Wild is badass! I have 99 Shrines
τεςςα↓ qwerty3645
hi my name is tessa and i am a big zelda fan i also love splatoon!If you follow me i will follow you! My favorite zelda game is oot and my favorite tv show is the flash. My favorite food is pizza!I don't do wii u chat! A shoutout to princess and Random guy and last but not least sps kayla and jayden! follow all of them!
ÐαЯк ςτĄя VIDarkStarIV
i love anime alot. i also love nightcore, my favorite band is demon hunter. i really love miiverse, i love talking to all of you guys, i will follow as many of you guys as possible, and i hope i get alot of followers too. i actually live in the united states, not the virgin islands. i'll miss all of you when miiverse ends.
Just your average gamer! I left at 3/3/17. But it seems the BotW hype is wearing off... So I'm back! The LoZ is my favorite videogame franchise EVER, and I like hanging out in the Zelda community. (SS is my fave Zelda game.) I never post innapropriate stuff because the CoC should be followed! I am also a Christian and really like chatting with other friendly people! Especially about Zelda!
cupcake<3 haleyb2005
hey guys im haley heres a few things you should know about me: im cool, taken, sweet, funny, weird, crazy, my birthday is july the 1, i like to play LOZ all the time, and in my crazy world bear~bear is life and none of you can change that! thats all for now bye-bye #save miiverse spread the word
oct Aidan xbomb795
yo stuff about me I love to play Zelda I've met Morgan Freeman I love Portal :] I love pizza im currently playing: dragon quest VII(3ds) wind waker(gamecube) Dota 2(pc :P) also I like the harry potter and hobbit/lord of the rings movies
ii_Luv_$$$ nufan3382
Wii U is addictive.... ^.^
I have been a Nintendo fan for about 25 years and that will never change. My favorite series is T...
I have been a Nintendo fan for about 25 years and that will never change. My favorite series is The Legend of Zelda, which I have played for 17 years now. I am also a huge anime fanatic.
Some other Nintendo franchises that I enjoy are Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Fire Emblem, and Super Smash Bros.