fi's Play Journal

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User's Nintendo Network ID: Kahunaroyale

Minecraft: Wii U Edition


14 hours ago

buy everybody it was good known all of u but fi will come back 4 revenge

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14 hours ago

let's save miiverse!!!

Minecraft: Wii U Edition


03/26/2017 2:04 PM

u well not directory me

Minecraft: Wii U Edition


03/25/2017 3:54 PM

please do not het me deedee

Minecraft: Wii U Edition


03/20/2017 8:24 PM

i like yoy

Minecraft: Wii U Edition


03/16/2017 9:05 PM

i got uh crush on you dave101

Minecraft: Wii U Edition


03/01/2017 6:52 PM

dave101 come to my world